Herloo People ♥:] Miss me?! Just back from cinema babeh! Super tired today! IDK why :( Once I think tomorrow need to attend the two stupid tutorial class and then I'm tired and sleepy -.- Purposely go for the class ..one tutorial class at the early morning and one at the afternoon..Break 5 hours! what am I gonna to do on that 5 hours tomorrow? Gosshhh..
Watched X-men just now and KungFu Panda2 on Wednesday♥ :) Opps That's really super nice..I think I'm kinda desperate for movie recently! dude to my mood after my final exam :D Woooootz! Time to relax and enjoy my life before I'm busy with my assignment and tutorial -.-

Okie! Back to the topic! Did you guys went to the Bazaar♥yesterday? hmmm..How about Today? :) Yesterday I went to the Bazaar on KDU which near Jaya One..and bought few things from there♥ :D
Lens case, Necklace ,Bracelets and two clothes from pretty bloggers :D I'm totally in love and enjoy at there cause a lot pretty and sexy girl at there..Love them and I visited my friends which open booth at there ♥:)
Ignored my pig face -.- Planned to reach our destination at 2pm but the weather is damn stupid -.- RAIN then Traffic jam! That's why I'm late and didn't really shopping today! not even window shopping..$$ please drop from sky please♥ :( I bought an Iphone cover..That's really super duper cute! Babypink♥ !
Oh..from now on...WHITE Iphone4 is available @ Digi ♥.. Yea..I planned to sign a contract with Digi :) I counted from all maxis , digi and others! Guess what everyone keep asking me the same thing which i already wrote on my previous post..The nail polish set I bought it from Etude House! I already mention in the post but i wonder why people still asking me..But try to think !
About the nail polish..The best nail polish I bought is from OPI♥! I asked from outside the price normally is RM45-RM50..And today i bought it at RM39.90 ..I think it is consider exp already but this is the cheapest price I get!
BabyPink again :D nail polish code is : Pink-ing for you NL S95♥..That's S 95 :) Just tell the seller to get you a S95 then you can get the same colour nail polish like mine..Teehee♥..
Picha of the day ♥:D
That's All for today :) Wail for my next post about cosmetic tutorial :D Bye love ♥
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