Herloo Babies ♥:) I'm so Happy to be in this world...Thanks god I'm alive until today♥..I hope everyone around me can be more and more happy..I'm joining Viva La Bazaar @ V1 next Sunday :) If you're interested, Do come to visit us on that day! Welcome all of you♥:) Planned to sell some french nail's things on that day and all my clothes..
Opps forgot to upload this :) Nice nice right? and delicious♥..Mua Brother and Mr.Kitty Love it so much :D But this really take my time to bake it :'( Thanks god ..Casey♥ was besides me that time..If not the cupcake wont be like this! Will be more and more worse! I'm going to get an oven soon♥..Saving money and get one after this month!

I'm so happy cause just done my Quiz yesterday but still have a lot assignment waiting me to done it :'( That's University Life..Lucky I still got time to hang out with all my friends...Photo Shooting session with them..Meet some new friends, miss Kitty and chat with my dear Lyvia♥ :) Same as last time! I freaking love the photo they took! The photo's outcome is exactly what I want.. Really Appreciate it♥ :) Love you guys!
I know I'm not good in posing..I'm not as good as other people :) But I'm trying my best to be that 'pretty' inside the photo you guys took! Really Thanks! Next time I married remember our promise :P BE My private photographer! TEEHEE♥..
Skip to another topic :) One of my sweetie♥ start an online business which need you guys to support them :) Like their page..They need your attention ! I love the clothes they selling now! Definitely I will grab some for myself too ! Some info about their page♥ Noiseout
Noise Out carries the meaning of promoting a lifestyle attitude; Having own lifestyle, including a person’s lifestyle quality and their own attitude towards their own fashion style. Noise out’s fashion style is more towards simple and daily life wears. We emphasize on characters and own style of clothing to show their own personal qualities.
We understand that online shoppers always face the problem that the product is different from the one that ordered. That’s why we search from country to country, state to state and help all girls to pick the best clothes that suits them the best and gets the best quality of clothes. Soon our manager will go to Taiwan, Thailand and others shopping paradise, to find better and affordable clothes source to get the latest trendy clothes for you guys. We also have our own creative designed T-shirts in the future, so please stay tuned to our website.
Any dissatisfactions and enquiries please do leave comments on our website. We will improve from your kindly comments to be better and also provide all girls a reliable shopping website. Thank you.
Noise Out 主张生活态度- Attitude。属于自己的一套生活态度,包括生活素质以及自我风格时尚态度。Noise Out的时尚风格趋向简单以及生活化的服饰,强调性格和自我风格的衣物,让每个女生能够展现出自己的个人特质。
我们深知网上购物所面对的问题,"货不对板"往往是购买者懊恼的原因之一。 于是,我们都会到各国各地为女生们精挑细选,为女生们不断寻求更合适的衣服,唯求可以获取品质最好的货源。
We understand that online shoppers always face the problem that the product is different from the one that ordered. That’s why we search from country to country, state to state and help all girls to pick the best clothes that suits them the best and gets the best quality of clothes. Soon our manager will go to Taiwan, Thailand and others shopping paradise, to find better and affordable clothes source to get the latest trendy clothes for you guys. We also have our own creative designed T-shirts in the future, so please stay tuned to our website.
Any dissatisfactions and enquiries please do leave comments on our website. We will improve from your kindly comments to be better and also provide all girls a reliable shopping website. Thank you.
Noise Out 主张生活态度- Attitude。属于自己的一套生活态度,包括生活素质以及自我风格时尚态度。Noise Out的时尚风格趋向简单以及生活化的服饰,强调性格和自我风格的衣物,让每个女生能够展现出自己的个人特质。
我们深知网上购物所面对的问题,"货不对板"往往是购买者懊恼的原因之一。 于是,我们都会到各国各地为女生们精挑细选,为女生们不断寻求更合适的衣服,唯求可以获取品质最好的货源。
Everyone start to have their own business :'( where's mine?! Hmmmm...
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