Beautiful & Precious moments in 2012 ♥
31 December 2012
HAPPY NEW YEAR in advance to all my beloved sweeties & readers ♥ Guess most of you already done your preparation for it! Any plan tonight? I think most of you already dress up nicely or maybe on the way to meet someone and celebrate this special day with them~ For those who are still here & reading this post consider celebrating this special day with me :P
I cancelled all my plan today after my class because I'm not feeling well ! FLU! FLU ! FLU! I took some medicine and whole body feel so lazy to move so what can I do now?! Nothing else :P It's blogging time♥! As usual, every last day of the year we will try to think back what we did on that year and flashback of everything happened within that year! (start to think...)
Compare to previous year I think I should write an summary of it! HAAHAHAH not consider as a summary because this gonna be a super long post for me! Last post before 2013♥ okie?! Hmmmm.. too many things in my mind now! There are too much too share with your guys! Flashback with that, I guess my 2012 is a very beautiful and precious memories for myself so far :3 How about you sweeties♥♥?
So here's some precious moment happened and took quite a huge energy for me to make it happen :') Although it seems like nothing to you but each of them changed my life , my thinking or maybe perspective . HAHAAHAH Especially for me this poor little girl ..what I want ..what I hope ..EVERYTHING.. I need to use my own energy and money to make it happen! Some might think that's really easy but it's not as easy as you think. Not easy to earn money , not easy to be a good student , not easy to work in group , not easy to deal with customer , not easy to many many many thing!!! especially for stupid people like me @@
Lesson learned from so so so many things! I learned & met some good friends , good customer and at the same time some bad net friends as well! But everything that happened make a brand new CHANWON♥♥:) TEEHEE* I'm so happy to meet all of you no matter how much you love me or hate me :) but better don't hate me pls ♥♥♥♥>3<
You can click on the blue color underline link for further reading :P
#1♥♥ So the most precious moments in 2012 rank 1 :P will be my Taiwan trip ! I planned quite a long time and never visit any place before that! So this is my first trip♥♥in my life and ++ first sister trip with Bobo too :) HAAHAH both of us purposely cut the same hairstyle during the trips! I remember that time both of us still not really close to each other and we suddenly crazy and planned for the trip 2 months before we go! OMG
So many things happen during our first trip together and people at there really damn friendly :) Of course will visit taiwan again next year ! Will extend to be a 1 month trip at there! AHHAAHAH PLANNING ~ Need money to make it happen :) Thanks Bobo for the accompany and thanks for the sponsorship for our homestay :3 Read more about my taiwan trip♥♥ :P (refer to my label -Taiwan Trip 2012 tips & sharing )
#2♥♥Other than taiwan trip I had visited and spent quite a lot on FOOD! I went to Poco , Dreamz bakery , Uncle Jang , TWG & etc!! Too much food and post to link with but I guess most of you already tried :P I love food and some special kind of cafe! I think no one hate it!! still love macaroons and crazy about PASTEL COLOR! Lol
Did many crazy things too! Dance Oppa Gangnam Style while photo shooting with two nice & friendly photographer and facebook start to have oppa gangnam style kind of photo shooting and videos! Lol
#3♥♥ Still involved in many diff kind of photo shooting but this year just join as my hobby and start to try something new and involved in some boutique @ online shopping kind of shooting with new photographer :)
Besides that, I still remember out of those 20 photographers 1 of them keep on blaming my stupid rabbit teeth! Said it's really ugly and make my expression look so weird ! and he can't choose any nice photo because of my teeth..Showing me all those photo with my teeth and try to tell me how ugly it is :'( I can't take it but now I accepted it and I still love my rabbit teeth! My rabbit teeth turn to be ugly when I didn't smile ! GOD WANT ME TO SMILE MORE AND BE HAPPY that's why god gave me that rabbit teeth and it turn ugly when I didn't smile♥♥! LOL a good reason now! HAAHAHAH 安慰 MYSELF !
#5♥♥ Save money , earn money , blogging , business , class , exam ...Sometime feel so lifeless :'( Didn't get to buy anything I love or things on my wishlists !Hoping things fall down from the sky :P But after those lifeless day and night finally I spent a lot at the end of the year! AHAHAHH Usually I can save up all my money without shopping every month but end of the year I must use partly of it! Everything I bought used my own savings I hope I can get sponsored from my parents too :P AHAHAHAH but it motivate me work harder to get something I like. Earn money by my own and seriously the feeling of getting the thing I love with myself is really Unforgettable!
Both of my mom and dad treat me like a male than a female -.- Because I'm the oldest in my family ! Nobody can teach me what to do when I'm hopeless or helpless. I need to figure out myself :'( Cried at night when so stress , get mad when dealing with weird customer ...Nobody knows that! No matter how, I still need to wake up by myself and be HAPPY on the next morning!
It's very touching when I know that both of my parent feel proud of me. It means a lot a lot for me! Fyi, some of the parent never praise or say something good of their children in front of people. Both of my parent act like that too :S I don't know why.. I remember I'm very stupid in my academic and get a very cacat result in my PMR and my brother is much more smarter than I. My mom keep on praise my bro and I got nth. Even relative told my mom that I'm pretty good in dressing up and stylist myself / make up my mom will told them it's useless and said that I look like 'chicken' when wearing make up -.- I think I look like japanese and I love to wear white dress she say it's ugly.
I never ever hear them praise me in front of relative. I'm stupid seriously. My PMR result not so good because I expected to have 5 As but end up ! I cried and I know my tuition teachers and my parents disappointed on me. My relative laugh me. My family is not so rich so some of them love to compare when I'm just a kids until when I grow up more I realize that only one thing I can do to make my parent feel proud of me! That's STUDY WELL, STUDY SMART , INDEPENDENT , NEVER LOOK DOWN ON myself!
I study on that and choose my own way never depend on what others think about me! Never bother about what people think of me. Just do what can I do! STUDY..So get a good result in SPM and get into MMU,Cyber successfully study until now my Bachelor Degree Year 2 :) My mom and dad so happy that I can enter and get into MMU but seriously damn stress! I get PTPTN loan from MMU and I'm gonna study hard and smart so that my dad and mom wont waste their energy for my education.
But still both of my parent never praise me :O Until this month I get know from my mom that my dad praise and both of them feel proud of me. Maybe it's nth for you but I very care about that! Because they are the reason why am I here and talking crap with you guys! xD Lol..
Thanks so much for everyone of you! Thanks for the help ! Thanks sooo much! Millions thanks to you guys! All of you made who am I today♥! Thanks to my dearest mom , dad , bro , Kitty , dear lyvia , flowers , my babe and friends in my life and university life ! I love you guys!
#6♥♥ Get what I want -Wishlists Clear-

First Branded Bag- Carlo Rino

Iphone4 gave my bro and bought myself a black Iphonr5

An Ipad for myself! Easier to carry around and read note hopefully :P

A good DSLR with nice filter for blogging - Sony Nex F3
#7♥♥ Met many many new friends!
All friends get into a group together become Flowers♥♥ :P
#8♥♥ BFF & FAMILY & BF. get closer and closer!

My secondary friends , my dear Lyvia <3 You all are so important to me!

My Mr.Kitty <3 The best listener and driver :P

Thanks for the answer supplier Charlotte <3 Gfs in University life and you guys :) Thanks forever alone driver Wen Jian please don't always simply text girl and chase them! Need to choose the true and the only one as your gf and for those who interested on HIM please text me! He need a gf so badly!

My mom :)

My bro <3

My dad <3
Thanks god for making everything good to me :) Don't be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have . Time to move and take action to make things happen♥!
I'm really EXITED about things that are going to happen in 2013♥♥!!! I'm looking forward on it! Love, xoxo.♥♥♥ That's my beautiful and precious moments in 2012~ How about you?
Product Review for MIVVA Box♥
29 December 2012
Hey Hey sweethearts♥ :3 Just get a new phone for myself and it's almost end of year 2012 !!! I can't wait for 2013 & I think it should be a new beginning for everyone of us~ Am I right♥? Before that I still owe you all a product review of the MIVVA Box! Finally I'm able to tried each of the product from♥! Teehee~
[To read the previous blog post about MIVVA Box click :]
I'm really so exited on it and finally I'm able to share this review with you ..sweeties♥:) Wooohooo for your information I tried all the products in today! HAAHAHAH Step by step♥ and I'm really satisfied with the result and outcome from all of the products I got from
#1 Bio-Essence Deep Exfoliating Gel with ATP♥ 30g (Full Size = RM65.90/60ml) :
Previously I didn't really care so much on how to remove dead cells on our face effectively but after I read some beauty magazines and I realize that it's really important for us to do so! Each 1-2 weeks time we need to use some product to remove the dead cells on our face rather than just wash your face everyday. This Bio-Essence product did a very good job on my face! It help me to get a bright skin and of course remove all the dead skin cells on my dirty face! Its effectively and thoroughly removes dead skin cells without causing any abrasion to the skin and at the same time providing nutrient to the skin. Used this before you apply any facial cleansing foam every 1-2 weeks. The form of the deep exfoliating gel is so gentle and it contain Bio Energy Fluid, Bio Mineral Essence, Royal Jelly and other precious herbal extracts.
Fall in love with the result and before this I actually used another exfoliating gel but it almost finish. So I guess it's time for me to grab a new one! Teehee wait me finished this first~
#2 PRIVIA Perfect Pure Cleansing Foam♥ (Full Size = RM43/180ml) :
Yeap yeap! Is turn for this Privia Perfect Pure Cleansing Foam with fine and rich foam with natural ingredient and amino coat ingredient, it keeps your skin soft and silky, removes keratin, reduce skin problems and reaches deep into the pores to remove dirt and dead cells. i tried it on my face this morning and I can't take photo with it because my hand and face get wet ,I can't open my eye and can't one hand snap with my own :'( Borrow someone's hand for me pls!
So I put some on my hand and try to mix with a little water! Very fast change to bubble form and I can feel so fresh on my face after that~ It just like others cleaning foam but this is slightly more gentle form of bubble and the smell so nice :3 Hehe
#3 ORIKS Collagen 703 Crystal Cream, 3ml♥ (Full Size = RM218/30ml) :
After the cleansing foam I applied my hada labo toner and moisturizer then wait for 2-3 mins to let my face absorb all the skincare product~Next I applied this Collagen 703 Crystal Cream. It come with 3 capsules and I'm so careful tear off one of it :P this is apparently a collagen with complex vitamins which aims to improve skin’s moisture while increasing moisture in the skin as well as increase skin’s elasticity and radiance. It make my face stay moisture all the day! I wanna share this with my mom I guess she need this more ~
#4 HEME Genius BB Cream SPF28 PA++, 15ml♥ (Full Size = RM75.90/40ml)♥ :
I tried this long time ago but I used the blue color one! This orange color is for normal or combination skin! I guess I bought the wrong one last time -.- I don't know diff skin type have to choose diff color! Lol I remember I just grab one of those color! HAAHAHAH
[I'm going out for shooting later :P So I'm gonna continue this and tried on the BB cream] *Wink*
I really work well on improve and cover skin's imperfection!It help me to create a flawless and radiant look. I can selca more on that! HAHAAHAHAH I love baby skin~ In addition , it also provide everyday UVA/UVB protection, whitening and skin repair.
I tried it on my face it can keep my face oil free within 4-6 hours in outdoor but after that my skin turn to be a little bit dull! :'( Guess I sweat too much and the stupid weather ! But I'm still love how it works on my skin! BB Cream is a must for a daily basic make up routine ~
#5 Stage The Last Expert ♥ (RM25~RM38) :
It's a need for us to have diff type of fake eyelashes! It will enlarge your eye and look innocent in some way :P HAHAAHHAAH I always hope to have a big eyes with thick double eyelid but I only have it when I'm wearing a fake eyelashes~ I'm always want to try diff kind of fake eyelashes and I guess this is abit too obvious for me so I decided to wear it in a way of cut each of the eyelashes into 2 mini pieces and stick it at the end of my eyelid :)
This is how it look like :) For those who prefer not to have a obvious fake eyelashes you can actually DIY your own by cutting it into small mini pieces and stick it on the end of your eyelid to create a longer eye look! This is what usually I do when I'm not so confident when using a obvious kind of fake eyelashes :P It can make your fake eyelashes look more natural and longer your eyes! Teehee~
AHHAHHAHA I love my make up today :P Thanks the eyelashes! it work so well on me :3
#6 Di Palomo Wild Fig Grape Enriching Hand & Nail Cream♥ (full size=RM59/75ml) :OMG!! I never ever think of MIVVA include a hand and nail cream for us! It's so surprise! Seriously this is the most <3 item in the box! It smell sooooooooooooooooooooooo nice! Smell so sweeeeeet~ I can't really explain in words but seriously RECOMMEND you this! OMG! It's a blend of Fig & Grape extracts.
See my expression! Smell so nice :3 love to the max♥♥♥♥!
Other than those beauty product I'm really surprise with the make up pouch! I would like to have the pink one but I got the black one :'( But never mind I'm gonna use it very long time and I guess black color TAHAN LAMA! :3 Lol
I''m really appreciate and thanks for the opportunity to tried all the products and get this MIVVA BOX! This definitely surpassed my expectation of MIVVA :) You guys did a very good job on that! ♥♥♥Hearts for you Mivva :P
Now my expectation get higher! I really can't wait to get the next mivva box!! Oh yea~♥♥!! GOGOGO and get your MIVVA box too :3
So what you think of this MIVVA BOX♥?
Instagram - Follow & Unfollow ♥
24 December 2012
Herloo Sweeties♥♥!! Short update today :) I'm gonna share with you this InstaFollow♥ apps which I accidentally found it on apple apps store when searching for instagram apps for my Ipad! This apps is just a simple apps to track or check your instagram followers ! For instance, who is your new followers? you followed someone but he/she haven follow you back ? and the last one is the most important and awkward issue when using instagram. Which is who followed you and UNFOLLOW you!
Oppss!! I'm not really interested about it until I found this apps and figure it out myself how USEFUL♥of it and of course for stranger if he/she unfollow me I wont be so concern about it :S One main reason is I don't know who you are and don't expect me to follow you back if you just want to gain follower ! They all like to play with the follow & unfollow button :S I wonder why?!
Few mins ago , xxxx followed you♥.. After 3 mins later or maybe after a day , xxxx UNFOLLOW !
OMG! You expect everyone of us check our notification every 3 mins or maybe every 1 hour? Notification can't show you followed sometime due to the limitation of instagram's notification @@ so we don't even know about that :'( then someone might come to our profile frequently to check our update and keep playing with follow & UNFOLLOW! OMG That's really weird but still not the most weird part of that :X
The most awkward time is when someone you know in real life and he/she met you before but you still not so close to her . So what he/she did? Those people like to follow you and keep check your update and + photo in your instagram and maybe few days/hours/mins later he/she UNFOLLOW you :S
So, everyone of us expect people we followed, follow us back? Or you just like the feature of instagram by clicking follow & unfollow few time each day?! It's really annoying and it just like forcing you to FOLLOW that person back :'(
Not following someone didn't means anything for us actually but FOLLOW then UNFOLLOW again will be a problem to most of us (I guess) :P I guess most of us tried follow & unfollow someone but IT'S OKIE! Please don't followed for 1 mins then UNFOLLOW immediately :O We know it actually..
So from now on, don't expect too much on it :) Don't expect people to follow you back and keep on repeating the same thing which is follow then Unfollow again ~ Because we got apps to track on it :P HAHAHAHA and this apps is FREE ! Others similar apps might need to pay for it :D
Lesson learned , Don't simply follow & Unfollow your friends and expect people to follow you back! It's awkward and I'm thankful to those who followed me since I own an account on Instagram♥ Love , xoxo
It's still ur choice to follow and unfollow someone but make sure that he/she don't know ya *wink* Teehee❤ ⚫〰⚫
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