♥20120422♥ Short Updated*
23 April 2012
Herlooo Lovely♥ :3 I know what you thinking right now..Lol the photo above doesn't look like me because having a photo shooting today which need a thicker make up..So how was it? Tutorial?How good if i got Macbook! Their video editor and web cam seems like So Nice!I can just do any tutorial as i like then :P
So back to the topic! Having photo shooting again! With a bridal white long dress but i just realize that it's not easy to walk with that .____. so thick + so hot + sweating like hell + spiders and ants everywhere! I'm shock ! There're so many nyamuk :( K.O for everyone there! But had a blast with them again !

Some of the photo we took..This is really take time to edit i think cause the background is kinda hard to capture ..especially the angle ..My hair actually is curl then less than an hour become straight again ..Even i used whole bottle of the hair spray also..LOL

Kidding me I'm wearing 12-inch high and tall heel to this place ..I can't imaging how can i walk with this then today presentation whole leg pain like hell -.- I cant even stand with a pair of heel !OMG I'm really a pro..I planned to wear sport shoe on the shooting day but when shooting with the bridal dress it look so weird and I'm so short inside the mirror therefore I'M CRAZY and bring only a pair of heel and walk all around the mountain and place ..Lol
Sweating like hell with a thick make up :(( My curl all drop lucky still manage to capture few nice photos! Thanks again for all the photography buddy and Mr. Kitty! He got competition before the day and he's freaking tired but still wake up by his own at 6am in the early morning ..Fly from Subang to my house fetch me again to meet all the photographers! At the same time we all K.O after the shooting !
Thanks again to everyone of you ♥ :) I really can't wait for the photo ! This week will be so tired for me..Today done with one presentation and then need to prepare another 2 presentation on this coming wednesday and thursday! God bless me! Finals coming too !
Love you guys! Xoxo♥
15 April 2012
Morning mua sweetheart ♥ :3 I'm suppose to be there on my bed but I just suddenly wake up by myself without any alarm @.@ I'm still abit blur but something make me mad yesterday :'( I just realize having a business is not that easy when come with many order and buyers! Suppose I'm just selling some girl's beauty product then come out with baseball jacket OAO'' but if you're my friends you know I'm crazy for the baseball jacket and I KNOW..some of you might be the same too!
Everything run smoothly :) I'm lucky cause I take my own risk for you my lovely customer and I'm glad all ready stock sold ♥! At first I thought if i can't manage to sell it all because CLOTHES is really hard to sell but REALLY feel happy when all of my babies jacket sold :) It's really have some hard moment for me after i sold out all the ready stock..People asking is there any Pre-Order available.. it take some time for me to think of it and FINALLY i'm decided to have pre order for that batch!
Earning money is not that easy :) I'm a responsible seller for sure! I wont sell anything which is BAD and LIE you! I'm honest because i don't wanna break my own reputation! I'm not kidding ! There're something you might don't know about us..When I started my first batch pre order everyone is just so kind :) Customer nice to me ofcourse i will be twice nicer than them! That's me as a seller..But still not satisfied with some irresponsible buyers! When i said that the pre order will closed this Saturday then each of those irresponsible buyers answer me 'CAN! SURE! NO PROBLEM'
okie ! Then when it come to due date..I'm the one who wasting my time ,money, energy to sms / inbox / call them OAO This is why I'm mad! But still okie ..Besides this kind of customer got some more terrible! They don't even give you a damn on it..Not even reply on your msg or fb OAO [Mad x2] .. As a seller I'm suppose to be MORE CRUEL to my customer but I wont..I control myself and ask for twice after 1 week ! Still not yet reply -.- They can throw their phone and their fb away! The third thing which happen for me is THEY CANCEL their ORDER[Mad x3] !
At first they ask me..Oh chanwon..please please i want that..this..and that..seriously i want it badly..Can you just let me order even it's closed ! They even make me feel so bad if i'm not helping them..So I'M SO STUPID and BULLSHIT !!! I accepted their order but UNTIL NOW I don't even get their reply :'( At least you wanna cancel then give me a msg on it..DON'T DON'T REPLY ME please!
Another one more worst ! The buyers turns back and put a blame on me .____. said i'm not suppose to order her stuff cause she haven make any payment for me..YES! SHE'S RIGHT! I wont do this again..So i'm gonna be a irresponsible seller like them and I don't even let you guys know I got order your stuff or not..I just simply cancel the order if you no yet done your payment..OH GOD..I'm not that STUPID -.- I ask for it ..ask whether you're confirm anot only order and those BUYERS promise me to bank in within this 2 day! That's why I'm order[Mad x4] !
Besides this, I'm glad I still got a lot nice buyers..Really appreciate to you guys♥ :) they bank in for me on time..Any reason or something happened they will sms inform me..I afraid I forgot to make your order even you didn't pay a single sen for me to order your stuff! ARE YOU kidding me!!! I'm really angry and start to getting mad when someone break promise to me..
You got your phone ..You got my phone no.! You got fb and MY fb why don't you just use your hand to call or msg me..Is that really hard for you to use your hand?! I'm really not understand..
If i'm a buyer..If I can't bank in on time i will always give a msg to my sellers! This is what we call RESPECT..THIS IS ETHICS AND MORALE! This is what I learned to be a responsible person in the world! I'm always try to calm down myself ! CHILL CHILL -.- but always useless when I not yet get their response OAO'''
What i want to say is just...
Don't ever place any order if you're not free to make the payment
Don't ever break your promise to a seller when she trusted on you!
If any emergency happened [can't bank in..wallet lost...etc] PLEASE REMEMBER TO contact the seller..
Don't even blame on seller if that's your fault!
I'm really try my best to serve them as a customer ~ I had really try my best but still i'm disappointed with some buyers..You know..actually many others sweeties still can order the jacket but because of your irresponsible they can't even gain my trust..I'm really afraid same thing happen on me again..So I'm so afraid ask them to confirm to me...Like so weird i keep on asking''are you sure you want?can you bank in on time? etc etc etc" I really hope if you're not able to make the payment then at least inform us! is that okie? :'(
Really learned so many experience this few week when i started my mini business..Even some of the friends on fb which got their own shop actually but they purposely ask for my price then for their own advantages..Some is more worst I don't wanna mention too much cause I think it's their freedom I can't control them just take it easy :)
Get a lot feedback again..many people asked me is there any pre order again? Hmmm..I'm thinking :( I really doesn't like to rush for the payment for you guys..So, give me some time to think of it okie?
PS: sorry for the long long post -.- As a blogger I'm not suppose to post something like this..But just want to get some way for myself to release ..I'm mad -.- TOTALLY !! I'm done with this emo post and i guess I'm happy now?! LOL
GameFest4 @ MMU- Maid Cafe [Photo blogging]
12 April 2012
Herloo everyone :D ♥ Hahaha ! I'm feel so funny when everyone think that I'm cosplayer! Lol :) It's hard to cosplay a character i think but i love those anime :) The character is so cute and Kawaii! But i heard that all of the outfits for cosplayer is a BOOOM! it's expensive and costly to cosplay a character you like! But it's really glad to know all of my new friends :) I saw something new for myself :P
So this post will be a photo blogging :D I will collect every photo from all the photographer and post here :D Hiak hiak! Really thanks a lot for the hard work♥ photographer :D You guys are amazing ! Hhaahaha and of course this will be the only time i can act like YUI but not Chanwon :D It's really damn fun on both day! Started my mid term exam today :'( really miss the day had a blast with all the maids and customers :D
Wah the photographer edit til so dreamy♥ :P But i love it! Thanks Mak :D Okie! are you ready for this photo blogging post? :P
here we go♥!WEEEEE~
Resting time so can take photo xD LOLsee how our Maid Cafe :) *wink~
HAHAHA LOL -.- He's now popular in my blog x)
colour tone of the picture so nice but my pose cacat -.-
真的很久没感觉到那么充实的自己 很开心很自在 没什么烦恼
说说工作的心情~ 就是好像在扮演不是自己的自己
因为我在当天工作的两天是没有认识的人~ 所有的朋友都是当天认识~
原本有些害怕的说! 但是难得我可以不理会功课不理会所有的人当自己
去到陌生的地方当然有所不同 而且我觉得这世界真的很大~
虽然工作真的很累! 脚完全没知觉 而且学校资源不够很多事情都超乎寻常 超乎想象!
虽然有怪怪的摄影师也有怪怪的客人! 但怪得好可爱! 我不知道我在讲什么 :P
但真的! 谢谢你们让我有美好的这几天~ 然后又过着正常的生活! 继续忙>.<
Opps! End of the post with this :D Xoxo! Have a nice day sweeties!
♥20120409♥ MMU GamFest 4 -Maid Cafe
09 April 2012
Herloo sweeties♥ :) Sorry for the late update again..but I'm still so tired now! Muscle damn pain and my leg too :( Last Saturday & Sunday [7/4-8/4] someone invited few of us join a event which is a Maid Cafe O.O At first my mom not really willing to see me with that kind of outfit & some more have soooooo many assignment and presentation need to complete..But someone just told me GO AHEAD ! Lol
I'm seriously damn luck to meet and know all new friends on this few day ! Especially the maid..4 of us need to settle customer , be nice to them! but still because lack of people, we still need to settle all the kitchen stuff but not cooking! We work from the kitchen to the cafe! non stop walking and taking new order.. But it's still ok ! Thanks god i meet SimYing♥ and Mindy♥ too :) Thanks for the transport..Thanks to Simying'sbf Sam :).. we have no experience and without any training ._____. I'm really so afraid and nervous on the first day! but we have some nice and kind customer! Thankssss for you guys :) Without you this event wont be so nice :P
It's fun on the last day :) Although it's just 2 days but i have finally learned and gained some experience :) The clothing is so heavy -.- especially the cute cute dresss and damn hot too! Lucky I'm not sweating like hell on both of the day..But we had met some weird customer! I will always remember their expression..It's fun too when the kids and their parents come into the cafe and feel sooooo surprise♥! HAHAHAHA I'm always lack of motivation to join any event..but i wont regret to join this event but still i'm so busy :( Short semester always make me feel so rush..Exam then assignment then exam again -.-
Hahaha this is really my first time to see all the cosplayer ! First time to work with all new pretty friends! First time to bully all the cosplayer! There're so friendly..I saw many male cosplay Female character but i dunno all the characters name..I do read comic but not anime!) Really appreciate this chance to let me know more about this new world♥ :)This world is really big..not everyone have the chance to know new things and experience it..
The middle one really cacat .____. But his real person is really nice xD friendly and let us bully ! We keep on take photo with him ..How good if i can bring him home to my brother♥:) This is my small memories♥ when my brother and I sitting together when watching this character's movie..It's really unbelievable :P I hope my brother still small and I think he will be happy if can play with this cacat man :P HAHAHAHAHA lol
Don't be surprise with this -.- His breast is actually a water balloon -.- OMG..his dress shorter than us 72932732 times -.- REALLY OMG how dare he is to wear this xD

aaaahhh this girl so pretty! hahaha inside the toilet i can see many many many people changing from the real human to anime ! Lolllll they're brave..
See i'm sweating -.- my hair all wet -.- hate my fringe..hate my oily face! Lol..Still got many photo to upload :P Stay tuned on fb or here :) and thanks so much for everything! Time to go to my classsssssss :D xoxo Bye!

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