Herlooo Lovely♥ :3 I know what you thinking right now..Lol the photo above doesn't look like me because having a photo shooting today which need a thicker make up..So how was it? Tutorial?How good if i got Macbook! Their video editor and web cam seems like So Nice!I can just do any tutorial as i like then :P
So back to the topic! Having photo shooting again! With a bridal white long dress but i just realize that it's not easy to walk with that .____. so thick + so hot + sweating like hell + spiders and ants everywhere! I'm shock ! There're so many nyamuk :( K.O for everyone there! But had a blast with them again !

Some of the photo we took..This is really take time to edit i think cause the background is kinda hard to capture ..especially the angle ..My hair actually is curl then less than an hour become straight again ..Even i used whole bottle of the hair spray also..LOL

Kidding me I'm wearing 12-inch high and tall heel to this place ..I can't imaging how can i walk with this then today presentation whole leg pain like hell -.- I cant even stand with a pair of heel !OMG I'm really a pro..I planned to wear sport shoe on the shooting day but when shooting with the bridal dress it look so weird and I'm so short inside the mirror therefore I'M CRAZY and bring only a pair of heel and walk all around the mountain and place ..Lol
Sweating like hell with a thick make up :(( My curl all drop lucky still manage to capture few nice photos! Thanks again for all the photography buddy and Mr. Kitty! He got competition before the day and he's freaking tired but still wake up by his own at 6am in the early morning ..Fly from Subang to my house fetch me again to meet all the photographers! At the same time we all K.O after the shooting !
Thanks again to everyone of you ♥ :) I really can't wait for the photo ! This week will be so tired for me..Today done with one presentation and then need to prepare another 2 presentation on this coming wednesday and thursday! God bless me! Finals coming too !
Love you guys! Xoxo♥
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