Tutorial♥ New method for applying double eyelid tape (easy method)
30 May 2012
Herlooo Sweety♥ :') I'm always late for the make up tutorial post but before that I'm going to teach you girl how to create a natural double eyelid! I'm a single eyelid girl , sometimes i hate my single eyelid :'( But still I'm very proud for it or maybe love it?!.. Single eyelid doesn't mean you're ugly but if you wanna to create a bigger eye then you need some make up tool for the help :P
You can always choose diff method to make your eye look bigger by using double eyelid tape :) There are many tutorial available with diff method..Included my own tutorial last time [Click here for the tutorial] and today!! I'm going to share a new method on how to apply it to create a larger and bigger EYEs with a nice double eyelid shape~example : like the photo below♥ :3
I'm really glad that you guyss love my product :) I used to share with my classmate and slowly some of them start to purchase double eyelid tape from me! That's almost 4 months ago & NOW I have my own mini business which major in selling double eyelid tape ♥! Thanks for everything :) I feel so happy to have those lovely customer~
I know I look pale here :) But I want to let you know before and after k?! Hhahahah Photo with no make up make myself feel like naked and shy♥ to show my cacat pale face to my readers here..Sorry if I'm ugly but I still love my naked face because it's the true part of me :) I always wear spec with naked face to my class and nobody recognize I'm chanwon♥! HAAHAHAHAH low-profile with that pale face :S Okie..back to topic!!
So yea♥! The method here start with applying your daily eye make up..means mascara + eyeshadow + eyelashes...so on.. Then grab your double eyelid tape with the tool and try to find your double eyelid line on your own~
Korea double side Double eyelid tape from Double Beauty♥..
Stick with the tape by using the eyelid tool :) The position for your eyelid tape will be something similar like this >
Then slowly open your eye and use the tool to adjust your eyelid :) That's all... Why I think this method will be much more easier if compare to the old one? Because it's the last part after you done with your eye make up..and you will be able to get the best position♥of your eyelid..If you use the normal way which put your eyelid tape before you apply your make up the outcome of your double eyelid will be much more smaller..means smaller / thinner double eyelid ! This is from my own observation cause if you apply before make up you can only create a inner double eyelid :D
I'm using the fake eyelashes :D [2nd one]
Let's see the outcome of this method♥ !
Can you see the diff? The awkward moment is when you actually can see both of my eyes which have diff size @.@ seriously ! before and after..lol another photo.......
Spot the diff :) I hope this tutorial really help you because i received many question about how to stick the tape..I already done with the tutorial but still.. some of the sweetie are too lazy to read the tutorial ..Lol how can i use word to let you understand..I guess you need to have some photo as example..So don't ask me again here's the tutorial♥ >w<
obvious enough i guess :x
So after I done with the tutorial..It's selca time :P Which means self capture.. I learned this word from Jane♥.. She told us to use selca now instead of camwhore! So yeaa..remember what is the meaning of selca !
act cute ni! I'm 20 years old now but i still look like.........................argh!
Time to continue my work :3 Thanks for the reading! Kthxbye♥ xoxo
♥20120527♥ Levain & Instaskin
27 May 2012
I like #啊宝色 too :3 Do you but dunno why i look a bit weird in this photo -.- ? Good afternoon sweeties :) How are you today? I'm so tired today and later will heading to Kuchai Lama again to meet my BFF♥! Had few hours photo shooting session with 2 photographer yesterday. Will update all the photos soon but not much photo since it's just few hours! Thanks for the awesome day :)
And Finally I'm able to have a visit @ Levain ♥! Goooshh! I can't stop myself to buy their macarons and breads! Many people have their breakfast at there~ Is a lot.. their environment so warm :) you will definitely feel so comfortable with the environment and decoration at there~ FOR SURE♥! You will love it!
Photos of the Day♥ :
Awesome right? :) Really love the environment so much! Relaxing..Next time wanna go Dream Bakery & Poco @ Damansara ~ But really so far from my house that's why I'm so outdated :'( Why don't they open somewhere near my house♥? lol
Okie! Next will be the INSTASKIN that i just received few days ago from OhOh Shop♥ :3 Click on it then will deliver you to their fb :)
Ps : I have no idea why I always post the link inside the post but still there're some of the people asking me for the link from fb @@
Back to the topic♥! I'm so glad to be a customer from OhOh shop! I'm able to have diff kind of design for my Iphone and now a great news for you guys!! They offer the skin/sticker for Samsung Note and Samsung galaxy♥! All design available for Iphone is now available for other Samsung phone!! What are you waiting for? :P Go and grab it now~
I'm happy with their sticker and they have a customize kind of skin which is INSTASKIN :) They got diff pattern and design which you can choose from their page..Then summit your photos for them and customize your OWN skin and stick it on your phone! Wooohooo! Thanks OhOh shop for the awesome sticker! I'm glad and happy with your service too!
Besides, there're some bad issue happened on ohoh shop! Which is some of their design and their shop's name used by other people! Those people are bad..They sell others sticker which is spoiled and label their sticker said that it's from OHOHSHOP..So what to do after that? It spoiled the name of OHOHSHOP and ohoh received some of the customer complain about those spoil sticker..WHICH actually not from ohohshop!
Sound bad right? Other than that those pasar malam seller told that the sticker is actually from CHINA that's why with those spoiled quality -.- I feel that really unfair to ohoh :( Those pasar malam sell RM10 per piece! So if you're one of the smart customer ..Please do not purchase from them :X because most of the sticker spoiled that's why you can purchase it with a cheaper price ! In addition those seller still charge their customer for the stick on service which help you stick the skin on your phone..OHOH didnt received any payment for that service! OHOH free those service for us as a customer!
I think ohoh shop provided a reasonable price for us :) It's just RM20 for one piece..Sometime they have their promotion even cheaper! Buy 2 free postage! Reasonable i think :) So be a smart consumer do not purchase the spoiled / wrong product from wrong seller !

Best wishes to OHOH SHOP :D 生意兴隆♥
For more information about instaskin you may visit to :
♥20120524♥ Mickey Mouse Through The Years @ Mid Valley
25 May 2012
Awww♥!! I'm so exited now :P I wanna to show you guys all the photos I took today :3 I took almost 300 photos today..ALL MICKEY! with diff design and colour! They're so creative :) So what am I doing today? whole day? shopping?
Today is the first day of this event i think..I have no idea for this..I just went to Mid Valley to meet my buyers and have a look with topshop's pastel colour short pants and also dip dye pants♥! At the same time when i pass by ground floor , I SPOT SOMETHING! MICKEY MOUSE?! thanks god i went there today! I'm not a fans of mickey mouse but you know sometime when the world around you got so many mickey fans you will get influence by them! LOL is that true? i think so LOL
People around me just so crazy..MICKEY MOUSE ALL AROUND ME..goshhh! i think there're more than thousand mickeys♥! So cute..got huge one and tiny one..and I'm like a kid walking all around ..dancing?! LOL and MR.Kitty like @.@ ..then some photographer who really enjoy in their little world then didn't see i'm behind them -.- at the end make myself almost fall down ! Lol...
Lol..The Mickey Mouse beside me seems like attractive than my Mr.Kitty♥ x) So colourful..Each of the mickey is design by someone..I hope to see my own design there too LOL but too bad I'm major in creative multimedia :'( One of my facebook friend from ONE ACADEMY tag me O.O The huge mickey is her design ehhhh~ So proud !
Each of the design got their own label :)This is really cool♥
Can you see how ?! So many people there :P and mickey mouse too!
this is so cute! chocolate mickey :P So i learn to pose like the mickey..but FAIL lol
My eye seems so cacat ._______.
Okie..this was 60% look alike..k?!
THIS 100% ALIKE..HAHAHAHAHAHA CNT SEE -.- I know I'm very high now!! Lol but it's really fun at there.. #likeakids
Ugly eyes without contact lens so I just block it...LOL but the mickey so special! so i decided to post it up :P
Mini Chanwon with Huge Mickey !
So above are all of the photo with my face..Is time to show you the photos which is without my face 1 ! Each of the design got their own unique point..Among all of the design..The one i love the most will be♥~ actually got two!
This and THE PINK one!!! I dunno why i like this the most..really so nice !! Am I right?
I like this so should be another photo for this mini mickey♥ :P
So I just edited half of the photo..because that's really a huge amount for me to upload all of them :) feel free to visit there ! Once in a life you can see SO MUCH mickey mouse with diff design and colour! Even Mr.kitty
So here's the photo!!! MICKEY MOUSE ♥♥♥♥♥:3 I reduce the quality abit here due to the concern of time ! I dont wanna you all to get mad when all of the photo still loading then you getting tired to wait for it :P So hope you dont mind it :)
This is so special too :)
Full with lace! Like it but seems like abit complicated..hmmm~
This mickey duck! HAAHAHAHAHHA so adorable~
Are you kidding me? Kwan? 关公? [one of the god name in chinese culture]
This is so special too :P
I love it eye! AHAHAH [n.n]
Spider mickey!
Don't you think it's cool?! HAHAHAHA So much photo to go :) Guess will upload all of them on my personal blog fb's page :D very soon!
Mickey fans? what are you waiting for! GOOOOOO!
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