Herloo Sweeties :) ♥ Guess it was too late now but I still not yet feel sleepy :P I'm at my dear Lyvia house now! Yipppeee but too bad she got class and lab tomorrow :( The night still long we have so much to talk since few months we didn't meet each other!
Then , she asked me how to tie a braid ! I think all of you love long hair braid ..Me too but so sad my hair really not enough long to make a long nice fishtail braid but I'm here to share some youtube video which is really useful♥ ! I guess most of you actually know how to make a normal braid by yourself but sometime i find out that's really hard for me or maybe you to make a braid for yourself :(
I can do fishtail braid on my own hair but i can't do waterfall braid on my own hair :( I don't know why maybe i need a side mirror @@
This one is a.k.a waterfall braid(but i'm doing the simple one which is Waterfall Braid With A Twist♥) and the first picture of myself is actually a fishtail braid! Still got a lot diff kind of braid i think :P I think the twist waterfall is so much easier if compare to the 3 strand braid :) Try it out sweeties! really fun!
Below are some of the tutorials on YOUTUBE♥.
#♥Fishtail Braid
#♥Waterfall Braid
and the last one! # 5 Strand Braid ♥
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