A little Break for myself ♥ Starbucks @ Cyberjaya
17 July 2012 Jalan Teknokrat 6, Cyber 5, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Herloo sweeties♥ :) How are you doing? I'm really tired to study this few day! Hhahahaha 3 papers on this week & another 3 after the mid-term break! OMG finally done editing all the e-wallpaper and create another blog for assignment! Thanks god I'm a blogger I know everything about blogging if not I think I maybe fail on this subject! Most of the assignment marks fall on multimedia stuff like personal blog , e-wallpaper and so on.. :) Guess I'm so enjoy with this subject but NOT OTHERS!
I'm really thankful because Cyberjaya FINALLY has a nice place to chill up with all my beloved coursemate♥ ! Say YEAHH!! I think most of the student had saw the 'OPENING SOON' since last 2 months ... and it's OPEN NOW!! Besides that it have the DRIVE THRU WINDOW..wtf?! That's was awesome :P But in such a way increase a student spending and decrease the savings LOLx
So yea♥ ..Just drop by there and have a look with the environment..I went there last week and so many people study at there..I never try before cause I think I might not concentrate :x Maybe? should try it out one day! HAAHAHAHAH outdated me
If you got friends work at there then nice :P ask them count you for staff price ! AHAHAHAH i'm just joking..Btw, a lot of student work at there i guess.. So big right the place.. Big enough for us :)
A little short update here and I guess is time to study :'( Tomorrow group study with my coursemate..I'm lazy now.. Can I study tomorrow?! AHAHAHAH
Happy 1Y10M BabeBoy ♥
A Day With NEX-F3 ♥ 20120710
10 July 2012
Herloo Lovely♥ :) I'm so exited now!!! Guess what :P I had a awesome day♥ with all my buddy & my new camera~ As I promise I will update a post about it!!So here's the post about my new camera NEX-F3♥ First time ever got time to try out every function and art filter of the camera and what I can conclude is you WILL NEVER REGRET after bought this camera home! I'm serious and I guess most of you will get attracted by this camera & it's just launch last month! Everyone was like 'OMG..' [I'm also like--- OMG]
So..I guess this must be a long long post with all crap around and story xD ! I work so hard to save money and hope to upgrade my camera, which is Canon G12♥! I bought my Baby G12 last year and the camera is also awesome when SELCA! Because it have a turning screen which can act like a mirror when you're talking photo by your own ...in a simple word is just all about SELCA♥(self capture).. I bought it at a price around RM1650 and the seller not even let me nego the price ! Pricy @@
Besides that I know you guys will ask me why I wanna upgrade it?! I'm still love it so much because this camera is my dream camera [in my wishlist 2011♥] and also half present from my bf! Is just like our baby which recorded and captured every precious moment with my friends, family and him♥..But there're some disadvantages about it ...which is G12 is just a semi pro camera and can't change or apply any lens on it like DSLR :( Pancake lens and etc..All can't apply .. sign*
At first I'm so satisfied with it but when used so long I think semi pro can't satisfied me anymore! I wanna to have something like DSLR..Of course not that kind of big & heavy DSLR..maybe something like Panasonic Lumix Series♥? *wink GF1? GF2 ? GF3? etc...
Since I'm interested in blogging and also as a blogger I hope to show you guys the real environment of some place or maybe a higher quality photo of a object..I find out Canon G12♥ really not enough for me after I used it for 1 year.. G12 is really work well for those girls who like to capture self portrait or some family photo [like me :) as a normal needs for you to purchase a camera ] The function like fisheye / color filter = AWESOME♥..this is also one of the reason why I bought it home with all my saving but When it come to bokeh background or blur blur background with focusing some object..It's show the weakness of having it..
I'm trying so hard to search online and ask for the additional lens but G12 have it own limitation :) So I guess it's time to UPGRADE♥my camera! wink wink*
Then I straightly bought GF3 I never think about others problem i just trying to look for a better camera but ignored what i want :'( ! HAAHAHAA what can i say after i used GF3 is just not really like it because GF3 dont have the turning screen which limit me to shoot more SELCA♥ photo :(
Then i find out that's really a BIG PROBLEM for me having a camera which don't have any turning screen !and that's the REASON WHY I LOOK FOR ANOTHER CAMERA :3 But still the FILTER of GF3 is awesome :) I very like those camera come with diff kind of art filter because I'm so lazy to edit the photo ! AHAHAHAH filter done everything in 1 snap♥♥ :P
So here's some of the blog post I use to update the photo which took by GF3♥:
If you notice , every blog post above the photo is damn nice right? focus the object so clear and stuff like blur background and filter! :) The products all look so nice inside the photo just it can't SELCA *SIGN* !! Because of this... I get back to my Baby G12♥! use that for outing while GF3 use for shooting product or blogging ONLY ! Oh yea..One disadvantages of GF3 the handle part is really not good if you put on a larger/ heavier lens :( It work good with pancake lens only.. Seriously GF1♥ better! and also about the Selca G12 work more well than GF3 ! GF3 portrait shoot not as nice as Canon G12!
Then , I told myself not to waste money again just use 2 camera for diff type of needs! But a problem occur for a girl like me when carry both camera for outing..THAT'S SUPER HEAVY -.- My bag so heavy..I keep on complain and also it's not really good for us travel with 2 camera..Keep changing camera all the time..When I wanna selca take out G12..Then put it back again..Take GF3 open the lens cover shoot the environment or something then put it back AGAIN ... People thought I'm crazy or wanna show that I got 2 diff camera -.- wait ppl come steal my camera -.- But I still calm down myself and told myself DONT BUY CAMERA AGAIN
*heart break why am i wasted so much money on it..and i keep searching for another camera which function well in both selca ..Just like the combination of G12 with GF3 but not even one camera that can make me fall in love with it..
UNTIL one day!!! I get into a photo shooting session and chat with 2 photographers which using SONY (alpha users) then they intro me about NEX-F3♥.. I WAS LIKE..WTF?! WHY DON'T YOU TELL ME EARLIER !! I stop myself again for searching the product detail from internet..I'm seriously going to BANG WALL if the camera is awesome enough to make me fall in love with it!
Another day , I saw someone share the link on facebook about this NEX-F3♥..I got nothing to do..I click it and it's really so interesting ..So next step should be YOUTUBE♥it !!! Then some video is those pro people talking about the camera..But i skip that until I WATCH THIS VIDEO!
I'm going to BANG WALL X10000! What the hell? This is super awesome♥! User Friendly some more! OMG ATTRACTIVE..OMG IS SO ATTRACTIVE♥! Then i keep look for it but the camera still haven launch yet in Malaysia..So i use almost 1 month time to decide how to GET THIS FREAKING AWESOME CAMERA ..2012 wishlist ! I'm gonna grab it home and kiss it x100000 At the same time, I'm going to bang wall again cause my parent gonna kill me because I keep on buying camera -.-

Soooooo SOOOOON ! My dream come true♥ ![my savings all gone too ] I bought it home once it launch ... It was a freaking wonderful day for me..I'm happy but I'm very worried about it...I scared it wont satisfied me again and I'm wasting my money again!!![ Pk liao lo ] I'm trying to persuade my both parent about how good is this camera then i can hold on my 'braces on' plan and use that money to buy this camera!and of course my heart so pain cause I purchase it with my own savings♥! My parent may support me go for braces than buying this camera @@ ..
And and!! I need to persuade Mr.Kitty♥too because he's the one who fetch me go MID VALLEY ,SONY CENTRE :P And special thanks to my friends Takara for the help! I got special price for that camera :)
Taadaaa♥:) Actually if compare to others i think NEX-F3♥ is really reasonable & affordable in some way! The normal package come with body and lens kit stuff like that RM1999* but I think mine is more worth cause I took the package which come with an additional of Pancake lens! & it's only RM2499 but I bought it at a price RM2199♥!!!!..OMG ! GOOD RIGHT♥♥?
Really thanks for the discount price and the help of my friends! Not really much but it's save alot for me! So hurry up if you wanna to buy i think you can just take the normal package ONLY RM1999 leh! Compare to the time i bought G12/GF3 I feel this more worth♥♥!
Oppss ! Too much for the story! Here's the camera look like..And i recommended you guys have a visit to Sony Centre♥and try it out before purchase it! Ask your friends who work @ Sony Centre, you maybe can have some discount too ! HAAHAHAH force them discount to you! Lol
A bit blur cause I'm using Iphone apps to capture and edit it..Lol hope you don't mind :)
Left hand side Look
This excluded from the package but you can ask it for free from them :) Of course I need all that lah! the Gorillapod and also the cleaning kit♥♥:P
Package with pancake lens
Bottom Part of it
Bag? maybe useless for me cause it's really too big for me..Lol
If you think those bag and other stuff are useless then Don't want it & ask for a cheaper price :P ask them discount for you and you don't want all that..Remember that you got a free ♥♥2 YEAR WARRANTY from SONY CENTRE♥♥♥ya ! Don't forget this!
Okie..So that's the basic idea of the camera and now I'm uploading the photo with diff art filter outcome for you guys :D All photo fresh fresh :P Just took it today morning during my class and also after my class! HAHAAHAHAH OKIE..stop blablabla here! Here's the photos~
P/S : To show you guys the real outcome from the camera's filter effect all photos below are WITHOUT editing :) But I got Resize it because scared loading take too long of your time ! But basically all photo effect is from the camera's art filter : Soft-High Key♥ / Pop Art / Soft Skin mode / Soft Focus / Toy Camera / Retro & etc..
The best selca camera ever! Auto edit your face make your skin look more natural and softer :3 AWESOME♥♥♥ !!
Soft-High Key♥ :
Toy Camera filter
Soft High Key filter again :3 Just love this effect so much!
Brunch today with my coursemate! Photo took by NEX-F3 too <3
This effect make my panda eye look so ugly :'(
I'm finally making the right decision and I'm freaking love this camera♥! Welcome to my life Baby F3♥~ Finally done with this post! Hope you guys enjoy this although it's all about my crap story =.= That's All FOR TODAY! will update more more awesome and chio photo of my life to you guys! Love, xoxo♥♥~
Some link/video for you guys as reference :)
Interesting Video :3
MTV World Stage 2012 ♥
09 July 2012
Herloo People here ♥:P
How are you today? I’m so happy now because almost done the preparation
surprise for Mr.Kitty! Happy Belated Birthday and I’m sure you really enjoy a
lot! Bleh~ HAHAHAHA I’m so happy this
few days because I’m finally got my dream camera! Gonna share a post about it
soon! I think most of you will fall in love with the camera like me because the
camera can Selca!! OMG~~
On the other hand, what make me OMG will be this coming MTV
World Stage 2012!! OMG..just received an email from Celcom /nuffnang about
this! I’m really very exiting now although it’s still a bit far from now! But I
guess all of us will be crazy♥ about
Yes♥♥!!The concert that many have been waiting for,
is finally back and this time, it’s going to be bigger than ever!! The best
international, regional and local acts will be performing for your
entertainment at the MTV World Stage: Live in Malaysia 2012! OMG.. CAN YOU
What so special ♥for this
year? For this
year, the featuring performances will be perform by Justin Bieber and Jay Park,
K-Pop queens Kara, and the fierce Miss Nina and also MTV World Stage
will be an affair full of eye and ear candy!! OMG JUSTIN
Don’t worry lovely~ Xpax
has some awesome stuff for you!
You can get FREE tickets to MTV World Stage: Live in Malaysia 2012 plus more. You
can simply just Get FREE ticket when you reload or
First method,You
can reload
RM60 and above to get TWO FREE tickets. And there are some term and condition
to apply this sweeties <3 Please read it clearly so that you can get your
FREE TICKETS from Xpax :3
1: Register by sending MTV to 28881
2: Upon receiving registration confirmation SMS, reload RM60 (cumulative) and
above to get mobile voucher to redeem TWO FREE tickets.
Terms and Conditions:
to TWO tickets per mobile number.
and reload must be performed before 10th July 2012.
voucher must be redeemed by 12 July 2012.
availability is subject to first come, first serve basis.
Another method will be using
FACEBOOK! Guess everyone have facebook account right? Then here’s the chance to
There’s always cool swag for
you when you “Like” us. Be a fan of Xpax/U.O.X./S.O.X. on Facebook and you
could score tickets to MTV World Stage Live in Malaysia 2012. Starting 26th
June 2012, you can log in to the Xpax/U.O.X./S.O.X. Facebook page at www.facebook.com/xpaxfb or www.facebook.com/uoxfb or www.facebook.com/soxfb and use the “Time to Muxic”
Facebook app.
From 26th June to
8th July, use the app to spread the word about MTV World Stage and
share it with as many friends as possible. The more you share, the more points
you get and this will affect your ranking in the app’s leaderboard. Be one of
the top 25 point-getters and you will win FOUR passes to MTV World Stage!
Then, on 14th
July, 12.00am, you can log on to xpax.com.my/timetomuxic on your mobile to
check in to the concert and tag your MTV World Stage photos with Xpax by
connecting your Facebook account to the site. Each check-in and tagged photo
will earn you points that could win you passes to the MTV World Stage
after-party. The ten fans with the most points will be getting those exclusive
Interested? Or wanna hear
more way to get FREE TICKET? The last method will be
Download selected Call Me
Tones and True Tones or Full Songs to stand a chance at getting FREE tickets to
MTV World Stage.
To Download Call Me Tones: Dial *888*<CODE># press CALL.
To Download Full Songs: Send
FS<space>song code to 21308.
To Download True Tones: Send
TT<space>song code to 21308.
XPAX? NOOOOO..A very Good news for JUSTIN BIEBER FANS here!!~
You could be the extremely
lucky one to join an exclusive Meet & Greet Session with Justin
Bieber! [awesome**] ♥♥
Awesome right? What are you
waiting for?! Can’t wait to join this MTV World Stage!! ♥♥
For more information ,
you can check more from www.thecube.my
or m.thecube.my and www,facebook.com/xpaxfb;
♥20120701♥ Happy Day
01 July 2012
Herloo Peep♥ :3 So how are you today? June ended :) Have a very good starting now! Most of my family and friend's Birthday on June..My mom & my brother too! Just a normal celebration :) Some of the photo with my family! Bought a wallet for my mom and a whole set bling bling blue jacket for my brother♥!
When we were young... we always argue with each other! I slap him then he slap me back and kick me .___. At night when we sleeping we play pillow fight and then he complain to my mom @@ Can't imagine that he started to grow up become a teenager :P Study hard eh~ dont always play game!!
The chocolate+cheese cake damn delicious leh!
Opps so bright :) It's the filter of the camera! the art filter really damn nice..I have a baby skin in all the photo now :P Hiak hiak* So end of part 1 and part 2 will be the girls outing with flowers♥!
OOTD♥ :) the top flora get from Cotton On during sales for only RM15 and inner layer dress from mirorcle @Ferenheit 88 ! The dress+ top end up too short then i simply add a pastel color jeans inside..Hope it wont weird or ugly :'( is that okie? Lol
This not me ...HAAHAHHAH I love my fringe but my real fringe not long enough so I just curl it on a side using all my hair on my backside hair part then clip it to a side ! You all can try it too look like barbie on some angle :P
Have a short chit-chat time with flowers @许留山, Pavilion.. Hmmm.. the dessert not really nice actually...Price abit expensive :) We order 3 dessert everything inside the photo + 3 free mineral water..End up total RM46 :O Service charge 10%+6% = 16% that's freaking high for just a small small desert..This is just what we can conclude! AHAHHA you guys can have a try on it :)
Opps bobo look so cute in this photo and I'm really like her leopard sunglasses♥ :'( I want i want!! HAHAHA
Spot my leopard bag! I'm leopard lover! muahahahah~
So three of us♥! Rose look thinner than last time we meet.. She did very well in the competition yesterday but too bad I can't watch the whole competition :'( but still we support you! Hahahah
Hell talkative :P 3 of us talking non-stop before we back! HAHAHAAHH and guess what! we meet Iiwen Tan♥ and also Weiwei Hor♥ too! Photo time :)
Iiwen & Bobo look alike! My god ~ And Iiwen so cute like a little girl!! Glad to meet them ♥
Pretty Weiwei <3 I love her eye and Barbie Hair! Omg..feel like kissing her! HAHAHAHA really surprise!

Her Casio Camera is damn cute! and convenience♥~
Have a very great day with all of them! Thanks for everything :) Enjoy the last day of June yesterday and look forward of this NEW MONTH July♥♥ Xoxo
Preparing myself and get ready to badminton court again! Exercise to keep a healthy lifestyle!ciaoz
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