Okie♥ ! Back to topic now :) I'm always update every 2-3 months for my favorite stuff and now I create a new label for it as 'Favorite x Of The Month' ! Yeap some reader suggest me to arrange my label cause I have too little label or maybe no clear enough? I thought I have enough for that but I think is time to rearrange it and make it more accurate and more related with my post..Give me some time! I will arrange it after my exam week this week♥ :')
So yea♥ ! I'm starting to make a little fresh for my post to my reader..I decided to update my Favorite x Of The Month♥ every 1-2 month. No matter it's application , product , make up cosmetic stuff , food , dessert or whatever I love! Will be in this label :) Just wanna to share the stuff I like and recommended stuff for you! I wanna to record at here for my whole life! Sharing is caring :')
Let's Start :) My first favorite product of the month♥ will be this!
Saw this before? Konjac - 蒟蒻
♥ I actually saw this on a TV show introduced by the very popular Taiwan professional person i think! and before i get this product from Bonjour Full-House♥ I actually saw it @ Watson but selling at a price RM48+ if I'm not mistaken ! Of course online shopping is always cheaper than bought it at there! At first I spot the price so exp I give up this product til I got this product from Bonjour Full-House♥ with only RM33!
So i guess you will ask what is this for? make up? noooo! This is a additional tool for you to have a baby face :P It's like a cleaning tool(act like a Sponge)♥ for your face! Before I proceed it to more detail for this I hope you can take few mins of your time to view this video :)
Yeap :) I guess everyone know who is that guy on the video♥ ! I need to stop crapping around & Straight♥ to the point :) Something you need to remember before buying this product..
I guess some of you might spot this product @ some pasar malam which offer 3 for RM50 only right? I saw this before too but please be careful cause the product is nt good cause it's from CHINA that's why it's cheap :) NOT because it's cheap then it's not good but because it's YOUR FACE♥.. Don't attracted by the price..Make sure it's make from taiwan & korea♥ or/ and some diff packaging is from Japan :) it have been proven to be fantastic to exfoliate your skin for a clear complexion..
This is the packaging :) So how to use it? Do you know it? I'm actually don't know how to use it ..At first i thought just simply take out and wash it after I applied my facial wash ..LOL but this is wrong :O The seller patiently answer and teach me how to use it.. So 3 important Step you need to remember :P Not really much la actually.. Before use♥ / When using it♥ / After use♥(method of keeping it )
Before use♥ Before using it you need to take off from the plastic bag for sure :P Then simply use water to wash it ! After that use your both hand..NO ONE HAND..use your both hand to press the water out & Remember don't press to hard for that it will spoiled the structure of the Konjac :) This procedure must be proceed every single time before you using it :) This Konjac can used to THREE MONTH only :) After that you need to buy a new one la :P Even food also got expire date ma :P
After that you may use your daily facial cleaner to wash/ clean your face♥..After that like usual use water to wash off all the cleanser & When your face still wet (do not make it dry after clean it) use this product to wash your face again (clockwise not anticlockwise) then use plain water to wash it one time again.. This is the method of using it :) it actually very easy but when express it with words it's like OMG..DAMN LONG & trouble? 只有懒女人没有丑女人♥ :)
Then how to keep it? it's so simple :) Every time before you keep it inside a plain plastic bag /normal white plastic bag that people use to put food inside you need to wash it with water then put it inside your Refrigerator♥.. or if you want it you can simply hang it over your room or toilet :) but if you hang it before you use you need to soak it with water for 5 mins♥:) If not it will hurt your skin !
Be prepared to have a fair and bright skin than others :) Now it’s time to toss out all those store bought exfoliators, scrubs and other chemical laden products for your skin, because we’ve found an all-natural way to help you get the soft and supple skin that you want♥:. Here’s what it is:
♥Konjac Sponge♥
- Made from the Konjac plant, widely found in Korea and Japan
- Has natural alkalinity to keep your skin clean
- The sponge is soft and gentle, making it great for all skin types including sensitive skin
- Exfoliates dead skin cells and leaves behind a colloid film to nourish and protect your skin
- Improves blood circulation and removes dead cuticles
- Removes pore-clogging impurities
- Refine pores, leaving your with soft and smooth skin
- 100% natural sponge, colouring and additive free
- Biodegradable and environmentally safe
Next , my favorite apps of the month :3
♥Deco Album♥
I dont think much people know it because I always deal with diff type of apps and keep on download some useless apps then delete it when it's really useless :P Sometime I might click or check every week on the 'Top Grossing♥' part not at the top freee or categories :) Sometime you might find some useful apps and they're much better than others ! Try and error needed too ~
I don't know you like it or not but most of my friends like it like me :) This is just like an album but actually you can edit it with cute stamps and words♥..even some frame/effect♥'for that :) Then make a caption for your photo and input it inside this album! That's easy right? And beside got something like a timeline for you to make a record & so on for you to figure out :D
Some of you might asking me @ Instagram which iphone apps I usually use :) So here's some print screen of my apps..I always download many apps for myself and delete it after that..Most of the function was the same and some really less using it..So this few apps is the most often I used♥:)
So basically you have an idea of it :) Hope this is useful for you because I'm really tired answer everyone one by one answering the same question. I actually updated those apps last time but just some of the apps I often use might be diff from time to time but still it's actually depend on you :) No apps is perfect for me I guess..Will be mixing 1-3 apps on each photo to have a perfetooooo photo & upload it to instagram♥x)
So lastly will be the most wonderful way to end my post! Is dessert / cakeeeeeeee time :) Recently get addicted with cakes after I recover from my sick..I don't know why! HAHAAHHAH♥
At first I saw everyone update this Hokkaido Cake♥ @ facebook and instagram..I think might be no diff with others cake but once i tried it yesterday! WAHLAO..FREAKING NICE :3
Can't believe that it taste so amazing! It's so soft and melt on my tongue♥! Arghhhh~ Damn tasty and I ask for another 2 box after I tried it yesterday :3 Feel hungry? I'm craving for it again :'( KittyyBoy tomorrow bring it for me :P Teehee~ Can't wait for it :)
And then will be the macarons & biscuit from Dreamz Bakery♥:) I actually updated last time on that but never take away anything to home and keep craving it every week (http://www.chanwon.com/2012/06/20120616-dreamz-bakery.html) :'( Until today my daddy can't tahan my way of craving then he decided to fetch us GOOOOOO :'3
Spent my Sunday @ Dreamz Bakery :) I keep spam my instagram x) I guess everyone like macaron I prefer the Valentine Packing (love shape macarons♥)!! I controlling myself not to eat too much tonight if not I can't really sleep...Will turn on computer and at the same time keep on biting the biscuit and macarons x) Cute packaging!

I really like the mint green color on the wall with the hand painting pattern on the window :P Pink and pastel mint green color will be a perfect match too ! I guess~

Which one♥ ?!

Memo left on Dreamz Bakery's Wall :) Will go there visit again once I got free weekend ! I hope my hand writing is nice to you guys♥ :P
So end of the post I guess...Too much favorite stuff :P Sleep tights and Start 'eating' all my note tml :'( Finance paper this tuesday..GOD BLESS ME Please♥~ Night :3
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