Herlooo Everyone ♥!! Good Morning sweetiesss! I know I'm a little bit earlier than usual :P HAHAHAH I'm so exited because today is the last day of my final exam. Maybe you don't know why but this is really happy because end of the exam means that is time for my little trip♥!! Huiirayy~~
So sorry that I'm not updated my blog for this 2 weeks ! Seriously I don't think exam period I can blog with happy mood. I think I will be blog about all related stuff about my exam and guess this might stress you up and make you feel boring :X But still there are many thing happened in last 2 week!!!
The launch of @NuffnangX ♥application and also HJ Story♥'s application on Appstore!

I guess this is really an awesome apps for bloggers and readers! This easy app can avoid missed out any blog post from any blog because once you followed the blog you can always see new update post on the new feed! Besides, with the additional conversation feature you can easily have a conversation with your lovely blogger and we will reply you for sure!!! I guess I wont missed any post after I installed this apps! Easy for everyone and really feel great that Nuffnang for introducing us this awesome apps!

& Another this!! HJ Story finally got an apps! You can easily store the romantic picture and edit it for your sharing purpose!!! How awesome? I used to save all photo one by one and view it everyone on my lap top but NOW with this apps I can easily get the new update from HJ Story and simply edit it then Share it to my instagram and facebook!!!! Awwww~~
Omg I'm really so high now!!! Last two paper later @9am and another one @ 2.30pm! Omg I guess I will be dancing #oppagangnamstyle on the exam hall!!! HAHAHA I'm awake now but don't know why brain can't function well !
Can't wait to have a look at H&M after my exam and craving for all lovely food & dessert after that! I can't wait to share my happiness to you guyss! Guess should prepare for my luggage as well and change money for my trip! Need to bring extra medicine for emergency and CAMERA FULLY CHARGE! hahahaha!!
Settle the hotel at there and have half sponsorship from the hotel! I will update you guys for the hotel we stay for 7 nights and also what we have done at there! Stay tuned for the post :) Miss you~~
Download♥ NuffnangX and follow chanwon.com now♥~
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