HEY HEY HEY HEY♥!! Guess you guys miss me so much now :P I miss you tooo!! & Today I'm gonna blog about my early Christmas Celebration Party with bloggers ♥ :3 Yeap yeap!! Note that all of them are just so nice and Awesome!!! I never join this kind of event before because I'm quite shy sometime *blush blush* and I'm really happy to meet all of them! Pretty bloggers ♥ everywhere and many selca photo in this post as well :P
Photo edited with 'ah bao colour'!! Not much photo of myself so I just selca this both photo in my camera! HAHAAHAH I'm really worried so much because I don't know what to wear on that day :'( You know I'm still having my exam !!! My brain is full of formula , finance , derivative and those investment stuff -.- I had no idea what to wear ~Whatever as long as you got BLING BLING accessories or clothing !! Then my mom choose this for me! Feel like korean :P *slap me slap me* I'm lazy to curl all of my hair so I just curl part and a portion of it!! not bad huh?!
Lucky I manage to join this celebration!! Because I can meet my flowers sister again and all of the bloggers on that day ♥ :3 Really appreciate for the chance and special thanks to Melissa who arrange all the transport and this celebration to all of us! We really enjoy a lot and hope to see you all again :P
Oh yea! Our celebration @ Bubba Gump, Sunway Pyramid :) Happy that we get a private room from them and their service is quite good!Then , we not need afraid of photo boom or else people just looking at us during the celebration because we keep on snap photo! Even a cake we also need to snap for 847947294 time to choose the best photo and show you guys :P Hiak hiak*#1
The place is just so nice! and I'm planning to celebrate my 21st Birthday at here again!! Should try others private room on that time!!
HAHAAHHA! see all of us busy selca and I'm really shy at first! Left - Lumi & Right- Jennie♥ ~ Seriously , I'm gonna thanks Jennie because all of the props and decoration thing she make it herself and bring on that day! Omg I wonder how can I use so much time on cutting the paper and stick it one by one!! Thankiuu♥ ♥ ♥ !
Yeah! My flowers! Can't stop capture photo with them!#9
Lumi ♥ :) The anime girl! She is so cute and thanks for the fetch <3 I love her outfit on that day!!! OMG
So what we usually do before order our food ?!
Yea! Keep snap photo with everyone! From left to the right then reverse back in 5 mins time! AHAHAHAHAH
and guess what?! We received present from WonderBox ♥! OMG I'm so exited to open it !! Will show you guys what's inside on the end of this post :P Keep reading* Thank so much for the surprise!!Can't wait to open it ~
After that , we are still doing the same thing! It's really fun to play and photo with all the props prepared by Jennie! Thanks for everything again! too much to thanks because I'm really enjoy a lot on that day! I'm so stress from the first day exam and finally you guys cheer me up! muaxk♥♥*#15
AHAHAH We really in love with all the props! Can I have some ? bring back home? :P
I wanna make some for my own too so next year birthday celebration wont be so boring ! AHAHAHAH Still early lar .____.
Bobo so sexy on that day! Can I kiss her?!
With Melissa ♥:)
With Lumi♥ :3
Pretty Jennie♥~
With Jane ♥:) She sitting on my right and so shy at first! HAHAHAAH nice to meet you all~~
50% photo is before we order for our food and another 50% is after our food served! AAHAHAHAHA OMG all the food is damn delicious here although it's a little bit pricy but still it's worth! So yummy and tasty :P No other word can describe what I thing for their food.. When I say it SOOO♥♥ TASTY it means really tasty until I don't know what to describe! AHAHAHAHAHAH!#23
Melissa told us not to order too much because we still got our Mille Crepe♥ sponsored from Velvety Layers ♥ Great news for all of you!! You can get a RM10 discount by showing them the voucher! I will attached in the bottom of the post :D You guys can print screen it and bring it out and PURCHASE their cake with RM10 discount!! OMG! So nice huh? :P
All of us get our Early Christmas Present from WonderBox♥♥ :)
OMG another cute present from Jennie♥!
Nothing to do after we finished our foods and drinks :P So it's still photo time with my flowers! AHAHAHAH Play around again!!
Bobo's hair seems longer than mine :'( no more twins after we back from our trip!! Because our fringe seems diff now!! HAAHAHAH Next year's trip we planned to cut our hair like twins again *wink*
Besides that we got bring our own hair accessories :P Rabbit + Kitty♥♥! AHAHAHAHAH
Middle - Ben Dan♥:) She came late on that day but still manage to have the tasty delicious layer cake lar :P AHHAAHAH My brain is just full of FOODs , DESSERTs , CAKEs AND MACAROONs♥! Lol
Lumi , Me, WeiWei ♥♥~
KarenKho♥ :) She just done her haircut! So cute and looks young with bangs! :)
OMG!! CHOCOLATE! Thanks so much again!!~~
The packaging so nice! Each diff chocolate have diff taste♥♥:3 Bobo choose one is spicy one! HAHAHAAH I don't dare try >3<
OH YEAH!! Mille Crepe ♥ time!! HAHAAHH Delicious Layer Cake from Velvety Layers ♥ Remember to screen shoot and save the voucher on the bottom of my post!! Get special RM10 discount voucher for their delicious Mille Crepe ♥ :3
One chocolate and another one is Cheese!!!!! Oh yea!! The chocolate one damn tasty and the cheese not bad too but make sure you're cheese Lover! HAAHAH If not you might be afraid of the heavy cheese ♥:P
Oh my cake!!! HAAHAHAH kid face OMG -.-
#54and of course game time :P HHAHAAHAHHAH
Group photo ♥ ♥!! each of us own a camera and the people need to retake 9 photo with 9 diff camera! AHAHAHAH :P Pity Him :(
Left few pieces and I brought it home :P So delicious couldn't waste it! AHAHAHAHAH
Yea!! Last photo of us ♥ ♥:P
I'm really glad to know all of you on that day :) Seriously, I'm happy and I hope we have more and more celebration together next time!! AHAHAHAH :P It's really fun to spend time with new friends and all of us were shy at first then slowly talk to each other! The process and first impression is really important and I'm so talkative after that!! HAHAAHAHAH

A very simply and nice design with their packaging :)
#2Their logo on the top of the box :)
Open it slowly and carefully~ Many voucher !!!! OMG OPI nail voucher too!!!!
I'm happy!! like a kid~~ Wonder what inside :P
OMG!! OPI Nail Polish , Empro Mascara , Hair shampoo and so on!! OMG seriously this is my first Christmas present which is really surprising :P Get your WonderBox from them too!♥♥
I wish I can still blogging for another post :( But I think I should stop it here because still got one last exam paper tomorrow! Wish me luck sweeties! Enjoy Reading , Love xoxo♥♥
time to have my dinner and study T.T
Attachment : RM10 Discount Voucher
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