Kose Workshop - Sekkisei Lotion Mask ♥
27 February 2014
Herloo my little sweeties ♥ I'm back!! Muahahha having my honeymoon holiday right now~ But my holiday quite short!! It's just another 3 weeks holiday so I must fully utilize my holiday from now !!! So yea back to the topic, if you follow my instagram I'm sure you noticed that I went to another workshop today~ It's KOSE WORKSHOP yea. Quite happy today and the workshop was so success! Thanks Daph , Cherrie and Nuffnang for this wonderful afternoon. Well spent my time with all of the bloggers too. See my happy face on the photo above :P !! Learned new beauty tips and of course get intro about KOSE hot and best product too! Soo.....
It was another super FUN & AWESOME workshop together with all babe because we get to try each KOSE skincare and cosmetic product too. Super surprise with the outcome and result after the real time demo and own-self experience. We wearing our make up on that event but before we start the event we need to remove all of our make up except the eyeliner and lips color. So I was so happy when I can really play around with their skincare product especially their BEST selling product - Sekkisei Lotion♥! But not just the lotion they newly launch a new and great idea using the benefits from Sekkisei Lotion and transform it to a LOTION MASK!!! Oh yea???? I was quite surprise when I heard daphne talk about this before the event.
So as usual meet Daphne & Cherrie before the event. We not really sure about where's the personal shopper room...So we just waiting and spend some time for selca! HAAHAHAHAHA Then accidentally meet nuffnang so end up we just follow them to the workshop.
Notice something?? Someone change her hair color from blonde > BLACK!!! Suit her a lot and I think most of the color she play with also quite nice. Left pink color she haven try! HAAHAHAHAHAHA So we done our registration before the event start. Selca again LOL
3pm sharp event START!!!!! Everyone was so excited because we can't wait to try out their lotion mask wehhhhh!!
Cleanser > Lotion > Emulson > BB Cream
Not just that!! We have real time demo too. Daphne = MODEL OF THE DAY!! AHAHAHAA They teach and show us how to remove our makeup effectively with some hand massage too. So firstly, we tried their makeup remover cream. The first product was so refreshing and soothing too! My god!!
This was the first product we used on our face to remove all our foundation or makeup base. It's so refreshing and clean. You need to put a cherry size amount on your hand and separate it into two mini cherry size then slowly put on your forehead , nose , cheek , and chin part of your face. Then, gently massage the cream all over your face. From bottom to the top of your forehead :) After that you can use a wet cotton pad to clean it or just wash it with a warm water.
Now is time for the best selling product!!! Sekkisei Lotion~ People always asking what's the diff between a lotion with a toner. A toner is more light texture than a lotion and lotion contain water that will HYDRATE and moisture your skin. Give your skin lotsssssssss of water while toner is just minimize your pores and might make the layer of your skin become thinner and thinner. Might not really good :X So I always prefer lotion with a more concentrated texture than a toner. Like what I mentioned on my previous beauty post. BUT!!!!!! Today we are not just using their lotion but added with a mask sheet!! They called this as a LOTION MASK. Before we take a look on the lotion mask and how to apply it let me talk about the benefit of it :)
Basically Sekkisei Lotion = NEEDS for everyone. Especially for those who has uneven skin and hope to brighten up your skin with the maximum of moisture level!!!! The scent of this product can soothing our skin + WE REALLY FEEL SUPER REFRESHING after using it. Within 30 second. You can go try this and experience it on Kose counter @ Pavilion. If you use this with a mask sheet ...LOTION MASK ..YOU CAN BOOST up for 10x moisture ! OH REALLY?!! I'm gonna try this out!! NOW!!!
Don't be shock when you try this out. For those who wish to experience it you may visit KOSE counters to experience the magic of SEKKISEI Lotion because they are now having a 30 second challenge for SEKKISEI Lotion at KOSE counters. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING for?! After read my post remember go and experience it ok?
So this tiny little thing look like vitamin C! LOLLLL What you need to do is just pour a right amount of lotion on the lotion bottle cap (inside the cap got a thin line you need to pour until the lotion reach the line). Then, wait for 10 second the mask sheet will absorb the lotion and TAAADAAAA~ works like magic! lol

Then gently open it. Remember to take your time ya!! If not it might spoil :)
Cherrie was the hand model!! HAHAAHAHAHAH We don't have enough hand to capture the photo.. Lol
TAADAAAA!! The best lotion mask!! EVER!!!!
At the same time , daphne enjoying her mask too while both of us just keep selca with lotion mask on our face.
You can apply this Lotion Mask EVERYDAY but no more than 10 mins or less than. The best will be 10 mins if more than that it might be bad for your face and the lotion absorb super fast into our skin. REALLY FAST!! YOU ALL REALLY SHOULD GO AND TRY IT OUT!! MY GOD!
9 Benefits of Lotion Mask
- Translucency
- Penetration
- Moisturizing
- '0' Pores
- Whitening
- Smoothing
- Firming
- Relaxing
- Evenness
Suddenly we turns so crazy!! This express how much we love their Sekkisei Lotion Mask!! After that we need to wait another 5 mins to tear off the mask and Daphne joined us for our crazy selca session! HAHAAHAHAHAHAH 3 of us ....
Okay, we tear it off after that and tried their emulsion too. After tear the lotion mask off all of us really can feel the diff. Our face super moisture and hydrated with that thin small little mask! OMG MAGIC!!! I can feel my face so 'doinkkk doinkkk~' Like the taiwan ambassador for KOSE! AHAHAHAHHA JKJK~
Please ignored my nose pimple -.- After Emulsion is time for KOSE BB CREAM!! It's super light texture and if you feel it's still sticky and not enough coverage you can add with their powder too. But I think it's totally enough coverage for our face. The texture not heavy but really really light and REALLY EVEN our skin color. Obviously saw this on Cherrie and my face too!!!
Got two color one is darker and another one is lighter. We picked lighter one. 01 or 001 I forgot the code but it's the no.1 color!!! After that , we also tried their loose powder on our face , blusher and lipstick too!!! But we were so busy putting back our make up!! HAHAAHH So didn't take photo of that and then we have our tea time after that. After tea time was a Q&A session to win some product home!!!! AND AND AND AND PHOTOOOO TIME!!!!
WOOHOOO Every post must end with group photo!! HAAHAHAHA This was really fun and it's all about today's workshop!!!!Enjoy reading & That's all for today, Love xx.
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♥ Haul from Melbourne & random Gifts
20 February 2014
Hello♥ my dear sweeties :3 Huuuu~ Finally I have additional time again for me to update and release my stress now. FINALLY!! But not yet end -.- Still left one last papers to go. I will get back my freedom SOON! Very Soon~ Lol So when girls feel stress we tend to purchase something or shopping. Other than that, I would prefer looking back my diaries for the past few years and also blogging for my blog. Today, I'm gonna blog about some haul (FINALLY) and surprise gift from some sweet company that I collaborated last time.
Oh yea!! It's Valentine's Day last week. ♥♥♥ I got nothing special on that day because I have my paper on the next day but I did celebrate a little bit with Smelly before the day of Valentine's Day. Then I get a surprise rose too. Although we usually don't really celebrate because every year also meet my exam period -.- I hate it!!! Read my dayre (click here) for a complete post. HAHAHAA So it been a while since I date with smelly because once he back from Melbourne we got no time but force to concentrate on our final examination. Life for a students!
So early before the Valentine's Day , Smelly actually grabbed something back from Melbourne. HAHAAHAH All of the item was my favourite too. But the price was abit pricy for me BUT this time it's a haul from Smelly! AHAHAHAHAHAHA For me as well~ Lolll that week was a good week for me because after the day I receive all item from Smelly the next few day I got an email from http://nattacosme.com/ for a surprise parcel too!!! Continue read it for more~
The diary is so pretty right???? The inner page have diff design and the cover of the diary = Simple yet nice!!! This brand really make me falling in love but the price wasn't cheap tho. I google it to look for more design but Malaysia don't have. Not sure whether sg got it or not because I saw some friend from sg has bought something from Kikki.k too. This brand is popular with their stationary!! It's the best way to gift someone you love. LIKE ME!! AHAHAHAHAHA Something familiar like Type @ pavilion but this one is more toward white and pastel color! OMG MAD LOVE
I checked their official website at http://www.kikki-k.com/ They can deliver it internationally!! Sound great and I'm sure I want to get their own design pen too!! The owner of Shoploooh.com previously gave me a greeting card and a pen also from Kikki.k!! Now I know it!! No wonder the price wasn't cheap because everything just SUPER SUPER NICE. Besides that , Cissy bought me a surprise gift too. A DIY Calender book. This holiday set included a box of pastel color pen , love stamper , photo stickers and also a whole book of Calender which you can hang on your wall. It's a simple calender but have lots of space for you to decorate and every month you can insert and stick a photo on that month too. Plus, each pages have white design and black design. It's depend on you whether you want a white calender or black design one!!
Next, my favorite item too! HAHAHA Yea I'm such a crazy wallet collector! Lol not collector la but I keep changing my wallet . Why? Idk why but every wallet used after 3-4 months it start to have some pen ink on it -.- Black ink blue ink. Idk why!!! WHY A???? I didn't even draw on it. I guess it should be my bag problem because usually my pencil box pen and wallet but at the same space one. Next time should get something to protect it or just purchase a black wallet. But I don't like black wallet T.T
I'm loving KateHill wallet now. I don't really know this brand until I got this. This two wallet inner card holder have lotsssss of capacity for me to put + you can put 2 photo inside too! Wow compare with my previous ex and ex- ex charles and keith wallet this is more suitable for me. You know I have lots of discount or members card now I can just put everything in one wallet without separate it!!! Huiiirayyyy Smelly know me well T^T He know me have trouble with those small tiny wallet but this green Katehill wallet I'm afraid it wont last me for more than 5 month since the inner color was WHITE COLOR. How can I keep it clean?!!! OH NOOO but green color wallet look pretty hor!!! Pretty than the pink one~
I check on9 as well. KateHill got lotss of pretty wallet!!! Some design REALLY REALLY caught my eyes! I saw some of that really so nice and plan to buy ..BUT.. GUESS WHAT?!!!! They deliver only to aus!!!! NOT INTERNATIONALLLLLLLL!!!! Oh nooo :( If you got a chance visit to Melbourne feel free to have a lot especially discount time!!! ALL price marked down damn a lot!!
Got some cheap sales going on that time. He get this two slipper for me. I think rubi is from Cotton On right? $AUD 2 only?!!! This is just so random but cheaper than Malaysia so just GRAB!! HAHAAHAHHAAH He get the correct size too. WAHHH I dont even know his shoe size :x shit!
And also also!!! I craving for snack so he bought me this chocolate biscuit. Quite nice actually just the price wasn't nice -.- So expensive but I think this is exp chocolate la..So it's okay since he bought for me !! HAHAHAHHAHAAHA Eat til drop! LOL
So early before the Valentine's Day , Smelly actually grabbed something back from Melbourne. HAHAAHAH All of the item was my favourite too. But the price was abit pricy for me BUT this time it's a haul from Smelly! AHAHAHAHAHAHA For me as well~ Lolll that week was a good week for me because after the day I receive all item from Smelly the next few day I got an email from http://nattacosme.com/ for a surprise parcel too!!! Continue read it for more~
First thing came into my mind because I'm really afraid Smelly bought something I don't like but I guess we have been 3 years and the half..still counting.. Therefore, I trust him! LOLLLLLL It's the first time he leave Malaysia for such a long time. I always thought of long relationship wasn't hard but once I experienced it for a week. I know it's hard. When you wanna call him he's sleeping and when you have something that make you excited and happy ..You wanna share with him but you can't reach him. That's the problem. So I'm so proud for myself because whole week we just talk to each other + facetime for just 3 TIME -.- Each time no more than 25 mins because he's so tired. Lol
A great and bad experience at the same time. HAHAHAHAHA I think everyone notice that I'm such a pastel lover. No need to mention Smelly sure notice it because I always told him how I hope my room can have those pastel deco especially pink with mint green color painting on my wall and bed. Impossible for it to happen because my room was so small -.- But i really hope that my wall can paint to pastel color too! LOLLLL Greedy!!
Don't expect too much because things I love wasn't a branded or pricy one. But I do love Balenciaga bag! HAAHAHAHAHA jkjkjk~ That's too high standard for me but now please give me some power because soon I plan to buy a second hand car by myself. No financial support from anyone!!!!! So from now on I will continuously work hard to achieve my dream~ Car can drive can le no need so expensive because I only can afford to pay a normal range car. Lol Out of topic a little bit...
So, Smelly got me 2 wallet with my favourite color !! I'm shocked because HE KNOW WHAT I WANT. So touch leh..Happy x 1000000 because everytime I ask him to buy anything his taste...was.... not really good ..If you know what I mean! AHHAHAHAAHHAHA He abit uncle thinking. LOLLLLL Besides the wallet he also got myself a pretty diary book. MUHAHAAH NEVER GET ENOUGH OF DIARY BOOK! Now I got two diary book one record my job and another one more personal and private diary~ LOLLLL greedy! Oh yea, also a box of super exp chocolate biscuit -.- I eat also heart pain and a DIY calender gift from Smelly's Bro's wife too~ Thanks Cissy♥ :)
Let's get started♥♥!!!
I checked their official website at http://www.kikki-k.com/ They can deliver it internationally!! Sound great and I'm sure I want to get their own design pen too!! The owner of Shoploooh.com previously gave me a greeting card and a pen also from Kikki.k!! Now I know it!! No wonder the price wasn't cheap because everything just SUPER SUPER NICE. Besides that , Cissy bought me a surprise gift too. A DIY Calender book. This holiday set included a box of pastel color pen , love stamper , photo stickers and also a whole book of Calender which you can hang on your wall. It's a simple calender but have lots of space for you to decorate and every month you can insert and stick a photo on that month too. Plus, each pages have white design and black design. It's depend on you whether you want a white calender or black design one!!
You can get those stationary from http://www.kikki-k.com/♥
Next, my favorite item too! HAHAHA Yea I'm such a crazy wallet collector! Lol not collector la but I keep changing my wallet . Why? Idk why but every wallet used after 3-4 months it start to have some pen ink on it -.- Black ink blue ink. Idk why!!! WHY A???? I didn't even draw on it. I guess it should be my bag problem because usually my pencil box pen and wallet but at the same space one. Next time should get something to protect it or just purchase a black wallet. But I don't like black wallet T.T
I'm loving KateHill wallet now. I don't really know this brand until I got this. This two wallet inner card holder have lotsssss of capacity for me to put + you can put 2 photo inside too! Wow compare with my previous ex and ex- ex charles and keith wallet this is more suitable for me. You know I have lots of discount or members card now I can just put everything in one wallet without separate it!!! Huiiirayyyy Smelly know me well T^T He know me have trouble with those small tiny wallet but this green Katehill wallet I'm afraid it wont last me for more than 5 month since the inner color was WHITE COLOR. How can I keep it clean?!!! OH NOOO but green color wallet look pretty hor!!! Pretty than the pink one~
I check on9 as well. KateHill got lotss of pretty wallet!!! Some design REALLY REALLY caught my eyes! I saw some of that really so nice and plan to buy ..BUT.. GUESS WHAT?!!!! They deliver only to aus!!!! NOT INTERNATIONALLLLLLLL!!!! Oh nooo :( If you got a chance visit to Melbourne feel free to have a lot especially discount time!!! ALL price marked down damn a lot!!
Katehill Official website: http://www.katehill.com.au/all-wallets/w1/i1002278/
Got some cheap sales going on that time. He get this two slipper for me. I think rubi is from Cotton On right? $AUD 2 only?!!! This is just so random but cheaper than Malaysia so just GRAB!! HAHAAHAHHAAH He get the correct size too. WAHHH I dont even know his shoe size :x shit!
And also also!!! I craving for snack so he bought me this chocolate biscuit. Quite nice actually just the price wasn't nice -.- So expensive but I think this is exp chocolate la..So it's okay since he bought for me !! HAHAHAHHAHAAHA Eat til drop! LOL
So it's end of the blog post now!! Special thanks to the TOKYO BANANA surprise NattaCosme. I never thought that I got a chance to try this without visit to tokyo. Thanks for all the surprise T.T Really happy that someone appreciate my work and I'm happy to collaborate with all diff company and website too. Really thanks for the treats and all the surprise you all gave to me. No matter just a greeting card , a small note letter!! I kept everything :) In a box~ Thanks!! This Strawberry taste super good. Smelly dislike strawberry , my brother too..But once they tried this..THEY TOLD ME WANT TO HAVE ANOTHER ONE..
But... I keep the rest for myself after let them try one piece!! HAHAHA it like my baby k!!! Even BEBE smell it he also want to try. LOL why everything sell at JAPAN just soooooooooo nice T^T
Okay!! Enough for all yummy photo!! I should study now since I left one day for my Friday last paper. THE HARDEST PAPER EVER!!! I still confuse with those foreign exchange rate stuff.. Anyone taking international finance subject? I HATE ITTT SO CONFUSING IMMA HOLIDAY MOOD NOW.. WUWUWUWUWUW
That's all for today. Love, xx.
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