[Review] Brilliant Riche Lip Colour | Experience the longest KISS EVER
30 September 2014
Hello to all my Sweeties ♥ meow meow! Sorry about my big head selfies but just wanna show you do you spot anything diff on my face? I mean lips? Yeap!! My face slowly recover this few days and finally I know the reason. I'm lack of sleep (sleep at 3am everyday -.-) + sensitive to all the dust. I remember the day before my face start itchy I pack my parcel and all the pre-loved item + giveaway products. So I think from now on I must force myself to sleep earlier and pls!! If you see me online after 12am..pls do me a favor ~ ASK ME GO TO SLEEP!
So back to the topic..since my face turn super duper sensitive this few days I try not to make up but you know~ I look so pale without makeup or eyeliner on my eye :'( Then I heard people out there telling me why not just put a lipstick on my lips then I might look better with that. So, I tried. I used some lipstick and lipgloss to make myself look nicer even without eye makeup. Then my current favourite will be lips crayon!
Next, I asked myself..why not I'm doing lips product review this month. (Since last month all products were regarding whitening and brightening one) So yea!!! Stick with me stick with me stick with me I'm gonna make my blog full of lips product this month. Will review each of my lips product that placed inside my makeup bag and those will always repurchase one! Then depend on your lips and what look you want to achieve you can always read and get info from my blog to pick the best colour and shape for yourself.
This photo taken few weeks ago and you can see that my upper lips look super dull which make make my face look pale imagine if I never do my eye makeup. I think any colour apply on your lips really can make a different one just you have to try diff product and brand to get the colour and texture you want.
So today's blog post gonna review about the latest Elianto Briliant Riche Lip Colour. Next week will be some other lips product that I love too! But today this riche lip colour gonna shock you to the max & congrats to Elianto finally they launch their very 1st kiss-proof lips product!
It's not an usual lips product that I will love to use but in term of the matte texture and super duper long lasting outcome.. I think I'm loving it since the first time I try it out.
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#1 |
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#6 |
The colour adheres to lip and dries super quickly. This make the product super duper long lasting while leaving a comfortable , smooth and transfer resistant finish.
In addition, you can't resist the colour of this product because you can find your favourite one from this 6 vibrant shades. My favourite will be #2 & #3 ♥ Colour #2 is more on a bright hot pinkish tone while #3 is a bright young red tone. Next, #1 not my cup of tea because the colour wasn't nice on my lips , the rest will be a more mature kind of shades since the colour is more toward deep and dark red. So I recommend you to try the second and third one! Hehe
Let me show you the exact colour without any filter.
This should be exactly the same!
The colour really pigmented and even after few hours the matte finish and colour still there! Really so surprise and I did a lips test while I'm drinking the water with a cup. The colour still there!! Wont drop at all! Oh yea!! Let me show you the how's the colour on my lips. From #1 to #6
#1 totally disappointed me! I look like a sick person with the colour! lol and then the top right (colour #2 ) will be my favourite ever! Then move forward to a bright young red colour #3 also suit for our age I guess. Then the rest will be a darker tone of red + red and a little pinkish tone. From bright nude to deep red I'm sure one of those will be your choice!
You know right every products have their pros and cons. I'm loving this so far except that this full range of lips product quite dry for my lips, especially those with cracked lips. JUST LIKE ME! If I use it without any lips tint as a base my lips definitely look very ugly! loll
As you can see from the photo above. The first photo (top left) with just a single application of this product. It's so dry right with my cracked lips. Then the rest I apply a base first to moisture it and then only apply this product! Look really nice after the transparent lipgloss as the base!
As you can see from the photo above. The first photo (top left) with just a single application of this product. It's so dry right with my cracked lips. Then the rest I apply a base first to moisture it and then only apply this product! Look really nice after the transparent lipgloss as the base!
So for those who love the colour but has a cracked lips like me you can apply a lips base product or lips tint / gloss before you apply this. Make sure after the first layer use a tissue to absorb the excess lips product ya! After that second layer only use this product so that your lips won't look as dry as just with a single application.
- Long-lasting & transfer resistant - Super long lasting! After 7 hours the colour still there!
- Pigmented & Vivid shades - Color very bright and exactly same as what you see on the bottle!
- Matte finish - Not shinny at all
- Cheap & Reasonable Price - Selling at RM25 each only!
- Formulated without paragons & fragrance
- Not suitable for cracked lips - After the application your lips might look super dry due to its texture
- Color #1 look weird/pale on asian's lips I think
- Feel slightly dry after 4 hours but the colour still there (this impressed me)
So far I'm really satisfied and quite shocked when I realise it's totally transfer resistant! For those who love matte finish this definitely your cup of tea! HAHAAH Just make sure that before the application you must have a perfect lips if not it might be too dry for you. I give this a 4 stars out of 5 :) Plus, the price was really really cheap la RM25 for one only! You can have a try on it! Not bad !!
For more information, you can take a look at their
Official Website www.elianto.biz
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How to DIY Decorate photo into Polaroid | My Diary , Planner & Traveler's Note (#3)
28 September 2014
Ohayoooo my little sweeties ♥ Time passes so fast! It's Sunday again hopefully no Monday blues tomorrow. Quite busy this few days as you know I'm always busy at the end of the month. Have to draft all my post and modelling for my friend's boutique this few days. Before that I'm half done with my Diary / Planner post and guess I should share and update this today. Since today = SUNDAY! It's the best time to do some doodle and journalising on my happiedori and midori traveler's notebook.
So yea before that I would love to share some of the cute stuff I bought from Babe Daph's personal shopper online instagram shop (@walkinjapan_com) I received it yesterday and it took me 5 working days to receive it all the way from Japan. I blog about it before about my Snacks Haul from Japan (click here) Not being kidding I spent more than what I expected and now I'm broke because of that. Luckily the price was reasonable but I can't wait for my Japan Trip next year!!
I didn't buy anything last month because Bebe used too much of my money so I have to stop myself craving for Japanese Snacks and this month I kind of missing it...So I bought from her shop again. lol But the main one was the twinny star mini 2015 planner. It was so cute and small. At first I want to purchase the normal size one because normal size more worth for the price but I thought why not I put the 2015 planner inside my happiedori. So end up I bought the super duper small size one for it to fit into my happiedori.
I bought one pack of Halloween Kit Kat (Limited Edition) & the yummy Little Baum Trees recommended by Daph. Except that I also bought myself two tube bra from peach john because it's not available in Malaysia so I have to order it all the way from Japan. Thanks daph it successfully reached my doorstep and hopefully you are reading my post now :p Okay lahh..I text you later! Blogging first!! AHHAHAAHA
Because I'm too excited for the parcel so I have to do some drawing on my TN. So sorry I'm really not a pro in art so what can I do is just simply doodle and adding some of the watercolor to make it look nicer. But seems so fail loh -.-
It's okay for that I will make sure my doodle look nicer next time. So back to the topic, since everyone of you start questioning about the photo that I posted on my insta I'm here to talk about it. Lol some of you feel so surprise with the polaroid photo I used to stick on my TN. Actually, it's all about decoration with polaroid stickers.
I explained it but some of you thought I don't get what you mean so you repeat asking the same thing again & again. To make it clear it's better to show you HOW TO...deco it and make your boring photo look like a polaroid. So first you need to print the photo out from your phone or lap top. I always use to print my photo in those printing shop because I don't have photo printer. Too much wish list and my birthday coming soon 20/10 I think I have to stop spending too much since I want to make a dessert table and invite my friends for a lovely dinner!
If you have a smaller photo in 1x1 square you probably have to cut it and make a small adjustment for the stickers size. If not you just have to stick the polaroid sticker side by side above your photo then TAAA~DAAAAA!! Your polaroid alike photo appear! lol
For those who printed your 1x1 square photo you just have to get a polaroid sticker then cut it on the side like this
No need to be perfect just cut it then stick the bottom part first
Lastly, stick the top part above your bottom part sticker. This required 0 skill and 0 knowledge. Just as simple as that! HAHAAHAH
I used this when I want to stick my photo inside my diary or planner. But you know I always wanted to print every photo with polaroid film but you know polaroid film and printer was just ...pricy! For my kiam-siap personality I think it's better just DIY with it and it's just as simple as a piece of cake! Am I right? After I tried it I'm loving it because it make my diary and TN look nicer and more attractive.
Plus, did you realise that I'm so efficient? I update my blog more frequent and I share more stuff on my blog. My blog just...so me right now! HAHAHAHAH Follow the plan and everything = well manage and blog post always up on time! It means that I have more time to blog about my interest and share more thing to you!
Oh well, if you want I strongly recommend you to get one planner for yourself. I'm so happy that everything run smoothly after I start utilise my planner and schedule my day every night. To be honest, I realise that I have the symptom of Obsessive–compulsive disorder (強迫症) I short-form it to OCD! I must stay and follow all the rules stated by myself. If i never follow it I can't sleep or really worry for something.
For example, I'm really in love with happiedori or any washi tape. If I bought one I won't use it but if I use it I worry I can't get it next time when it finish. So every time I will have to buy 2 item that totally same or diff colour. One for me to use and another to keep!
Next for the instagram photo I must sort it in order. When I upload 1 in morning I must do the same for afternoon and night with same colour tone or event that happen in the same day. Lastly, for my blog post I have to make sure all 1x1 square photo to be in 600x600 size. If not I don't have the mood to blog. lol slap me pls!
Everytime I tend to think too much and worry too much for the future -.- damn! Oh yea! Since I wanna make my post to be perfectly suit my post topic let me show you some of my TN personal diary.
I know some of you still don't have any idea where to get and purchase all those stationary and craft item. So here's the short list that I list out for you where I normally purchased those stickers / washi tape and deco on my TN. You can search all the item with the name provided by me on instagram or website
- Happiedori (My planner) - From @HappieScrappie (http://happie-scrappie.blogspot.com)
- Midori TN (Personal Diary) - From Tabiyo Shop (http://tabiyoshop.com)
- Pastel Stationaries / Pen / MT washi Tape / Cute Sticky Note - From HappieScrappie
- Vintage Sticker & vintage stamp - From Stickerrific (normally I go their actual shop at Jaya One)
- WaterColor Book - DIY handmade from Happie Scrappie
- Craft DIY item - from Art. Friends @ The curve / The Gardens (but quite pricy)
- Black Pen - Using Pilot WinGel Black 0.38
- Pen to write on Washi Tape - Marker from Happie Scrappie
Here's some of the link I usually shop with and most of the time will purchase from Happie Scrappie because I always go to her house! HAHAHAH So I can straight grab it but still so fast sold out!! Now my OCD start again I got the neon pink and purple happiedori but I wish to collect more. I mean like collect whole series of it to put on my Ikea wardrobe. wtf! I can't sleep from now on I guess!
That's all for today! Love xx.
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Happiedori from Happie Scrappie | Traveler's Note , Diary , Planner #2
27 September 2014
Hoolla♥ is me again and all the pastel or colourful lovers out there have been waiting me for this post. I know right!!! so right after I back from Sam's house I have to face my lap top to blog about how I spent my day with her today. So yea!!! For those who followed my insta and read my previous post about my first traveler's notebook (here) I'M SURE you know I'm addicted with all those stationaries and traveler's notebook.
So from now on I will share those related post on my blog. I know some of you were asking where I bought most of my item and today I'm gonna share with all of you the neon pink planner that I bought few weeks ago.
Since last month I start to look for colourful stationaries and while I'm searching some pastel stationaries on youtube I accidentally saw someone post a photo on a handmade colourful / pastel traveler's notebook. After that I only know it's known as Happiedori from Happie Scrappie . You know sometime it's all about fate and while I googling throughout the whole day I can't find any contact with her and I have no idea where to get it. The next day after that I found her instagram!!!
The reason why I share this with you because I think she deserve it. You really have to see how she done everything with her own and I'm happy that I'm able to help her a little bit while I'm free to drop by her house. I think I should show my support to local seller like her. She put a lot effort on her shop and I love her shop because she got things that we want but can't get it in Malaysia. This make me love her more!!
Not being selfish ..most of the time she share review and tutorial on her blog and youtube channel! Feel free to check it out and shop at her blog shop :) Plus, I know you guys always looking for nice stationaries shop and item to purchase so...HERE YOU GOOOO!!
Stay tuned for my happiedori planner post and thanks so much Sam for everything. She got me some washi tape too and at the same time I can shopping inside her room. lol...I TELL YOU..YOU GET CRAZY if you meet her in real..I mean her room and in person! Such a nice one :'( Feel so happy and thanks god I met her because she teached me lots of knowledge about scrapbook and show me all her work. SO AWESOME!!!
I haven take my dinner so I guess it's time to stop here! That's all for today's update. Love, xx.
Don't ask me where's the link ya! i put everything here :pSo from now on I will share those related post on my blog. I know some of you were asking where I bought most of my item and today I'm gonna share with all of you the neon pink planner that I bought few weeks ago.
Since last month I start to look for colourful stationaries and while I'm searching some pastel stationaries on youtube I accidentally saw someone post a photo on a handmade colourful / pastel traveler's notebook. After that I only know it's known as Happiedori from Happie Scrappie . You know sometime it's all about fate and while I googling throughout the whole day I can't find any contact with her and I have no idea where to get it. The next day after that I found her instagram!!!
I told you... She's my current addiction and when I click on her website I thought she was a Singaporean or live in UK/US but end up I find out that she was a MALAYSIAN too! OMGGGG I'm so excited as you guys know I'm a pastel lover and I love everythings in pastel colour. Her instagram is full of colours. Mainly in mint / tiffany blue and pink stationaries. But I realise she's not selling her happiedori because at first she was just make for fun and never thought of selling it ..
So I try my luck see whether she will reply me on my insta direct msg. Wait for few hour suddenly a notification jump on my phone's screen. YOU KNOW I CAN'T EXPLAIN HOW HAPPY AM I! I order and bank in immediately after I confirmed my order.
Since I have my very expensive midori TN and I decided that for my personal diary + one happiedori for my daily planner! Means I can always carry it out with me and put inside my bag. Schedule my day and week. Make sure that my blog post always update on time! I bought three and one for mummy ,one for friends but end up I kept for myself *wtf wtf
Then we met each other for the first time last week. She teach me how to make a water-colour book and you should go have a look on her insta. I realise that not much people in Malaysia know her shop so I decided to write and blog about this for her since I love her so much! She's such a nice and friendly one. My god !!! Dream came true for my very first time that I drive to her house and help her with her happiedori. Plus, realise that it's really hard for her alone to make all the order so why not if i'm able to help her along since I'm free and JUST feel so happy that the whole room = THINGS I LOVE
It's very hard for me to get in touch and found someone that had the same interest or hobby as crazy as me. So she's the one and I'm happy that I'm able to meet + help her along! I'm so happy and TAAADAAA both of our selfies♥♥!!!!
So yea I'm gonna share some of the photo I took this afternoon! I tell you!! You gonna fall in love with her whole craft room because it is full of scrap books , planners and pastel stationaries. She got her own online shop @ http://happiescrappie.bigcartel.com you can check it out and shop it with paypal or else if you looking for happiedori with your own customise colour you can always email her with your order.
Her email | shop.happiescrappie@gmail.com | Maybe some of you can get the happiedori that make by me today! MUHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm just joking but I think I can spend all my day and night in her room since i'm loving it *seriously!
And hor..I also realise that the process of making 1 happiedori really time consuming and too much effort needed. Imaging she need to do everything alone including glue it , stick it together , make hole on each cover then choose for the colour then mix it well. Haven done yet she still need to measure all the thing and pack in inside a clear plastic bag + ensure all the quality was the same.
That's the reason why handmade / craft items always slightly pricy! But this one definitely dropped your eye because her items are quite reasonable. So pls go ahead to get things you like. For those who can't afford midori or prefer colourful one you can always look for her. Best part is YOU CAN PICK THE COLOUR YOU WANT!!
That's the reason why handmade / craft items always slightly pricy! But this one definitely dropped your eye because her items are quite reasonable. So pls go ahead to get things you like. For those who can't afford midori or prefer colourful one you can always look for her. Best part is YOU CAN PICK THE COLOUR YOU WANT!!
Happiedori and I'm just so happy to see all the colourful things!
Told you that ...her room was AWESOME!! LET ME SHOW YOU! PLEASE BE AWERE because you gonna SHOUT OUT LOUD! LOLLLL
The reason why I share this with you because I think she deserve it. You really have to see how she done everything with her own and I'm happy that I'm able to help her a little bit while I'm free to drop by her house. I think I should show my support to local seller like her. She put a lot effort on her shop and I love her shop because she got things that we want but can't get it in Malaysia. This make me love her more!!
Not being selfish ..most of the time she share review and tutorial on her blog and youtube channel! Feel free to check it out and shop at her blog shop :) Plus, I know you guys always looking for nice stationaries shop and item to purchase so...HERE YOU GOOOO!!
Stay tuned for my happiedori planner post and thanks so much Sam for everything. She got me some washi tape too and at the same time I can shopping inside her room. lol...I TELL YOU..YOU GET CRAZY if you meet her in real..I mean her room and in person! Such a nice one :'( Feel so happy and thanks god I met her because she teached me lots of knowledge about scrapbook and show me all her work. SO AWESOME!!!
I haven take my dinner so I guess it's time to stop here! That's all for today's update. Love, xx.
Happie Scrappie Online Shop - http://happiescrappie.bigcartel.com
Email - shop.happiescrappie@gmail.com
Instagram - http://instagram.com/happiescrappie

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