MY DIY 52-Week Money Saving Challenge (52星期儲蓄挑戰) | Chanwon

04 January 2015

Good Afternoon Peeps Happy Sunday! Just went back and brunch with Smelly just now. Finally we blank some time to each other and when every time I went out with him I love to bring him along to Daiso. Sometime I just went there for fun because I love to do some window shopping but (sometime) I spent a lot at there too. So, a day before I check out some stationaries group at Facebook I accidentally saw this 52-WEEK MONEY SAVING CHALLENGE

 突然心血來潮想要給自己新的一年裏有新的挑戰。這是一個52個星期儲蓄挑戰。但是自己本身覺得有時候要看得到摸得到才有那種強迫的讓自己去儲蓄。結果自己去買了一個5塊錢的儲蓄箱來diy.只要一年裡有52星期,每星期存多前一個星期多一塊錢,那麼年尾最後一個星期就有多rm1378塊錢來用。 最喜歡年尾買個大禮物送給自己 可以是機票或者平時不捨得買的東西。為了讓自己更加有推動力我也推動身邊的人開始這個遊戲。不要把它看得太難就像說是一個遊戲吧!臭人也跟我一起儲蓄看年尾我們一起買機票去旅行就用這筆錢吧!

開始動手五分鐘就能擁有你自己的「52星期挑戰儲蓄箱」弄好了我也要看~可以#chanwondotcom 在instagram哦~

I think I saw someone sharing this randomly at my facebook new feeds. So I read it anyway but realise that it's quite easy for us to challenge this because within a year you can actually save more than RM1378. I mean like RM1378 can do so many things!!!

You can buy flight ticket to Taiwan , Japan , Korea , Thailand or travel within Malaysia.
You can buy couple watch to your partner.
You can buy a small diamond ring for yourself.
You can buy New Balance sport shoe.
You can buy lots of cosmetic product at the end of the year.
You can organise a food trip with your friends. maybe 3 or 4 person.
You can plan for a beach trip 

& so on....

So much thing to do with that and it's so easy to challenge with it. The table shows on year = 52 weeks. So the first week you should save RM1 , Second week RM2, Third week of this year you save RM3...the following just follow each week add on RM1. Accumulate it from week 1 until the last week, which is week 52 can save for A TOTAL OF RM1378!!


But it's quite boring if I have to mark and tick it inside my planner. I think I learned a lot this few month using the benefits of google and joining some of the stationary community on Facebook. So, the purpose of me saving this is of course, for a ticket of trip with Smelly. I know I got enough money if i save it in a bank but it should be more FUN and HAPPY if I challenge this with Smelly!

Saving CAN BE FUN if you keep on motivate each other or challenge it with your gang of BFF or bf/gf! Am I right? Make it sounds like a GAME rather than just challenge. 

I need to challenge this!! So I can have extra RM1.3K+ to use at the end of the year!! Wooohooo! So tomorrow start the second week in my challenge bank I already got RM3 (RM1 + RM2) and another RM3 from Smelly. If he bully me then until the end of the month his part of savings will belong to me! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA  just joking~

For this part instead of print out the table I got I rather spend a RM5 to make my own version of DIY SAVINGS BANK. I mean like sometime you need to see it physically only can motivate you / remind yourself to SAVE MORE! So I got this savings bank from daiso!

It's very simple one and super ugly savings bank but i bought this because it can't use it back if you open it. It look like a canned food 

So we can't open it and close it again. It challenge my patient to wait it grow and open too! Lol, HAAHAHAHAHAHHA

Also got a Marker Pen that you can write on a can or smooth surface + a masking sticker that i got from Happie Scrappie's Shop (here) You can decorate and draw your own version. Get the simple savings bank will do because if too cute you might feel bad to draw on it! AHAHAHAHAH

Then label it and stick it on your savings bank. Start to doodle around or just draw like what I did to my savings bank. I just write number 1 to 52 and circle it up. Once I put the money in, I will cross or tick it

(Like this)

So easy like a piece of cake! I done it within 5 mins and please ignore my ugly drawing skill. You can decorate and put some shinning sticker on it to make it look cuter and nicer :p Then next you need to put it on a place that you CAN SEE it every morning. It can remind you to SAVE MORE. 

Muahahaha now this is my ugly and easiest version of savings bank. Maybe I should call this as couples saving challenge? I can't wait at the end of this year I CAN SPEND IT to buy thing I like or buy ticket travel with Smelly again! WOOOHOOOOO

 I can't wait to see your creation on your own version of savings bank for this 52- Week challenge! I will upload mine on my insta later and if you do , feel free to hashtag #chanwondotcom  so I can like and comment on your photo below! Can't wait to see how creative you are!! Share this with your friends so we shall should to save money from now on! YUUUHOOO~

That's all for my sharing. Love xx.


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