Good Afternoon Sweethearts ♥ Sorry if this take too long for you to digest but you know life wouldn't be great if it's WITHOUT FOOD. Please be aware of that because this post is all about food! Went to Morganfield's @ Publika for some food testing session with Smelly & my girls. It was a great day for me because I can eat non-stop without worried! That should be the best day ever because of the food. It's my second time visited Morganfield's, I'm still quite bad on memorising the road and my house really damn far from there. But still, I sacrifice for FOOD! lol
Wish I'm food blogger so I can always treat myself good and nice food. Maybe aim to gain on some weight ?!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA So they actually provided us some CNY Special Menu & also Valentine Set too. Too bad I can't post this on time because it's too rush for me to blog about this yesterday. Too much work need to rush and aim to save as much as I can before my Japan Trip. So...ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?!!!!
I'm dilemma on which set should I post first but since CNY still around the corner let's get started with their CNY Special Menu. There are two 'MUST-TRY' dishes in their CNY Special menu, it's the Morgan's Flying Pig & Pork-sperity Lou Sang. I'm hereby attached the special menu for your reference.

Yea and guess most of the time menu tend to be attractive than the real one right? You're wrong because when you try this out...YOU WILL BE SHOCK! I personally not really a pork kind of person and lou sang too but it's always my first time to try out their pork lou sang. I think the meat look really good and taste good too. The real dish is exactly same as the menu. I'm so happy! AHAHAHAHAH
-Morgan's Flying Pig & Pork-sperity Lou Sang-
Pork-sperity Lou Sang - RM38.80 for 4-5 pax
Wooohooo Lou Sang!! It taste slightly diff from the usual vegetarian lou sang I tried last month. This should be more crispy because of its ingredients on the top and a slightly sweet & sour because of the sauce. I think the plate was slightly too small for us to lou sang. 30% of the ingredients dropped on the table. Such a waste or maybe we get excited and tend to be like that? AHAHHAHAAH But overall the lou sang taste quite good. For pork lover you might love this :)
Morgan's Flying Pig
Not really my cup of tea but everyone love it. I more prefer their Valentine Set menu on this. Love their sticky bone & grilled salmon fillet. I seems like afraid to see the whole pig shape on the plate. lol Again, if you like pork!! You can think about it~ Remember it is available from 1/2/2015 ~ 8/3/2015.Don't missed this opportunity to try their pork lou sang yooo~

Next, it's all about the Valentine Set. The price was somehow REASONABLE!!!! Just RM159.90 per couple and you can choose your own appetizer within the 2 options and main dish with a red velvet cake as your dessert. So sweet xia hor~~
Valentine SET-Shrimp Cocktail Salod | Sticky Bones | Grilled Salmon Fillet-
For this special valentine set especially the main dish you can choose 2 out of 6. Better and much more choices than the normal restaurant offer. I went to look for some Valentine Set menu I think this is pretty much reasonable. Don't compare with fine dining lah! Fine dining RM300-350+ per person leh! So I think Morganfield's did a good job on this valentine set. BUT too bad it's just available on yesterday :'(
It look so good right?!! The freshness of all ingredients melted our heart and look back with the photo I took..I feel hungry now!! HAHAHAAHAH Smelly and all my girls enjoy this dish but not me because I prefer the sticky bone and of course my all time favourite grilled salmon fillet!!
Sticky Bone
Next, it's my favourite and it look cuter without the whole pig on the plate!! HAHAHAHA I prefer sticky bone and it's the best combination with the sauce!! This taste really good. Smelly's favourite and I hope my bro was here because he can finish the whole item before anyone notice about him! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Grilled Salmon Fillet
At first I thought it's a pork but after I tried it. IT'S MY FAVOURITE SALMON!!! The sauce was really special I don't think I try it before. I think the portion is too much for a girl! HAHAHA The happiest part was all of us had a blast on that day. Guess this should be the purpose of lou sang and food review right?
Of course never forget to mention their food and here's another offer for you to dine at (if you are looking for pork dishes) for this upcoming CNY. Oh yea, I didn't get a chance to try their dessert but I tried their brownie!!! Brownie win everything! HAAHAHAHAHA Hope someone can take away their brownie for me now T.T It's been awhile since I never join tea time with my girls and hope you don't turn as hungry as me after reading this post.
Don't just read :p you can now reserve a table for you and your family/ friends too :) check out its few outlet see which one nearer for you and here's the info for your reservation @ publika one~
Reservation information
Publika Lot 26, ground 3
+6 03 62119958
That's all for today. Love, xx.
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