Hello My little Sweeties♥ Miss you so much and lately I'm so busy on my work! It's my last min part time work before my Japan Trip. Just to make sure that I got enough money to survive during my trip. God bless me! So yea, this post should be update before the Chinese New Year or every beginning of the year. Normally I'm so lazy, I will only sort things out when I can't 'tahan' anymore or I just force myself to do so. You know that my room isn't big so I really need to sort things out and stay organize in order to keep myself happy!
I'm so envy you guys because I'm pretty sure your room is bigger than mine! If you always stick on my blog you will noticed I throw away the whole dark brown bookshelf and bought my alex 9 drawers and this customise white bookshelf + mirror from Ikea. I think white colour make my room look bigger and I seriously need a body mirror!!! So I got it done by added a customise attachable mirror on the white shelf.
My room is a L shape room because I got a share toilet bathroom with my bro's room. I'm so sad I ended up getting the smallest room than him!! Arghh~ But is okay because my room so small means that it's easier for me to clean up. Right? I'm quite an organized person but when I shop too much and bought too many item PLUS limited space in my room...My room start to be like a war! Everything will kept beside my bed and once I take something out, everything will drop =.= Yea, this is horrible so I always get a chance to join bazaar or sell my pre-loved clothes or items on my own group.
Things that you don't want might be precious for others. So, I think I bought too much stationeries recently from Happie Scrappie. She was a influencer who influence and poison me with all her stationary and planner but still I love her. Plus, you know stationary and all those small stickers / sticky note = really hard to keep it nicely. End up I put and stick it everywhere and it's super duper hard to find it back. You will understand me!!
This corner took me 1 and a half day to sort it. Mainly I throw and recycle away those unwanted item that I got and realise that some product was expired! Most of them were unused. I'm so sad!! Because I always kept it in the corner and soon I forgot what I bought previously. Wasted!!! I should back on track and as usual to sort my things out every 4-5 months (like last time, right?!!! should I??)
I'm not sure when I start to become like an aunty and maybe soon I should talk about which cleaner or mop brand I personally love. Transform to an aunty now! LOL I think girl better learn to keep your room clean and organized, at least this make you feel much comfortable (although sometime messy do make me feel comfortable in some way too lol!! )
So here's some step that I normally did when it come to organized my own room. Hope this help!
I'm a person who really in love with cute and small product and invested a lot in make up / beauty product. But I'm so sad that 30% of that I kept were expired. wtf right?!! Especially those eyeshadow or eyeliner pen. I bought it from Taiwan and thought of keeping it until the next time but I realize I don't even remember what I bought and continue keeping it inside a box until it expired or CAN'T USE ANYMORE!!! Heartbreak </3
So, the first step on how I organized my room will be
#1 Take all the items out
This is the nightmare ever. You will realise that you got so much unused item and want to faint at that point. But don't worry, keep moving. You basically just need to take all your things out! Remove EVERYTHING out from the previous location and put it all over the floor. Take it out from diff kind of box , from shelf , from each column or row.
If it's too much for you , you can be like me just start to sort things out from the book shelf first then move to > wardrobe > then each corner of your room. Just stay clam! HAHAHAAH
#2 Categories / Organize it
After that please lock your door and do not allow anyone to step in your room. lol I normally don't like people disturb when I clean my room too. You will see now your floor is full of items and at the same time just separate each of them. For example the previous shelf I had box that full of mask , skincare product , makeup product , book , paper clip , stickers and all decoration stuff I bought and some random item too.
While I'm taking out all my thing, I'm also categorising them into the same category. Placed each category differently and organize it accordingly.
#3 Donate / Sell / Throw / Keep
Next, prepared 2-3 big plastic bags or boxes. Put it beside your body and start to throw unwanted or expired item and if that item can be use / resell or donate you can put into other plastic bag. I usually prepared 2 plastic bag one for sell or donate and another one is for THROW! The one you need to keep for yourself just remain it on the floor.
Take note about the expired item especially those skin care or beauty product. Check it nicely and throw it if it's expired. Less is more so please donate or throw as much as you can. The lesser the better and easier for you to stay organized.
If you really love the item but you won't use it anymore maybe you can give it to your friends or family. It might make use of it and better than you just keep it and wait it reach its expire date! Right? I always ended up keeping too much product and now I feel it's wasted because I just keep it and never use them at all! If you stare over the item more than 1 mins and keep thinking whether you will use it anot, please just donate or give that to your friend because you will never use it! It's True!!

#4 Clean it

Since the white closet is really easy to keep the dust it's a MUST to clean it. I'm not sure which is nice but my mom always bought this LOC Multi-purpose Cleanser from Amway for me. I'm always using this to clean my closet , wardrobe since 10 years ago. Not sure the price maybe you can ask your mom~ AHAHAHAH
Try to wipe away all the dust! Make sure you squeeze nicely and not too wet too. Wipe your item too if can. I bought so many photo frame so I always wipe it with this cleanser too. Just love it and make me feel really CLEAN!

#5 Useful Storage Box for small items / Knickknacks / Stationary or Pen

Little knickknacks or small items like stickers , stationary , beauty sample size or trial size item or anything that can be hard to put together should be placed in a transparent box that easy to look for or those transparent jar to keep all your nail polish.
Basically I got lots of small stamp , paper , sticky , small paper clip that was really hard for me to keep it and take it out. I bought like 10 Ikea cover Box that was really exp one last time but I realise it's not suitable on this new closet anymore. So I gave it to my friends and asked on dayre see who want it I can pass it to them too.
So ended up I getting the storage box that without a cover one. I can easily pull them out from the section I want and easily look into it or label it. Something like this
I prefer box with cover last time but not now anymore since it's quite troublesome for me to open and close it and I prefer something transparent and easy to pull it out on my ikea customise closet. I bought like 8 of these transparent box from Daiso RM5 each!! Wahlao cheaper and nicer than other box!!
I customise the compartment of each column to suit and match this box. So that I can easily pull it out and look for thing I love.
This is how I put and organized all my stationary. For the pen section I bought the pastel colourful plastic jar from Daiso to fits in and categories it nicely. Thanks god I found this from Daiso!! HAHAHA I love Daiso so much!!!!

#6 Put back & sort everything nicely.Then, organize the rest of your room

Now after everything just sort things out nicely and put it back with your favourite space for it and move to organize the rest of your room like your study table , working space , bed , wardrobe and so on.
Remember to organize your wardrobe to prevent you from turning upside down each time you search for a new piece of clothing. If you want to fit in more new cloth please make sure to keep it organize if not you might be mad each time when you open your wardrobe. It's best to always recycle the whole process again & again. Give it for people who need it and rmb that, less is more!!!
Look around your room and see if there are something still hanging around or inside the plastic bag, REMEMBER to find them a place. Do not just put it in a side if not, it will continue 'grow' AHAHAHAHAA

#7 Clean your floor & Throw the plastic bag

After everything done remember to clean your floor as it's the last step!! Clean it nicely and now tie the plastic bag nicely. Throw it out of your room for the unwanted item inside the first plastic bag. For the second plastic bag just separate the item you want to give people and donate to the green box or recycle box.

#8 Remain Organized all the time

You take so long to organize your room and each closet, but it only takes few days for you to return back to your old habits so it's important to learn how to remain and stay organized all the time. You can do some simple step to stay organize every morning for example make your bed , clean your working desk , throw your rubbish everyday , keep everything back to its original location.
I tried this and I think my room still remain as good as the time I organized it. I'm so happy and remember that to put everything nicely not let it hang around your room or beside your bed! HAHAHAHA
That's all my simple tips on how I organized my room. Enjoy reading and that's all for today. Love, xx.
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