Hellooo my little sweeties♥ My blog so up to date recently!! So hard working because I just wish to share this with all of you. Yesss! Finally, it's done and it took me awhile to complete the whole road trip post because I need to write it in Mandarin too. I love travel to other country but sometime I wish to have a short road trip with my bestie and girl friends too! I planned it for a while and took me some time to get the BEST & CHEAP hotel to stay. Have to thanks my friend for the recommendation and without them I don't think I wouldn't able to make it!
(甜心們好啊!終於終於輪到這篇文章了。花了好長時間來寫這篇文章 雖然平時我喜歡到別的國家旅遊,但是啊~有時候我覺得好像跟自己的姐妹及好朋友來個短短的週末旅遊!所以想了想最後也來到了適耕莊這裡。好開心哦 整個行程都超好玩 應該謝謝我朋友的推薦因為這是他們美麗的家鄉 總而言之如果還沒去過的你,一定要好好把我的行程記錄下來哦!開始跟我一起逃離城市來到這個充滿人情味的地方吃喝玩樂吧!準備好了嗎?)
Let's Get Started
Arrived Sekinchan at night due to the terrible jam before our public holiday so I look really tired but it's okay because....I'm waiting to experience my very first night in Sekinchan at this wonderful A+ Hotel. My friend actually recommended this for me and it's always fully booked! Luckily I'm able to get into their hotel room and have a room around. It's REALLY CHEAP , CLEAN , NICE , A new hotel experience that I never had. Will show you more at the end of the post! Saw their pretty hotel room and get addicted with their open-air garden!
A long and excited night spent with my dear and guess what! We fall asleep so fast since the first night arrived at a super late time. We really need to rest and I just can't wait to see the green paddy field!! It's my first time man!! I'm so excited~
(畢竟來到這裡的第一晚好睏好累加上舒服的床~怎麼可能睡不了!!但是最期待最期待的是第二天一大早要開始我們吃不停,拍不停,玩不停的行程啦。最興奮的還是一大一大片綠色的稻田!!!這是我人生第一次看到那麼綠的稻田加上無敵自然的藍天白雲景色!整個大好天氣 超級無敵棒 至於我們住宿我待會兒在說哦~美食和景色先~)
Sekinchan was just a small and friendly place for me. Everyone was super friendly and we just walk around before having our first meal of the day! We went to RIRI FATT & have our first brunch. Don't forget to bring your sunblock but luckily the weather was just nice for me. I feel so happy because not really hot and no heavy rain too~ Wooohooo~ why i choose to come to RIRI FATT ?! it's all because their popular and famous sticky chicken rice!!
(早上起床後用最短的時間看天氣和準備後,馬上出發吃我們的早+午餐!這裡的人好熱情 喜歡小地方因為總是充滿滿滿的人情味~這裡有著名的糯米雞,跟你說!!!早餐吃的好人也特別清爽!阿哈哈哈哈哈)

Sticky Chicken Rice (糯米雞/Nuo Mi Fan) & FOOD!
First Stop!! It's all about their food. Sticky chicken rice , noodle , pumpkin special noodle , 3 colour milk tea, Chee cheong fun (rice noodle roll) , fresh sandwich and prawn dumpling! Forgot their name but luckily I got my camera with me! So I just order whatever I see and everything served in a huge amount! Big portion of noodle , big and fresh sandwich plus their yummy prawn dumpling!!! Super full~
(其實也不是很記得自己把什麼東西吃進肚子!只知道什麼都好吃,好新鮮,也忘了什麼名就什麼都來一些給自己有多少吃多少!但是這裡的東西真的好新鮮!豬腸粉的肉好多 三文治的料夠多 糯米雞夠味 還有著名的三色奶茶 我又流口水了啦!!!)
Pumpkin Special Noodle 南瓜什麼的~忘記它的名!
Chee cheong fun (Rice Noodle Roll) 豬腸粉
Sticky Chicken Rice 糯米雞 (其實這裡還有糯米豬!)
3 colour milk tea 三色奶茶
Fresh Sandwich 新鮮三文治
Prawn Dumpling 炸蝦餃
#2 Ah Ma House 阿嬤的家
|Traditional cake & biscuit| Vintage Decoration|
Next, we went to the Ah Ma House which selling cake and biscuit in Sekinchan. All the recipes are came from their grandmother with traditional taste and the meaning of Ah Ma means grandmother in Hokkien Language. The famous one will be Ah Ma Cake (阿嬤鸡蛋糕) and some traditional biscuit like pineapple tart, kuih bangkit and my favourite kuih kaput!!
(對啦對啦!剛開始一直聽到他們推薦阿嬤的家 我還以為要去他們的外婆家因為我叫我外婆也叫阿嬤的啦!好可愛的誤會 結果來到這裡聞到陣陣香味飄來飄去!最吸引的是我最愛的kuih kaput 每次新年一定會買的 而且這裡賣超級多以前小時候都會吃到買到的小零食 好懷念哦~)
kuih kaputmango soap that smell like 100% mango and i feel like putting it into my mouth lol
Not just a normal shop!! The shop was decorated with lots of traditional furniture in Kampung. I think about my grandmom T.T I miss her so much!!
(除了一些好懷念的零嘴 最吸引人來的也是它裡面的裝飾!整個是模擬以前外婆家的裝潢。好復古 好懷舊!所以我們來到這裡就來角色扮演 拍拍照 煮下飯 也等老公回來 xD)
We came here not just because of their traditional snacks but the interior of it. Lots of us actually came here to take some 'vintage' photo and act like those old people who actually cooking for their children and waiting their husband back to home xD lol
Come!! BUY BUY BUY!! Chanwon selling yummy food here!! Hello hello~~
Bird's Nest!!
Best drink for a hot day!!

#3 Old Vintage Car 老爺車
|Tourist car service|
You will noticed this once you reached 'Ah Ma House' because it's just right beside the shop. Very cheap and fun! It's only RM10 for a ride (per person) and you can actually see how HUGE the paddy field was. You can request them to stop at a side and it allows you to take photo with your friends and the awesome paddy field.
Can selfies with a super romantic pose with your bestie or bf! AHAHAHAHAH
我真的是發神經 大熱天還穿長袖 不想曬黑但會熱死的啦~
photoshooting time! lol
crazy shoot!
haven get enough?!!!
continue searching for it!!!

#4 La Familia Orchard (乡之旅果园)
|Visit Fruit Farm|Local Fruit Stall|
We back to our vintage car and ask them to fetch us to this La Familia Orchard which is a fruit farm with a small fruit stall to sell local fruits from Sekinchan. Previously we are not allow to go in to their fruit farm but now they opened to the public. So it's the best time for you to get to know everything about their local fruit and they will ask someone to explain it for you. My favourite will be the super fresh water apple a.k.a jambu air in Malay!
(拍照也用了好多時間後就馬上去了果園!會要來也是因為這裡的jambu air超級天 超級好吃!是每天新鮮採取的哦!而且這裡裏面有賣好多道地的水果。來到這裡你可以參觀已被開放的果園 因為之前是我們是不能進去的但是現在已經開放給遊客了!實在是太好了!!那麼我們也可以了解自己愛吃的就jambu air到底是長什麼樣子的呢~)
my all time favourite fruit~
Local food again!
Visiting their fruit farm
Baby Jambu
They need to cover it with some plastic bag to prevent the insect and warm! Actually there are few holes under the plastic bag that allows the fruit to breath but it's really tiring to cover each of them with plastic bag right?!! Bravo to them! The fruit farm was super big too! I can't believe they can stay here for the whole day. Surprisingly it's my first time looking at the baby jambu!! OMG OMG
最讓我吃驚的是在這裡工作的人需要每一顆的jambu用袋子來包著避免被昆蟲吃 還需要每個袋子下面弄幾個小洞來個水果呼吸 真是佩服在這種大日天氣下還需要天天在這裡採集新鮮的水果給我們。更好奇的是我第一次見到寶寶jambu跟大了的長得真不一樣!哈哈哈哈哈 好好笑我 我都要笑我自己了 對了解這些下次就會好好珍惜不要浪費水果了 每一顆都好用心再弄!還超級無敵甜有超級有水!說到這裡嘴巴口水也流出來了~
separate it with diff basket and the fresh one will be selling at the front stall! that's the reason why it's so fresh and sweet!!

#5 Paddy Processing Factory & Paddy Museum
| buy pearl rice | visit processing factory and buy ticket for paddy museum|
They will ask whether you want to go in and experience the paddy processing factory anot. I'm not really interested on that because I can buy it anytime but due to the sudden change on the weather I decided to go back to Ah Ma house and play with the couple riding bicycle! So if those who are interested you can actually visit the PLS Marketing (M) Sdn Bhd (or Kilang Beras Rakyat Sekinchan Sdn Bhd) which is one of the paddy processing factory that allow tourist to visit their factory.
You can actually buy the Pearl Rice at this factory and they even developed a Paddy Museum in their factory. Visitor guides will show a video to the visitors about the process of the paddy plantation with a mechanized planting method. Then, they will explain the process of paddy planting and paddy processing to the visitors. But please be remind that visitors need to purchase a ticket before going to visit the museum.
過後如果你們行程還夠時間你們可以考慮去看看稻米製作過程和稻米museum!在哪裡可以買到所謂的珍珠米而且還可以了解更多稻米的製做過程但是稻米博物館需要購買票才可以進去看哦~ 未免耽誤我時間我也沒有真的需要去看~可能下次多餘的時間可以來~因為天氣不作美 (還好拍完了照片)所以打算在下午天黑之前乘搭一下雙人腳踏車!!
The funniest part on this trip! A couple riding bicycle and this can increase your relationship with your partner! WOOOHOOO but please be careful not to fall down from the bicycle!! WHY?! BECAUSE I ALWAYS FALL DOWN LAH!! SO SCARY!!
這是整個旅程最好玩最開心最刺激的一部分!最搞笑的就是這輛雙人腳踏車。因為很容易不合作後會跌倒所以來玩的甜心要小心哦 不然會被人笑也怕整個旅程就受傷了!
One side actually just to take a bike and another side need to control the position of the bicycle. I tell you better have a good discussion before trying this out as it actually quire scary because you need to take a bike on the road! HAAHAHAH Then you will your left and right side was full of paddy...sometime when you look at a side + feel unbalance... you will feel like you might fall down into the paddy field lol
*worried too much!*
這個通常一邊是負責踩踏 而一邊是負責控制左右+踩踏 但是要在路邊旁邊充滿稻田有時失去平衡真的感覺想跌下去 超級可怕的!所以來玩的你們一定要注意安全啊~
就是為了要拍這張照片然後差點掉下去稻田裡 >.<超級可怕 因為我們兩個女的一直在那裏亂叫 我都覺得不好意思了
safety 'landed'
安全抵達目的地 謝天謝地 為了拍照什麼都敢敢來 真是的~
Chinese based seafood restaurant EVERYWHERE. You can just turn one round and look for the best restaurant and I went to the Sheng Hui Restaurant 適耕莊輝煌海鮮酒家 ! I love their chinese herbs drinks there and it's sold in a big bottle! My friends recommended this for me and they told me that their seafood came in large portion with a very seductive looking! HAAHAHAHA
第二期待的就是海鮮美食!這裡有很多不錯的海鮮酒家如果真的沒有人跟我說我大概就任選一間。但還好有朋友推薦我來這家 超喜歡這裡的涼水 是一大瓶汽水瓶那樣大罐賣的~大熱天一直喝水都不會覺得飽因為都一直流汗呢~ 這間海鮮酒家的食物都好壯觀也好多好大!難道這裡海鮮不用錢嗎?!好嚇人 也謝謝他們大大方招呼和介紹!好熱情哦 真喜歡~沒想到~
Will attached the name card to show you the location here!
#8 Pantai Redang Beach 熱浪沙灘
| Snacks stall | Enjoy the wind | Take photo on the Beach & tree house |
Tired and feel bored with paddy field?! Don't worry for it because here's another must selfie place @Sekinchan ! It's a very popular place among the tourist and quite crowded during public holiday. Plan ahead before you come! Quite a lot of snack stall available and you could just come here take photo with the tree house, beach and if you are a sunset lover?!! come here by 7pm to look for a beautiful and amazing sunset with your friends!
對一大片的稻田悶了嗎?不用怕!!還有一個著名的熱浪沙灘哦~這裡是真的滿多人一下 除非不是大休假人其實還好 但如果你是喜歡看夕陽的人 不妨在太陽還沒下大概6-7點左右來這裡看美麗的夕陽西下。還有一邊吹風,一邊喝椰子水+吃零嘴真的是人間一大享受! 還有可以在樹屋下拍幾張漂亮的照片哦~
looking for a insta-worthy place?! look for this red ribbons make a wish tree just next to the beach! just get a red ribbon and write your secret wish on the ribbon. next, just make a wish by throwing it onto this big ribbon tree.
PS:obviously my shooting skill is much better! hahahaahhaa
#10 Recommended Place to stay 住宿問題
Either A+ Hotel / House Of Cartoons
It's a very good question and i'm quite choosy when it come to any place to stay or overnight. I actually visited their hotel and did a research before I go and I'm glad that the boss there and my friends allowed me to have a look with their another homestay just behind the A+ Hotel. If you come with your family or your bf (2-5 people) you can actually just go for the A+ Hotel but if you come with your friends which are more than 10 people or come for a holiday trip with your big family or colleagues , then you can think about their House Of Cartoons.
Both was super duper cheap!+ Interesting!
Let me show you the A+Hotel and House of Cartoons!!
#11 A+ Hotel
Location Address: (You can waze for the location actually)NO6, Jalan Perdana,Taman Sekinchan Perdana,45400 Sekinchan.
Contact: 03-3241 5555 | 03- 3241 6666 (Call for booking)
They told me just call them to book your room because usually their Facebook msg will gone so it's better if you can call them to book your hotel room.
Super duper recommend for all of those who love to stay in a wonderful hotel. This one is more like a theme home stay place that offer a super fun open-air garden and they got a special merry go round room! 這裡最令我大吃一驚的就是這個彷彿像主題的住宿!就像台灣那種的~ 但是也有普通的最重要價錢很合理也很便宜等下看到價錢表不要大叫!還有我剛提到的開放式樓上
price list 價錢表
theme room!someone going to propose later! lol
主題房間 可以拿來求婚!當天拍照的時候是有人要用來求婚的~哈哈哈啊好
這是這裡最貴的其他的房間是普通一點但都好乾淨 廁所也滿有空間的~
single , standard, twins, suit , family , and triple room!

All painted wall located at the highest floor of A+ Hotel. You can come here anytime! Night view was really nice!!!
At night you can went up stair and have some chit chat session with your family and friends. The night still young! HAHAHAHAHA
#12 House of Cartoons 卡通城堡
| snoopy house | hello kitty house | rilakkuma house |
i told you don't be surprise with this!! Yeah!! I saw their house of cartoons and wish that I could take a look before it available for booking and they arrange it for me :'( So touched! Thanks Ehau and the boss for the help to arrange this for me! Just want to show you guys how it look like since it's still so new and I wish that my blog could help some of you to plan for your short trip and stay nicely too.
Here's the best place for you to stay if you have more than 6 people and wish could stay in a house. The rental was RM400-450 for a whole house. 3 rooms if I'm not mistake. You can check from their website and Facebook that I linked on the title #12. There are 3 diff theme house and it's all about snoopy , hello kitty and rilakkuma!
All rooms design in five different themes of cartoons. 3 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms .850 square feet . All rooms with air- cond , fan in the lining room
Each of the house have diff characters inside each room. I'm loving the Rilakkuma one and it's just open few weeks ago! I'm one of the new visitor here! lolll They just launched the rilakkuma house one month ago I think.
Let me show you the (1) snoopy house!
The whole living room , wall and wallpaper were full of snoopy but what's surprise me was ..each of the room has its own cartoons too. In this snoopy house it's hello kitty's room , winnie the pooh's room & last but not least, Mickey & minnie's room. & two other cartoon theme of toilet.

Nexe, the (2) Hello Kitty's House!

For this hello kitty's house, it's hello kitty room & toilets, Doraemon room & toilet and an Angry bird room!

Lastly, (3) Rilakkuma House

Almost look the same with the previous 2 house but this one is much more fun with a HUGE rilakkuma bed on the living room! lol it's the best place to play around with your gfs and friends!
1-11,Jalan sekinchan damai 2,
taman sekinchan damai,
45400 Kampong Sekinchang,
Selangor, Malaysia
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/homestayhouseofcartoons
Guess it's all about my Sekinchan short trip! Had a blast during the trip and would love to thanks my friend Ehauz for all the recommendation and A+ Hotel boss and lady boss for the help that allow me to enter the cartoons house and take some photo for my blog! Thanks a lot for the super juicy fruit and hang out with me & my friend! Hope this post could help you in planning on your short trip and I wish you to stay a night at their homestay , then the next morning just go crazy with the food and paddy field!
Best of luck! That's all for today and it's 5am now!! I'm so sleepy because I got work tomorrow T.T Good night to me~ Love, xx. Hope to plan another Sekinchan Trip with my family again!!
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