Hello!! My little sweethearts ♥ I'm here again!! I just can't wait to share this personal experience with all of you. Yea~ It's a year after my first beauty cafe with Panasonic Beauty last year. The previous experience was so great and I still can't believe that I get invited by them again this year. Everything seems to be the same except there are more familiar face & MORE useful product from Panasonic Beauty.
I'm sure it's not the first time you heard of this!! Am I right?! I have been using their beauty product from hair care to face care since 2 years ago. My first beauty product from Panasonic Beauty was the super useful hair dryer and until now it's my one and only trusted brand. It's the brand that I'm most loyal to & of course the beauty range came in with my favourite colour too! HOT PINK HOT PINK!
Make Beautiful Happen
Yeap! The real and useful beauty product that makes our life easier, less trouble and more convenient! For Panasonic, beauty is all around us and can be beautiful moments or acts of beauty. Sometimes it's up to us to make it happen! You won't believe how much effort Panasonic put on their beauty range. I'm sure you will be surprise with the amount of product they put on the market.
Surrounded by all beauty product and finally the event start! WOOOHOOOO!!
Meet the Consumer Marketing Director, Takaaki Uehara
Yves Chong, Style Director from Number 76
Aishah Sinclair, Panasonic Beauty Brand Personality & Radio Announcer
She shared some tips on how she maintain her beauty regime on her daily life/ routine. Except that one thing actually caught my eyes....the SCALP MASSAGER!! I think I need that so i can massage my hair scalp every night before I sleep. Guess I should get this to pamper myself! Other than that, the Facial Cool Putter that makes me feel like I'm having a cooling facial treatment at home! OK OKAY!! MUST get one and keep for myself!
With the help of those beauty product, you can now enjoy the same experience and do it AT HOME! No need to give yourself excuse not to go out and busy!! Thanks Panasonic Beauty for all the useful products that allows me to pamper myself at home. It's no longer a dream now! YAY!!
Facial Ionic Steamer EH-SA31 (RM529)
Not the first time you notice this on my blog. It's a steamer that allows you to deep cleansing your skin. Just a 6 mins steam will do (suitable for lazy girl like me) This steam opens up all your pores and allows you to remove the makeup easily + no more dirty pores too!
Facial Cool Putter EH-SQ10 (RM319)
New product this year!! My first time experience it on my hand and skin. Feel like I'm having a cool facial treatment too! I went to facial once every 2 months and I remember the beautician always apply a thick layer gel of aloe vera then follow up with a cooling machine!! THIS IS THE MACHINE!! I FOUND IT!!
Visible pores?!! No problem you got this facial cool putter which can helps you to tighten up and cool down the skin instantly. Put this cool putter and apply it from inward to outward on your face. Now it's the time you feel super duper relaxing!!!
Warming facial & body roller EH-SP32 (RM469)
Scalp Massager EH-HE94 (RM349)
Goodness! Best creation ever! No need to go to salon anymore :p This scalp massager has a 4 finger simulation movements that can be used as your daily routine and EVEN IN THE SHOWER. No longer need to beg someone to help you massage because you got this scalp massager with you! muhahahahaha!!
Ps: OMG So many items that I wish to include in my wish-list! Christmas present, birthday present and many more!!!

Upgraded and more powerful hair dryer compare to mine
I'm currently using the pink one but now I wish to upgrade mine to this black model EH-NA65
With Panasonic hair dryer, I can feel my hair more smooth , neat and easy to manage! Without that...I really feel like crying now :'( So yea...it's why panasonic hair dryer still my favourite one (even after so long). I just can't live without it!!
Besides hair care and face care product, Panasonic Beauty also came out with a series and range of Oral care product. Haven try this out maybe I SHOULD GIVE THIS A TRY since I'm having my braces now. It's so hard to brush my teeth with the normal brush :'(
After all the great experience with their product it's time to take some selfies with my girls. It's quite surprise to see both of us having the same blonde hair. It's our to-do plan before having our trip to Korea. So surprise right? :p
Photo Session again!!
Me, Cheesie , Bobo
Happy to meet Cheesie again!! Another hot Mama again and I wish I can be as pretty as her after giving birth!!
My Twinnie sis!
This macarons taste so good! HEAVENLY GOOD! Thanks Panasonic Beauty for this opportunity~ It's the reason why I can share my experience on each product and update it on my blog! It's my pleasure to be here again this year and wish to have more beauty cafe next year ...every year...!! AHAHAHAHAHAH Now I need to work harder and harder so I can grab and upgrade my hair dryer! Still thinking which should I go for... Scalp Massager ?!! Cool Putter?? Both?!! Oh yea... the hair dryer too!
OMG OMG OMG Feel free to check out their update on insta and fb. Don't wait lah~ Date your girlfriends and start looking for their product and experience it yourself!! NOWWWWW~~ GGOGOGOGOGOGOO. That's all for today. LOVE, xx.
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