Hello Sweeties♥ I'm so excited to share this with you (again~ I'm always excited xD) This is an ultimate guide for those who watched the famous Japanese movie called 'Your Name' and what so special about this adventure and journey was the whole Kimi No Na Wa ('Your Name') – Anime was made based on the Real Life Locations. Yes, it's real and not just a movie only. Those famous spot in the movie actually exist in Japan.
I have visited most of the place and this is just sooooooooo amazing! Although it's winter in Japan and the whole locations might not be exactly 100% similar with the one you watched but this is definitely beyond your imagination. Let me give you a guide and bring you around to those famous landmarks and I also did some comparison photo for you guys!
I'm a fan of this movie because I love the way they film the anime and it totally reflect the real Japan in the movie and in the same way, the film actually divided its time between a rural Gifu Prefecture and cosmopolitan Tokyo.
| #Our Itinerary between GIFU - Tokyo |
So this time I will be spending most our time at Gifu from Hida, Furukawa > Takayama > Shirakawa > Gero > Nagoya and lastly, Tokyo. Travel within Gifu isn't hard at all because it's all connected by buses and trains (mainly JR, or Japan Railway). I will more prefer to take JR rail lines because those are the quickest and most convenient way to travel between Gifu City, Gero, and Takayama. Then from Gifu to Tokyo, I will still use the Shinkansen bullet train too.
Oh yea, back to the topic, as some of you asked me because how to go to Shirakawa-go because the JR lines do not pass through those area. Actually you can easily accessed there by highway bus from Takayama or you can rent a private car to go there. Take note that highway buses also run from Gifu City to Shirakawa-go and from Gifu City to Nakatsugawa, but if you choose to use a rental car in the winter, it is important to look up ahead of time the weather forecasts and snow conditions (in northern Gifu especially) and to make sure that you are adequately prepared. So it's best to take public transport if you are not confident on your driving skill lol.
| #1 Hida-Furukawa Town | (Day 1 & Day 2 Morning)
The first thing we did after the super duper long flight journey was exploring this beautiful + vintage Hida-Furukawa town. This town become so famous after the anime movie 君の名は ('Your Name') aka Kimi no Na wa. I love the idea of using this anime movie to promote such beautiful place and make it so well-known in such a short time.
Here's the exact location that appear in the movie and this is the scene when Taki asked the taxi driver about Mitsuha's hometown. Although it's winter this time but it still look pretty much the same except the thick and pure white snow all around the road.
The photo above was one of my favourite photo that I set as both of my cover photo and desktop photo on my lap top. I look so Japanese! AHAHAHAH I tried my best to pose exactly same like the movie but unfortunately don't be silly and walk to near with the train. It's really dangerous and please be aware of this. We are quite lucky because the train stopped for some time and I successfully took 2 photo at here. It's soooooo pretty!!!! Am I right?!
I'm really surprise this place look exactly in the movie and look at the view omg!! Here's one of the best spot to take the photo and it's near by our first night stay. Everyone of us were waiting the train to stop and take multiple photo of this moment. I burst all the photo on my phone and camera. Felt super lucky because I took this photo!! Joy with tears~
The building itself and inside of the library was used when Taki went to Hida City Library to look for more information about the incident, and traced down if Mitsuha was on the victims list after he learnt from the ramen shop owner that Itomori town was destroyed by comet 3 years back. This is the scene where the big twist happened in the movie. So so so nervous at this point!
Finally it's the end of the post! Bye Bye my favourite country. Also for those who wish to travel to Japan in the future you can get a copy of Japan Walker, available in English and Malay version. It helps you to plan your trip and provides lots of interesting tourist spots in Japan for the reader. Hope this is helpful and for those who wish to know more you can visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/japanwalkersea/.
That's all for today. See you on my next post!
I have visited most of the place and this is just sooooooooo amazing! Although it's winter in Japan and the whole locations might not be exactly 100% similar with the one you watched but this is definitely beyond your imagination. Let me give you a guide and bring you around to those famous landmarks and I also did some comparison photo for you guys!
I'm a fan of this movie because I love the way they film the anime and it totally reflect the real Japan in the movie and in the same way, the film actually divided its time between a rural Gifu Prefecture and cosmopolitan Tokyo.
So this time I will be spending most our time at Gifu from Hida, Furukawa > Takayama > Shirakawa > Gero > Nagoya and lastly, Tokyo. Travel within Gifu isn't hard at all because it's all connected by buses and trains (mainly JR, or Japan Railway). I will more prefer to take JR rail lines because those are the quickest and most convenient way to travel between Gifu City, Gero, and Takayama. Then from Gifu to Tokyo, I will still use the Shinkansen bullet train too.
*5D4N Itinerary plan + route
Again, this photo took me (more or less) 1 hour to complete lol. I know I'm not really good on doing all those map thingy but just hope you can easily understand from the photo above. So it's a 5D4N in Japan and another 2 nights in the flight lol. Why?? Because : - Midnight flight from Malaysia to Japan & late night flight from Japan to Malaysia.
We spent our day1 and day2 morning in Hida-Furukawa town and day 2 afternoon were moved to Takayama town. Most of the real-movie locations can be visit by walking distance around the town except the bus stop which was quite far about 15 mins drive from the Hida-Furukawa Station. So are you ready for this?!! Let's get started!!!
Day 1
*Photo Point (1) : Hida-Furukawa Taxi Stop
*Photo Point (2) : Hidakuro
This is the second photo point! HAHAHAHA Look funny and cute at the same time lol. This was used when Taki and his friends were traveling to Itomori, Mitsuha’s hometown too & when Miki Okudera and Tsukasa Fujii was so excited seeing this Hidakuro in the station. It was a mascot inside Your name movie but it turned out to be a cardboard in reality. HAHAHAAH That's why I said it's cute & funny :p So here's another spot for you to take a photo with the standee.
How to go: Hida Furukawa Station 飛驒古川駅
Address:8-22 Kanamori-machi, Furukawa-cho,Hida, Gifu prefecture.
*Photo Point (3) : Hida-Furukawa Train
The photo above was one of my favourite photo that I set as both of my cover photo and desktop photo on my lap top. I look so Japanese! AHAHAHAH I tried my best to pose exactly same like the movie but unfortunately don't be silly and walk to near with the train. It's really dangerous and please be aware of this. We are quite lucky because the train stopped for some time and I successfully took 2 photo at here. It's soooooo pretty!!!! Am I right?!
*Photo Point (4) : View from Overpass at the Station
I'm really surprise this place look exactly in the movie and look at the view omg!! Here's one of the best spot to take the photo and it's near by our first night stay. Everyone of us were waiting the train to stop and take multiple photo of this moment. I burst all the photo on my phone and camera. Felt super lucky because I took this photo!! Joy with tears~
So around this beautiful old town, there are lots of landmark and famous spot that appear in the movie + there are lots of hint for the visitors like us. I spot one at the walking bridge near the station and it also shows some of the to-visit places and photo spot in this little town too.
We were so lucky again because during the time we visit to Hida, there is an exhibition happening in the town. It's the exhibition of Your Name movie!! Awwwww~ So we just grab all our gadgets and ran to the exhibition (using google map as our guide).
'Your Name' Exhibition
We were so happy because it only available in such limited time and we still able to meet the date. Yay!! From 7/1 ~ 19/2 only.
It look like 'Road to heaven' xD HAHAHAHAAH
No camera allowed after this place so I'm not going to break the rule but inside the exhibition it showcase all the draft / drawing and how was the story of this movie. It's pretty interesting and although I can't understand single word of it but I'm still so happy. Too bad the exhibition ended last month if not you guys can visit the exhibition here.
After 1-2 hours of walking around the town , we decided to head over to the Library and the rest will be visit on the next day because we were quite hungry at that time lol.
After 1-2 hours of walking around the town , we decided to head over to the Library and the rest will be visit on the next day because we were quite hungry at that time lol.
*Photo Point (5) : Hida City Library
The building itself and inside of the library was used when Taki went to Hida City Library to look for more information about the incident, and traced down if Mitsuha was on the victims list after he learnt from the ramen shop owner that Itomori town was destroyed by comet 3 years back. This is the scene where the big twist happened in the movie. So so so nervous at this point!
How to go: 5 minute walk from Hida Furukawa Station
Hida City Library 岐阜県飛騨市の飛騨市図書館
Address: 2-22 Furukawacho Honmachi,Hida,
Gifu Prefecture 509-4232, Japan.
Hida-City Library
We checked online there are few scene located inside this library at no.26 row in the library and at the end of the corner of the study table. I wish to take a photo of the study table but unfortunately there are people using the table and there is a big poster and notice in front of the library stated that we shouldn't disturb anyone here because it's a library. Photo was allowed until a limited period of time only and you need to register at the counter before entering the library.
So we just walk slowly, didn't talk and we spot some Your Name materials on display for all of the fans coming through! Omg you can draw something on the notebook and it's tooo cute!!
*See what I wrote lol
*Mascot of Hida
Normal set
Premium set

Perfect selfie with nice weather! lol
*Photo Point (6) : Ochiai Bus Station
*Photo Point (7) : Keta wakayama Shrine
Heavy snow in the early morning!
Way too beautiful!!

OH yes! I'm done!!
O-M-G I'm so excited when I saw this!! OMG OMG OMG

First stop: The beef stick and famous hida bun!
Beef stick (This is just nice nothing special about the beef stick)
Hida Bun! OMG THIS IS SO GOOD because it's hot and taste good too! The meat is so soft and I feel so happy when I saw bun that is really fresh and hot. Best to try this in such cold weather xD

One of the coffee shop located around the Takayama bridge. So vintage looking!
Deserve to have one photo here lol
The highly-recommended Dango is HERE!!
Next, beef sushi. The price is quite pricy and taste so so only. But if you really wish to try then go a head :P I will rather spend the money to order 10x dango I had just now HAAHAHAHAH!!
Takayama Town & Old Street
Ordered the coffee jelly and hot chocolate. AHAHAHAH
Little girl's time in Takayama shopping street. Spot 7-11 around here and bought shop souvenir back to my family and friends.
One for smelly and one for myself. At the end both also belong to me! HAHAAHAH
Dinner: Takayama Ramen @Kikyo-ya!

HELLO HELLO!! I'm chanwon from Malaysia!!!!!
T.T Can you believe this?!! So so so pretty!
Smile until can't see my eyes lol
Angie and I <3
The Huts of Shirakawa.
oh well...can see from my expression :p 很陶醉的说·~
Change into Yukata outfit!
As usual, Japanese cuisine!

Dinner time! #Itadakimasu
Malaysia Team: JoiJoi, Angie , Me & Summer
^ Kimi No Nawa (Your name) theme cafe
^ Outside of the cafe was selling all 'your name' movie related items.

Galaxy inspired drink
This green tea dish taste super duper good!

*Photo Point (8) : Strawberry Pancake
Same strawberry pancake eaten by Taki in the movie.

*Photo Point (9) : The Building
HAHAHAAH Our gang have no guy at this morning because some of them already went to Suga Shrine so we actually called one of our guide to pose like Taki in the movie HAHAAHA.
*Photo Point (10) : The Station
*Photo Point (11) : Suga Shrine nearby Staircases
This is one of the must-visit spot where you can easily recognise because all the promotional artwork and poster was using the same spot in real too. It appeared in one of the most touching and last scenes in the movie. It happened at the last few minutes of the movie, where Taki and Mitsuha finally meeting each other at the staircases.
Address:Suga Shrine 須賀神社
5 Sugacho, Shinjuku 160-0018,
Tokyo Prefecture, Japan
Those real-life locations were used throughout the movie and audience can easily recognize the locations in Japan and I'm so happy I can witness it this time. It's really a good experience to be in Japan with diff purpose. This was one of the best anime movie I watched. I love how the big twist happened in the movie and how the author actually show the real Japan in the anime. Everything was just too nice and of course the ending was nice too.
After a long day walking around the old town we decided to spend the rest of our day finding the right place to eat our dinner. You know food is really important to me and the first thing that came in my mind was S-U-S-H-I !!!! So we just walk around and see whether any sushi shop located nearby our stay. Then we found this .....
I'm so hungry and we ordered two diff set. The normal and premium sushi. Cost 1000 yen & another was 1600 yen only. Quite reasonable and the owner of this shop is really lovely. He know that we are from Malaysia after talking with us and he gave my friend & I , each a special Japanese traditional cup that has his sushi shop name on it.
Premium set
八起寿司 @飛騨市
Address: 14-1 Furukawacho Kanamoricho,
Hida, Gifu Prefecture 509-4225, Japan
Phone:+81 577-73-6363
After our dinner we continue walk around this old street and took some photo of this place before the sky turn really dark. Let me show you around!

Perfect selfie with nice weather! lol
After the walking tour around the town we decided to go back and take a rest because need to wake up quite early on the next morning.
My first stay was so comfy I guess because i'm too tired and we stayed in Hida Tomoe Hotel which was 5 minutes walk from Hida-Furukawa Station. Super near and easy to walk around to the place too. All room available in both modern and tatami style. Also, public mineral & herb bath and surprisingly it has Zaigo cuisine too.
Hida Tomoe Hotel 飛騨ともえホテル
Address:10-27 Furukawacho Kanamoricho,
Hida, Gifu Prefecture 509-4225, Japan
Phone: +81 577-73-2056
Day 2
Hello Day 2! Spent the whole morning in Hida-Furukawa again and after all we should move to Takayama and spending the whole evening around there. So the second day morning we visited Keta Wakayama shrine and Ochiai bus station, which were also the real-life locations that appear in Your Name movie & located a little bit far from the Hida-Furukawa town.
This place still look super duper cute. This was used when Taki and his friends resting in this bus stop, because they were so tired in locating the Itomori town. It look exactly same like the movie OMG!!!
How to go: 10-15 minute drive from Hida Furukawa Station
Address:Miyagawacho OchiaiHida-shi, Gifu,
509-4415, Japan
*Photo Point (7) : Keta wakayama Shrine
The super long stair was used in the scene when Taki asked few of the locals on where is the exact location of Itomori town.
Keta Wakayama shrine気多若宮神社
Address: 1297 Furukawacho Kamikita,Hida,
Gifu Prefecture 509-4212, Japan.
After that we back to the Hida town again on our last visit to Kumihimo Braid experience @Sakura Gift Shop. So before getting there let me show you some of the photo i took in the early morning! Too pretty and i feel bad if I never upload it to my blog.
Carps and canal: One of the best place to spot in Hida-Furukawa town. Seto-gawa flows through the place in small waterway, with about 800 carps swimming inside.
Way too beautiful!!
Next highlight was the Kumihimo Braid experience @Sakura Gift Shop!
Braid Experience at Sakura Gift Shop
Last place to visit before we move to Takayama! This is a famous to-visit place!! I'm so excited because I want to experience the braid thingy and do one for Smelly.

Pick your favourite color and braid it together in order to create a lovely braid!
I have some basic on this because I love DIY and craft thing. I did the similar one when I was just a primary school student but almost forgot how to do the braid already until I experience it again in Hida here. I'm so happy and feel so touched when I saw the braid that I did.
O-M-G I'm so excited when I saw this!! OMG OMG OMG

Hida Sakura Gift Shop 飛騨古川 さくら物産館
Address: 2-20, Sannomachi,
Furukawa-cho, Hida city, Gifu.
Operating Hours: 9AM-4.30PM (Closed on Thursday)

Also, in front of the shop both totoro were watching us! HAHAHAHAHA So cute omg. I couldn't resist this!
After all, let's make a move to Takayama by the train. Reached Takayama around 25 mins if not mistake. Quite easy and near right?!! After we reached Takayama, we just placed all our belongings and luggage in our hotel first and continue to explore the yummy food in Takayama. We just grab the walking map from the train station and figuring how to see the map by ourself. Actually I'm not a smart person because I have no idea how to look at a real map so instead, I will use my phone app ' GOOGLE MAP' xD HAHAHAHAHAHA!
| #2 Takayama | (Day 2 & Day 3 morning)
So the first thing was checked in at Washington Plaza Hotel and second to-do was LOOKING FOR FOOD. Forever FOOD! #Foodforlife lol. Here's some of the street food that I highly recommended you to try it out. Oh yea, the dango really TASTE VERY VERY GOOD! Please try that out when you are here.
Beef stick (This is just nice nothing special about the beef stick)
Hida Bun! OMG THIS IS SO GOOD because it's hot and taste good too! The meat is so soft and I feel so happy when I saw bun that is really fresh and hot. Best to try this in such cold weather xD

One of the coffee shop located around the Takayama bridge. So vintage looking!
Deserve to have one photo here lol
The highly-recommended Dango is HERE!!
Mitarashi dango, a type of savoury sweet rice ball and what make this so diff and taste heavenly was the rice ball and savour taste of it. The taste was just right amount of salty on our tongue and it's super duper SOFT because it's all done by the owner! JUST TAKE A LOOK AT THE PHOTO ABOVE!! Isn't it attractive?!!
Next, beef sushi. The price is quite pricy and taste so so only. But if you really wish to try then go a head :P I will rather spend the money to order 10x dango I had just now HAAHAHAHAH!!
Takayama Town & Old Street
It's such a cold weather here if not I would love to rent a kimono and wear it here. It's one of the famous spot in Takayama.
Then we walked to Sanmachi Suji, the most picturesque district in Takayama. All of the streets are beautifully lined up with centuries old traditional Japanese houses at both sides and among all my favourite will be the Sanmachi Suji, which holds the aura of Kyoto Old Town! It's why we called it the “Little Kyoto”.
Since we have quite a lot of free & easy time, we decided to go back to the coffee shop that I felt in love with.
Little girl's time in Takayama shopping street. Spot 7-11 around here and bought shop souvenir back to my family and friends.
One for smelly and one for myself. At the end both also belong to me! HAHAAHAH
Dinner: Takayama Ramen @Kikyo-ya!
Having Takayama ramen as our dinner and I'm surprise there are english menu in this shop while the ramen itself taste slightly diff from what I had previously. The noodle is more 'Q' and chewy compare with the one I had in Hokkaido or Tokyo. Next, the soup base is slightly lighter and just nice for me. Love it and I finished the whole bowl within 15 mins! Aaaaa~ soooo sooo good
Kikyouya 桔梗屋
Address:3-58 Honmachi Takayama-shi,
Gifu-ken, Japan.
Last but not least, we overnight at the Takayama Washington Hotel. It's nearby all the place we went this morning and very convenient to walk around + nearby the train stations. That's all about my Day 2 and good night!!
Hida Takayama Washington Hotel Plaza
Address:5-20 Hanasato-cho, Takayama-shi,
Gifu prefecture 506-0026
Day 3: morning
Woke up quite early on the next day because we wanted to visit the local morning market to fill up our empty stomach first before we heading to my dream place, Shirakawa.
Selfie at the Hotel waiting corner and wait for my new friend that I met during this trip <3 I feel quite proud of myself because when I'm travelling I always can wakeup really early even I sleep quite late a day before and always make it on time. It's really important to be punctual when you're travelling to oversea. Some of my friend really curious how can I make it with nice makeup and hairdo HAHAHAHA. Okay this is my kind of compliment lol.
*Miyagawa Morning Market
There are two morning market located nearby our hotel stay. It's the Miyagawa Morning Market and Jinya Morning Market. I prefer Miyagawa morning market than Jinya because some of them went there and they told me it's quite small and not much food / thing to see. So ended up I decided only visit Miyagawa. So if you are here and only have limited time on your schedule or itinerary then you can think of Miyagawa morning market instead of others.
Souvenir and food stall
So kawaii !!
There are one MUST-EAT street food! It's the famous no.1 HOT PUDDING!! Yeap, not cold but hot pudding. The owner actually show us some of their appearance on TV and famous Japanese magazine. OMG This not fake one it taste really good. I saw some of the tourist from Taiwan ordered like x10 and take it to their friends. Need to wait and queue for this. I waited for 10 mins-15 mins just for this little pudding.
HOT & FRESHLY MADE! Really really nice and tasty! Please try this if you are here~
Some of the Hong Kong friends I met during this trip.
Even the morning market was surrounded by beautiful scenery
So after the morning market we just heading back to our hotel and booked a highway bus from Takayama to Shirakawa!! Shirakawa here I come!!!
| #3 Shirakawa-go | (Day 3 afternoon)
Day 3 was the most exciting part because I'm going to witness the famous spot and must-go places in Japan. Which is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site in Japan, known as Shirakawa-go. The place was so beautiful and I can't believe I'm able to make this happen :'( Want to hug someone and cry now! lol
Day 3: afternoon

The first thing I did after I walked down from the bus...I was like OOOOO-MMMMM-GGGGG!! It's so beautiful and like a real painting right in front of my eyes. So beautiful with thick and fluffy snow! Guess what I saw a super duper long bridge connected from the parking place to the Shirakawa village. Everything was too perfect!!
T.T Can you believe this?!! So so so pretty!
OMG!! SO CUTEEEEEEE!! The dog was super duper excited and keep running around us.
Smile until can't see my eyes lol
Angie and I <3
The Huts of Shirakawa.
Can't believe it's now in front of me. It's so huge and I'm so tiny! Starring and thinking how lucky am I~
oh well...can see from my expression :p 很陶醉的说·~
After walking around the village we decided to gather back in the bus and it will drive us all the way to a place to enjoy the top view of Shirakawa-go. I checked online that it's very pretty in the morning and night (because you can experience the “Shirakawa-go Winter Light Up” moment at night). So let me show you and bring you around!!!
WOW!! This ....is...too beautiful. From the top of here you can spot about 110 gassho-zukuri houses here and some of them are still home and other than that are modified into restaurants, hotels, museum and cafes. I would love to visit here again and stay one more night so i could take a look at the amazing night view at there.
Day 3: Night
Next, my favourite self-pampering time again. HOT-SPRING STAY at Gero. Gero Hot Spring, considered as one of the three most famous hot springs in all of Japan, is particularly famous for the incredibly smooth quality of the water, which in turn makes the skin of those who soak in it just as smooth! This "water of beauties" attracts people from all over the world, and once they experience the water of Gero, they find it difficult to settle for anything else! The foot baths scattered throughout town make taking a stroll a pleasure, as you can soak in hot spring water virtually anytime and anywhere.
Then we checked in to the Suimeikan Gero Onsen Hotel nearby Gero Train Station. Just a 5 mins foot walk distant and to be honest, this is the biggest onsen stay ever. I give this 5/5 stars and there are more than 3 onsen here. I think there are total 4 of onsen. Plus, the hotel itself was super duper big. If you saw my insta stories and live update on my social media then you will know what happen. I can't find the dinner room at first floor of the hotel. I walk around and go up and down from my room still can't find it until I saw my friend who brought me to the right place. wtf! From the room I can estimate how much will be the price of staying here but it's definitely worth it!
Suimeikan Gero Onsen Hotel
Address:1268 Koden, Gero-shi,Gifu,
Japan 509-2206.
Tel: 0576-25-2800
Email: s-reserve@suimeikan.co.jp
Another thing I would love to highlight for all of you was the bathroom. Look at the bathroom it's so big and the makeup mirror and corner of the room. OMG If I could I would love to spend one more night here and try all the hot spring here!!
As usual, Japanese cuisine!
If you want to experience diff thing or activities in Japan. Please try one night stay at any onsen hotel + try the hot spring at the hotel + food because everything = linked together one package so you should really come to experience all by yourself.

Dinner time! #Itadakimasu
Malaysia Team: JoiJoi, Angie , Me & Summer
Time flies our one night stay in Gero past so fast. Seriously, I wish to spend another night here :'( pleaseeeee~ Day 3 was full of surprise and excitement!! I'm so happy and should take a good rest now. Good night!
| #4 Nagoya | (Day 4 morning)
So the last two day was a twist!! From a vintage old town to the city. We woke up early in the morning and took the train from Gero to Nagoya. Then the rest will be spending in Tokyo. Why are we came all the way from Gero to Nagoya?!!! It's all because of the 'Your Name' Theme Cafe in The Guest Cafe & Diner, PARCO Nagoya. Yes!! No joke we work up at 6am just for this!!
Day 4: morning
Poster everywhere in the walking path of train station
Ticket ~
'Your Name' Theme Cafe
Finally after the long and tired journey, we are now in the famous YOUR NAME theme cafe! Here I come baby! It's the pop-up cafe and only available limited time only. Previously it's in Ikebukuro but now it's closed and move to Nagoya from 27th January until 3rd April 2017.
^ Outside of the cafe was selling all 'your name' movie related items.

What so special about this was the food menu actually features dishes seen in the movie into real. For example the exactly same strawberry pancake eaten by Taki in the movie.
*Special Menu
This green tea dish taste super duper good!

*Photo Point (8) : Strawberry Pancake
Same strawberry pancake eaten by Taki in the movie.
Your Name Pop-Up Cafe (Until 3 April 2017)
The Guest Cafe & Diner PARCO Nagoya 名古屋P
ARCO,8th Floor, West Building,
3 Chome-29-1 Sakae, Naka Ward,
Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture
460-0008, Japan.
| #5 Tokyo | (Day 4 Afternoon & Night)
We planned few itineraries in Tokyo and do some research on the remaining photo spot in Shinjuku that appear in the movie one. So firstly after the theme cafe, we went to Akihabara, the heaven for anime lover and then spending the late evening at Glovision Studio to experience my first time voiceover to one of my favourite movie.
Day 4: afternoon + night
If you are anime lover then you should visit here one day. A district area in central of Tokyo that famous of its many electronics shops & of course anime too. Also knowns as the center of Japan's otaku (diehard fan) culture. There are dozens of stores that specializing in anime, manga, figurines, cards, collectibles goods + maid or manga cafes too. Wanted to take photo of the maid standing in front of the shop but when I move my camera toward them , they show me that angry face! So.... come experience it yourself if you are a fans of anime!

Next, Voiceover with my team and it's really hard especially you need to start recording at the right timing & speak Japanese fluently. It was quite a challenging for me >.<
Not good at voiceover so I rather stand and pose with the mic lol
Our 4th stay staying at Hotel Metropolitan Edmont Tokyo. It's quite a nice place but quite far from Ikebukuro and Harajuku. Due to the limited time left we decided to visit Ikebukuro to settle our dinner and a little shopping time around (since I'm very familiar with Ikebukuro area). Then the next day we will be heading to Shinjuku and until the late afternoon we will be all the way back to the international airport and say bye bye to Japan. :(
Hotel Metropolitan Edmont Tokyo
Address:3 Chome-10-8 Iidabashi, Chiyoda,
Tokyo 102-0072, Japan
Day 5: morning & afternoon
Quite sad that later on will be saying ByeBye to Japan. So I decided to spend the rest of my day in a happy and lovely mood. lol Ordered a cup of sakura inspired new edition white chocolate at Starbucks.
Then the whole morning and early afternoon heading to Shinjuku and take few more shot before we back to Malaysia.
*Photo Point (9) : The Building
HAHAHAAH Our gang have no guy at this morning because some of them already went to Suga Shrine so we actually called one of our guide to pose like Taki in the movie HAHAAHA.
Love this walking tour around Shinjuku neighborhoods because we get to visit the real-world locations that appear in the anime. Then we walked to Suga Shrine, whose stairway can be seen in promotional artwork for the film. Suga Shrine is located in Tokyo and was used for the very last scene when Mitsuha and Taki pass each other on the stairs.
This is one of the must-visit spot where you can easily recognise because all the promotional artwork and poster was using the same spot in real too. It appeared in one of the most touching and last scenes in the movie. It happened at the last few minutes of the movie, where Taki and Mitsuha finally meeting each other at the staircases.
Address:Suga Shrine 須賀神社
5 Sugacho, Shinjuku 160-0018,
Tokyo Prefecture, Japan
*Photo Point (12) : Shinjuku Neighbourhood
This is the last and final spot I took before we go to the airport. Feel really emo and sad. It's like the end of the movie when you have to say good bye to something and the heart like </3.
| #6 ByeBye |
Finally it's the end of the post! Bye Bye my favourite country. Also for those who wish to travel to Japan in the future you can get a copy of Japan Walker, available in English and Malay version. It helps you to plan your trip and provides lots of interesting tourist spots in Japan for the reader. Hope this is helpful and for those who wish to know more you can visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/japanwalkersea/.
That's all for today. See you on my next post!
LIKE THIS POST SO MUCH!!! am a fan of kimi no nawa hahah btw chanwon, may I ask what camera model are you using to take all these photos? cause they look superb! Thank youuu =D
ReplyDeleteHi Chiew Nee,
DeleteFujifilm XA2
Omg thank you soooo much for this post Chanwon!! I love Kimi no Na wa and I've been waiting for this ever since you were updating Instagram with the photos from your trip T_T every single pic looks just like an anime/painting, just so beautiful especially the ones taken in Shirakawa-go <3
ReplyDeleteYes!! So pretty right!
DeleteHi Chanwon! 请问你这是跟团的吗? 还是全部都是自己安排行程的?
ReplyDeleteWe got our tour guide :)
DeleteAwesome post! I love this post so much! <3
ReplyDeleteCan I know all of these were fully planned by yourself? :)
no yea :)
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ReplyDeleteHi Chanwon awasome picture(too pretty :))
ReplyDeletebtw, its winter(snowing), you seems wear very little. doesnt it cold?
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Hi MK,
Deleteyou can click this post to read more http://www.chanwon.com/2017/11/how-to-pack-for-winter-travel-packing.html
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