OMG! Look how many months left?! 3 more months until the end of 2020. I never feel in such way before, like if you ask me what I did or highlight in previous year, I can list out everything clearly on things I did within that specific year. But this time if you ask me what I did in 2020, it probably not a good answer for us.
This year is all about surviving and taking a good care of our mental health, unlike few years back I feel everyday is totally diff. This 2020, I guess I have wasted like maybe half year without achieving or making anything better other than moving into my new house. Other than that I really got no answer. I really miss traveling and making my content interesting or experience new things. This few months I seriously, like feeling so damn bored. I even start to find something to do or looking for outdoor activities every weekend.
Although I also feel happy to be home but you know, I more like to meet new friends and I miss event seriously. Especially meet and greet events with all of you. This year all the meet and greet events changed to online meet and greet. I couldn't see you all in real life and it makes me feel lonely in a way that I really have a long time never meet any of you.
Next, we are still affected by the covid-19. Like I really feel sad and down lately. Like really moody because finally things slowly get better and all of the sudden, like this few days, the increasing of covid-19 cases making another pause (again) to all the events. Supposed to attend a home living sharing session and also a health drink shoot, but all in sudden, get postpone until further notice. I'm quite tired to hear about all the further notice news, especially for people like me who always schedule and plan everything ahead.
Like out of everything, I feel like this year has taught me that to be clam on all these unexpected situation lol. Like sudden change on plan, schedule and keep ourselves aware of all the latest TV news. Suddenly feel that it's hard to follow schedule and plan ahead. I quite fed up on that and started not to plan everything so early now. There is always some changes lol. I really not that kind of person who can always change my schedule, or maybe I should learn to be calm no matter what lol. Somehow I feel I'm really afraid of uncertainty 😔
I should stop talking about it, it's not the point that I wrote this post. I wanted to share things that happened this August - September. There are too many but I just want to remember the good one for now! HAHAHAHA
Do you know how happy I am, like finally, I can wear my pyjamas and stay in my new place. Yes, that probably the best thing happened this few weeks. I finally moved into my new house. There are still many empty corners but I will take my time to fill up all the space and corner little by little. teehee! As for now, Chanwon is learning to adapt a new living lifestyle. Like learn to (maybe) cook a little bit more lol.

This is the first night we finally get to stay in our new place. I really love this photo and it means a lot to both of us. Like all the nightmare suddenly gone and disappear from my brain. Then the next thing is I finally get broke due to over spent on all the homeware and kitchenware products lol. Some days I will start thinking of having my own kids running around at this home lol. HAHAHAHA Yes I always imagine how I react or feel, if I'm now a mom, maybe is time to prepare for it or maybe not! HAHAHAAHHAHA Okay la, my new aim is get pregnant before 30 lol.
I will go grocery shopping next week or maybe this Friday. When I'm busy with my work I really no mood to look and try to cook for new recipe. Really unpredictable one when it comes to trying new recipe. Like last week I followed exactly an online recipe to bake and cook the cheese + potatoes, but I still fail lol. Damn it wasted all my ingredients and mozzarella cheese lol.
I need some 0 FAIL RATE recipe for now. HAHAHAHA I really love cooking with my new Bruno hot plate too. It's fun and I love small steamboat session with my favourite rice too. For those who watched my youtube video, you probably knew that I tried to cook for Smelly and refer some Japanese recipe for the cheese beef egg rice. Super yummy omg!

I really miss Japan. Like seriously damn damn damn miss my favourite country! I thought of bringing few empty luggage to Japan a month before I move in just to grab all the household and homeware products, but guess now I can only admiring these things I bought in early of Jan this year. This super good brush is damn good. It can stand perfectly and place it at the corner of my table top. I love how cute it is and all these little things making me happier especially doing all the house work lol.
A photo to remember this special day!
Not just that okay, I also cook our breakfast! This was the last weekend and few days ago, I accidentally cut my finger with my small fruit knife. fml I damn angry and I almost faint when I saw the blood coming out from my fingers. BOMB!! Yea, to admit my weakness, I'm afraid of blood. Damn phobia lol. It takes a week to completely recover now I can finally back to cooking again. HAHAHHAHAHAA I take it as an excuse to skip cooking for a week lol.
My little cup collection lol. Actually it's just two of us, Smelly keep asking why I need so many cups in my house lol.
Then one thing I love the most of getting this cable plug box to cover all the messy cables. Smelly got no idea why I love spending money on all these useless stuff lol. He told me it's hard to even need to unplug anything like have to take out everything and set it back again nicely. I told him, I willing to do anything to make my house look tidy and good. Like 0 messy!
Also I realise I always put things back to its own place. Everything was label nicely but for Smelly, he really not get use to my new 'system' lol. So the first month when we stay here during the weekend, he can't get to find anything hahahaha! Then every time he need to get something he must ask from me, but a month later after all the 'training' HAHAHAHAH He finally know all & where the things put. At that point in my life, I finally get what it means, like people always telling me to stay together as a trial first before getting married in any of the relationship.
I have heard some of my friend telling me they have argument with their partner or even roommate when they are staying together. Like different lifestyle and style of organising things. I can imagine how I will feel if I'm staying with someone who dont keep their things tidy or never clean their room lol. I really feel it, it will be hard if you are staying with someone who is completely opposite of you.
I also received tons of enquiries about all these plate, homeware that I got. It's actually my collection lol. I collected it over this few years. Like whenever I spot something I like in oversea, I will bring it back and keep in my studio until the day I finally move into my new place, and like finally I can take them out from the box or my luggage bag lol.
I miss shopping in Japan 😭
Hello all my babies 重見天日
Also finally get to purchase all these white hangers. OCD people like me must have everything in the same color. I feel stress when I see colourful hangers like those ugly red, black, blue and purple hangers all mix together lol. I bought these all from Daiso. It's quite reasonable but couldn't hang denim or heavy cloth. If it's light weight top or chiffon long dress then it's okay, but heavy jeans or denim outfit might not be the best option to have this kind of thin white hangers.
Then, also getting this funny penis alike pillow wtf. Can you imagine waking up seeing your fiancé hugging this every morning? Guess he has the way to wake me up happily every morning. Some of you even comment on the stories saying it's a hint from Smelly! HAHAHAHA Can you guys not to be so creative?! I really love sharing all this inside jokes with you guys. This one look abit diff from the product photo he ordered from Shopee. Some of you even want to get for your friend as their bday gift lol, it's so easy to search for it. Just key in penis soft toy and you should spot it from Shopee app.
Apart from all the furniture and homeware products, I also got my new green babies. I remember how funny I am fetching all of these and carrying it all the way to my house. I love choosing new plants and also bought new vase for it. Like it's so cute and I search for indoor plants so I can place inside my house but not sure why or maybe recently the weather keep on raining, the babies couldn't get enough of the sunlight or maybe I water them too much, they are like half dead.
So today I moving them to my balcony area and hope it will be fine lol. Hopefully they can recover soon lol. I really sayang and treat them like my own human baby or maybe my pet lol. Sometime I will turn on the music for them or if I'm free I will touch and compliment it. HAHAHAHA I saw some news saying if you give compliments to your green babies, it will more likely live for a long time or maybe prettier lol. Just like human huh?!

This photo taken by this evening! I moved everything to my little balcony and some new furniture too. I want to make this a cozy corner to enjoy my balcony view. I can now (like finally) sit down and have a cup of hot chocolate here. One of the best thing staying in high rise building is the perfect sky view. It's why when I bought this house, the first thing I say no is buying the condo which has the balcony facing another block or the swimming pool view. I prefer to look at the beautiful sky!
Oh yea, there are few reasons why I'm really busy this few weeks. Shooting for the second drop of Also try my best to come out with the website as soon as possible. Yes solo game on. Because my team and I got zero knowledge on the website and ended up I can only go for solo game because too many of you request for a website rather than dropping the order via Watsapp. I guess it makes the whole shopping experience much easier compare to Watsapp order. So no worries, we are ready to serve you soon. Just give me more time to figure out some edit and plug in lol.
Apart from that, like finally, my first high tea session after MCO. Enjoying the mooncake high tea set at Hilton, KL.
Also a short gateway because we can only cuti-cuti Malaysia now. Surprise for our 10th anniversary celebration. Just try to enjoy our one decade anniversary dinner here in the restaurant and decided why not to have a short staycation here in the city. The night view from our room is so perfect. Can get to see the KL Tower and KLCC right away from our room. There are few type of rooms that included this huge bath tub but I prefer the one that with full window view of KLCC & natural sunlight.
So the room I’m staying here is Twin Towers View Marvelous Suite. From the living and room area, you can get to see the huge KL Tower while for KLCC, you can see it from your bathroom / bath tub corner here.
Long time never take any selfie with Smelly.
I really love the oyster I ate that day! RM60 only for half dozen. We repeat our order after we finish our main dish because the market rate that day is quite reasonable for another half dozen of oyster. HAHAHA Smelly normally dont take this but he took 4 pieces that day because it's too fresh and yummy. I love their oyster because they have a special Yuzu sauce to match with it.

We aren't an alcohol person so we didn't really spend our time in the bar. In fact, we just come here to take a photo as memories HAHAHAHAHAAH What a waste but maybe I'm too old for it, I prefer to spend time at our staycation room and enjoy Netflix with our favourite snacks lol.
The next day I dress him up like how I use to dress up him when we were on a trip. We did some crazy shopping time in Uniqlo and bought lots of new top and pants to put at our new house so we can also donate our old clothes away. I also did a youtube video about our 10 anniversary celebration, you can watch it HERE.
So this September I'm back again on the youtube. Upload weekly on my channel. Feel free to support my new weekly vlog channel. If you want get to know more about me you probably can check out this channel. It's more lifestyle and click here to subscribe for more!

Shop more of our collaboration pick from: here
Stay tuned for more on our social media and I guess that's all for today. My laptop left 2% battery only! Good night and see you on my next post. Love, xoxo. Take care and always wear on your mask and sanitise your hand ya.
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