Hello my little Sweeties Fam, I'm not even joking but look at the calendar, it's December now! Which mean Christmas is around the corner, WHAT?! It also means that new year is coming too?! What the heck, I still remember 度日如年 few months ago due to the first stage of cmco and then everything seems to back on track lately.
You guys knew me well, you knew that I really can't work from home every single day and I started to feel bored about having meeting online. But things become a little tricky now where everything seems to go back on track now. The government allow us to cross state and also as long as following SOP, everything should be fine. Most people like me still work from home but maybe once week, we actually step out from our house, visited to nearby cafe and start to live again on our 'new normal life'. But of course, we still living our life with mask on. I refilling my sanitiser once every 5-6 days.
Time passed really fast especially on this month. I wanted to really make use of the last month of December. Therefore, on the very last week of December something came to my mind. Since my studio are fixing the leakage (yea it leakage again damn it) I can't really work there and scrolling through my December schedule I was like, why not time for my second makeover renovation for our second #ChanwonHome.
I went here and there, meeting few ID and finally the makeover started last week. Yes the second week of December. Then everyday is like a fun day for me, except the part that I hate dealing with shitty contractor, I'm actually quite enjoy shopping for household products, sharing reviews with you guys and having a massive makeover on all my space. For me this December I finally have some progress again on #JmWonMyHeart journey, just 24 hours ago I decided to pay deposit for my wedding venue. Then 8 hours ago I just prepared the RSVP guest list and I'm so happy I finally, able to let someone I trust to takeover part of my work too. Yes I finally handover all my wedding preparation to a wedding planner.
Just like finally I decided to not dealing with contractor myself and look for an ID to help me on the renovation. I feel relief in December, I'm so chill and no longer feel anxious about my life because look age the amount of work, I have been sleeping so well and body alarm woke me up every morning. Waking up with a fresh and happy mood is just the greatest thing ever. Like finally I see myself back on track with really productive mood again.
I will be sharing all my renovation tips again because I keep on editing the draft and added some important knowledge that I learned from both of my renovation experience. Before that I'm also feeling quite useless to find ID because my experience on meeting ID in the beginning of 2020 is like wasting my time. They aren't respond to my request, giving me shitty experience and I'm having nightmare of wasting my time to meet each ID one by one again. So I'm dealing directly with contractor, who know that it's also very shitty. So from both of these experience, I really mean it like, it's not about their job but their professionalism and passion on their work.
Finally at the very end of December, 2020. I no longer need to vomit blood and dealing with all my previous shitty experience. I see hope 😂😂 I really see hope and I'm happy that I never give up on finding the right person and when I'm 'click' with that person, I know, HE/ SHE IS THE ONE I NEED!
Other than that, I also continue shopping for household item because now buying things online is so much easier. I just buy it online and the next day, everything came to my house. I'm really surprise with how efficient those online stores are. Especially when it's 12.12 I thought my parcel will be late but who know most of my order arrived within the same week of my purchase. Really thumbs up for all the postmen abang.
So to be honest ever since I moved into my #ChanwonHome I realise there are things that I forgot to buy for. For example laundry dryer and also iron. Next because I got my vacuum robot I realise I need a light, small cordless vacuum again so that I can suck all my hair and just place in my work room or master bedroom. You know my pattern right, I want everything to be matching matching including the cordless vacuum that I currently have in my StudioRoom, it's a full white vacuum like my
Bed Mites/ Dust Mites Mattress Cleaner (click here for the review). Actually it's from the same brand and previously I got one from the group purchase website that I always share and since it's already a year ago, I spot Japan actually came out with new version and I keep waiting waiting waiting. Finally there is this super worth promotion going on and the best part is, it's way way way cheaper than shopee official distributor store and most importantly got 1 year warranty. It's why I waited such a long time to get it for my home. If not I will need to keep bringing back and forth the cordless vacuum from my Studio lol. My hair super long now, it always a mess after I dried my hair and the floor got so many hair. The robot actually help to clean my hair but you know I'm really hate touching the dust and plucking away all the hair from the robot vacuum brush. Have to clean it every time after it clean my house. But having a robot vacuum also make my life easier, now I just connect the app and it auto clean it, so once every week then I only use the cordless vacuum to suck away all those little corner and of course, now I have one in my master bedroom I just suck all my hair whenever I want.
Most importantly it's white color. I really headache so hard to get full white vacuum and alot of people recommend Dyson but I really prefer white cordless vacuum and much lighter one to use. I will share all the review soon since this is the upgraded new version, it always sold out in Taiwan and I really happy Malaysia now got distributor carry this in with warranty. If like last time I purchase hair straightener from Japan really once spoiled consider gg, because it don't have warranty here in Malaysia lol.

Continue about the leakage problem. I love my Studio, it's full of natural sunlight and so spacious. Love at first sight and it's why I work really hard for it. But thing started to change after experienced our first leakage back in June this year (
click here for more). It fixed in July but the contractor who really nice told us that the method they use can't really fix the problem, it will leakage again when rain heavily. It's not 漏水 it's totally積水 also 發霉. So whenever it happens, our skin allergic will be back because the 發霉 and dropping ceiling thingy, dust mites will start spread around the air and everyone breath in and worst is like my previous experience.
I'm not trying to scare you but when I posted it on my stories, a lot sweeties send me their cracked ceiling and one of it just dropped all in the sudden and the whole room became so humid every time the leakage appear on the ceiling. The developer come fixed it but they just freaking cover the ceiling, never really solve the main problem and whenever I ask my friend they told me it will continue appear again after a few months.
Damn freaking sien and frustrated because every time they come to fix it, they come all in sudden and at the same time I need to stay at home taking care of the renovation. So I remember the day I need to start packing my printer and get something back to work from home, I wakeup at 7.30am and start preparing , driving all the way to Studio and move every of the furniture to a corner and then wrap it all again. Same things I did back in June. Now I no longer staying at my Studio because I moved into my new home and I don't dare to look at the mess. I just pretending I didn't see anything lol.

This morning I finally have some extra time to go back to Studio and finally able to see the girls and my friends lol. Feel like forever and busy until we didn't meet each other, whenever I go back they haven start working. I guess this is something good about sharing workplace with your friends. Taking care of each other and been a long time we never have any steamboat time in Studio. The last time is like, maybe half year ago or 2019 xmas gathering lol.

They told me the worker is fixing the rooftop and when they fix all the cracked wall, they leaves only patches and never repaint it back. You know I do alot of shoot here and how can I freaking edit it when I'm having a video shoot here. Ended up I'm mad so I also pretending I didn't see anything. Just let me rants on my blog, I will be alright. Whenever they came to fix, we must have someone at home to open the door and look at it, all our cameras, lightings and props there, so you can imagine how hard it is to just get a nice place to work. Also very annoying, those hitting noise and dust flying everywhere. I also pretending I never hear of anything lol. But the team who work in Studio is really innocent, I feel sorry for them too.

I can sense the leakage and crack will be back. Really Cham and thank god we didn't buy the property here. I actually thought of staying here and seeing if it's still ok after awhile then maybe can invest a studio here, but luckily I'm not so rush on making the decision. Both Limzy and I just hope that the leakage don't come back again because whenever it comes, we can't really focus on working at our Studio. Contractor , developer and worker keep coming in and I also very afraid of them spoiling our props or any of our items gone.
Also so happy that visited one of this beautiful cafe located in Kota Damansara area. It's just nearby my honey Bobo's Tiny Baker and the interior is so nice here. The cafe known as Wú, in Chinese it means 'nothing' or 'empty'. Now whenever I see interior like this I will shock because it cost a BOMB.
Checked in spot! Can't travel then must do some cafe hopping so I can dress up nicely and share new OOTD for you guys! AHHAHAHAHA
While busying about my wedding preparation and renovation, I still need to work so I can earn more money to complete my Wishlist this year lol. Yes, 賺錢就是要花在值得自己開心的事 然後用了再賺 每次有新的目標!I was so happy to be invited to host Essando Christmas Campaign & Doodling Virtual Live Session with Limzy on their official facebook page and my ig too. It's been a long time and we have been so busy over our work & finally we met each other on this campaign!

I love essential oil and sandalwood oil is one of the main ingredients they emphasise on this brand. It's made in France and I'm so surprise their first store in MyTown is really so beautiful. If you love fragrance I guess you guys can try on their 'Eden' EDP perfume. It's so unique and I have so many perfume, this eden smells really unique and I guess I should create another Chanwon #DieDieMust Top Picks Fragrance Part 2. Click here for part 1 sharing post. I will wait and compile another 5 favourite scent next year, I guess this should be in that list too. Unless I got too many new favourite :p

To be honest, I love how fun the live session was every time I get invited for the appearance but also I understand it's not easy at all. Normally for one live session with brands, it always need a team to make it happens. There is someone who control the lighting, the camera, the live stream respond and like really whole team have to be there with us. They normally stand behind the camera and most of the time you only get to see us who talking in front of the camera but at the back, there are people who work hard to make sure everything goes smoothly. I myself need to do the talking, memorising the important pointer for the promotion on the script, interacting with both facebook & ig viewers. Normally I only did for one platform but this time is really a new thing, to handle both platform, both group of viewers and I'm still learning it too.
辛苦了!I really thankful to meet new friends and brands on this journey. Is like everyone just having the same mindset and goal to make the live session as smooth as possible. Also learning new knowledge about the sandalwood oils and so on. Been a long time never able to work with a team due to the pandemic, so what we can do now is just do it online. Move everything digital and so sad that this year I can't have any xmas gathering with you all. I planned with many brands this beginning of year and it keep delay and get postponed until now. But really we can't have 100 gathering together and it's why we are sad to announce that we decided to cancel the plan. Maybe next year then as there is no much venue space for so many pax with SOP and social distancing between each table.
But I'm also grateful that we are still alive, still able to work, still able to survive and share my story with you.
Then we passed by the xmas deco located at My Town after our live session end. Guess who's here with me, YES! I can't really drive at night because I have astigmatism. Especially when I'm wearing lens at night with astigmatism sight, it's hard for me to drive at night. So I went there by Grab and Smelly join me and wait for me for the live session & fetch me back together. Long time he never accompany me for work. He used to accompany me to work in the past 8 years but ever since I have my team, I rarely ask him to go with me because I don't want our pakto time is all about work lol.
But lama lama sekali, really abit sweet one. HAHAAHAHHAHA Sorry I syiok sendiri 😂
Let me count on it, I think ever since 2010 our first ever Christmas, now I think it's our 11th Xmas together. Wah old liao lo really! He proposed with me during my birthday last year and now it's 1 year+, I can't wait to tie the knot with Smelly and a little update about our #JmWonMyHeart journey.
Can't travel with matching outfit, nvm, we do it in our homeland now lol.
Photo took at The Hub SS2 lol
On 15th November, my customised gown finally done. Yes suppose to have final fitting this month because I thought of having our wedding ceremony at the end of 2020. Plan changed and I have not yet touch anything after I posted the #2 of my House renovation and wedding preparation.
read here Because of the unstable condition and confusing SOP, I just stop there. Then I keep on saying is okay la, just chill and wait the gown done first then only slowly think. Then I never know people plan wedding for a year and some told me they plan it for 2 years. WHAT?!
I totally got no time to keep waiting for the delay news and changes again. So I just keep every contact I want in a excel file and wait when I decided or come out with a date then only I will booking everything including the venue. Then last month, all in sudden I realise CNY is coming. I really so stress because it's the time to meet all kind of relatives and I tell you, every of you will experiencing this lol. Stress-nya if you get what I mean! They will asked alot of question and so on. Then by that time in your life, you will know what I mean especially after you get proposed and still so long haven go register. So I totally forgot about it and I look at my planner, I was like SHIT! We planned our registration day this Dec, what should I wear, how, when, is still 9 pax can attend only or they change their SOP.
Then one of my friend who also my followers came across my stories, she called me and thought I'm gonna postpone my wedding til next year end. I was like, no I don't wanna drag anymore but I dunno how and what should I do now. I actually went over and over again to get the quotation of the wedding venue and I don't wanna kacau my friends so I just do it alone and all my friend especially Bobo wanna kill me for that. She say no bride to be do it alone one and Smelly actually can accompany me but he only available on weekend. He need to work and I think I'm a super women, I overestimate myself lol.
I emailed like 10 wedding venue, fml only 2 get reply and they are like so chill, reply so slow and no need to do business like that. Got one some more the person in charge rude like shit and when I forward the msg to my friend who now working as a Wedding Planner industry, she shocked too. Then she say, why not I handover all of my wedding preparation to her. At first I still need to consider but after getting no respond from those venue and I wanna make my intimate wedding before CNY lol, ended up I decided to finally let someone handle it for me.
No joke, having a wedding planner with me is the happiest thing over. Normally wedding planner accompany bride to be throughout the whole process, like even choosing the gown and give useful advice because they are more experienced and handled so many wedding before. Then for gown and pre wedding shoot and all I do it myself, now remain on final venue booking, catering choice, deco, the intimate wedding ceremony process and planning will all handover to her. Yes I really think it's worth to pay a wedding planner although she only take over now but it's so much faster and also she's like my close friends.
Helping me to create a financial table and planning for the budget, finding catering choice based on my budget and making sure I'm not alone. I think Smelly can now sleep nicely at night, won't see me waking up early and keep looking at my email checking if I got reply from the venue and catering plan. Just in time for it and taa-daaa, finally a little progress on our wedding.
I told them what I want, an outdoor garden wedding and my wedding planner was super shock with my decision. She told 9/10 of the wedding she handle on outdoor wedding, at the end it was a mess due to our weather. Can you believe it? No joke one you know, she ask me to imagine all my guest shoes and heels get wet, stain on their white dress and my wedding gown. I'm a person who never give up easily on what I want and things I decided but after consider it for a whole month. I decided to change my mind and look for air-con and indoor venue.
So she called me last week, showing me 10 options and then I picked the top 4 choice. Plus, I have limited time since I want my wedding celebration on Jan, I might as well just visit the top 1 option. Then the moment I step in the venue, I know this is the one. Seriously this is the one. Then within that 40 mins of my life, planner ask if I still want to check on the next few option but I really no chill and also I need to rush back to work, I then decided to say Yes to this venue.
Because we only host 50 pax and then need to include the crew and my own photography videography team, it's max already. Also new SOP need to get approval from the government plus social distancing + 1 table only can sit 4-5 people. Wow, then only big hall can do it. They also advice if I need to think twice because the big hall can host 300 pax and I just invited so little people. lol
At that point in my life, I just want to settle the venue and proceed to picking the date that we want and at least some progress lah before CNY. If not as the eldest daughter in the family, I really stressed one and also we also decided to go JPN Putrajaya to get our registration done there. Now it's almost 60% of it! I'm so happy and can't wait to have this once in a life time ceremony.
It's very important for me to have a natural sunlight venue. I don't need any further edit on taking photo if I have the perfect natural sunlight. It surrounded by the green and flower fairy twilight feel is my theme! HAHAHAHAHAHA I also waited so long and grow my hair longer just because I plan my look with my customised wedding gown. I think once I done with my wedding, I will then cut it as short as I can lol. Easier for lazy girl like me, so lazy to wash my hair everyday and drying it lol.

So right after I decided on the venue and continue for the deposit, after I done my work and back home. I then try to DIY myself with the RSVP invitation and then only I will confirm the list and try to DIY my wedding invitation to the guest. Since it's less pax and all just closed friends and family, I can really put effort on DIY it. I want something like texture paper invitation and just minimalist design. Then I get some inspiration from google and Pinterest is now my best friend. I want hand design, hand cut for each invitation. HAHAHA I think I'm crazy but 親力親為 can really satisfied me. I love the feeling of completing it by myself and it's like an achievement.
I know paying someone is easier and faster but I don't think people taking my order for 60 pieces of invitation and need to do it within a week. Nvm I later only figure it out how to choose font and design it. I have friends who are talented on designing, I will ask them! HAHAHAHAHA
Apart from my wedding update, I also happily spend my time in my new place. Every time I go back I just avoid working and it become our honeymoon house. Like staying homestay like that. I try to cook diff recipe, some fail some really yummy, Smelly is my white little cute mouse lol. Also my friend gifted me a few new green babies, so I'm watering them once every week. They are so healthy and I want to go plant nursery nearby to shop for smaller plant. Okay make it into a to-do list this month!
Also since Haptive.co was born, I'm also start learning to create a website from 0. Getting a payment gateway and improve your shopping experience. Previously we only taking order through instagram and now it's easier. I'm really good on my blog area but now it's a shopping website, I totally just depend on Mr.Google. I keep trying, editing and adjusting one by one and I'm so proud of it. The website is all I need for now, wait our team grow and more budget I will make a better website.
Feel free to check out
Haptive.co and now we are having special Christmas Packaging. If you would love to surprise someone with a gift let us know, we will be the Santa and surprise your friend to start her/his #HaptiveLiving life.
I also learned to create social media post for the brand.
Dont wanna reveal too much as I wish we can deliver something to surprise and brighten your day. Also I have decided to came out with limited edition Christmas gift set. Limited to first 20 pax buyers and this morning I just back to the Studio to making sure everything prepared. We will have cut off date to deliver the items near to Christmas date to your friends or loved ones. Also new designed card that launch together with the Christmas Gift Set.
Now our team still small but I believe we will grow, I might be really busy on my personal and work life but feeling so grateful that after so many years of considering making my own brand and merchandise, Haptive is now my little baby.
My goal for 2021 is to grow this baby and then launch my own merchandise. Please stay tuned for more and I will surprise you with our very first merchandise products. Hope to be part of your life too!
I guess that's all for now! I will see you on my next post and I shall continue to check on the renovation work. See ya. xoxo.
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