MASSIVEGIVEAWAY is finally here Sweeties. I have been working hard on this and so sorry for a little delay due to the pandemic and MCO2.0 at the beginning of 2021. Here's the ultimate, exclusively merchandise giveaway to celebrate my special milestone this time.
It's the combination of ....
#Chanwon100K + #chanwondotcom #MassiveGiveaway 2020
I wanna create something specially for my sweetie fam this year! It all start with an 💡 idea and working this for few month to turn the ideas into reality. All these ideas came from my yearly resolution last year. The limited edition merchandise included a Chanwon's Minimalist Desk Calendar + Sweetie Grateful Book.
The little hidden surprise for you. Trust me it looks more gorgeous when you see it in real.
A sweetie grateful book to jot down one grateful thing a day and inspired to my #HaptiveLiving life! Inside the grateful book, it has the space for you to write your monthly and yearly goal. A message to my sweetie fam, quotes, empty ideas page for you to jot down / doodling and stick on your favourite photo or just anything that reminds you to be grateful for.
The minimalist working desk calender. This one is the hardest as I wanted something that can slot in a book, can stick on the wall to make a insta-worthy corner, and can put it on the working desk like a standee. So working with the designer team for this project everything made and created with love. I can't believe it and I have put a lot effort into this project. Just for you, my sweeties fam!
From choosing the right paper, material to making the calender with a standee puzzle, meeting with different supplier and turning the idea into reality! Thanks for the team who contributed for this project. Surprised or not, all made in Malaysia, support local and I really wanna to see how this inspire you and can't wait to see all your photo too. Feel free to share it out and tag me so I can repost your stories too!
I have been doing these since 2014 and as usual, I’m doing this again and this year instead of giving beauty or product, I want to giveaway 80 sets for the lucky 80 sweeties! Will random pick it and wanna inspired you to be grateful on the little things around you. I know MCO, most of us working from home, hope this can make your day a little better and have a new perspective toward your life!
Total 80 sets are waiting for you to win back home! Thank you for all your waiting and support over the years. Spreading happiness to everyone of you and thank you for the #Chanwon100K too.
Shooting for the whole day

You can share your grateful book with me. I will upload my version on my instagram for you guys! You can stick on your favourite sticker or just jot down one grateful thing you wish to remember every night before you go on bed.
The space of the calendar is for you to set your monthly goal, or write you favourite thing to remember or just anything that can make you happy!
It's easy to join. Every year #MassiveGiveaway I have the same how-to-join detail! HAHAHAAH This giveaway is specially for sweetie who love my blog and supported me over the past few years ❤️ But this year getting more and more excited because I'm giving away 80 sets. It's a bonus for both #MassiveGiveaway x #Chanwon100K ❤️❤️
Just comment on this blog post below & instagram post (can copy and paste on ig comment) WHY you wanna win it + WHAT IS THE THING THAT ATTRACTS YOU THE MOST TO CONTINUE FOLLOWING ME . Next, tag 3 of your friends on the instagram comment. (click here if you can't find the insta post) Remember to include your ig name when you comment on this blog post ya.
Extra point: After done commenting, just share the instagram post on your instagram post OR Stories. Can also paste your comment on your stories as well. On your instagram stories/ post, you can @chanwon92and hashtag #chanwondotcom #Chanwon100K so that my team and I can take note of your comment as well❤️
That's all about the giveaway contest and giveaway winner will be announce on the 26th Jan 2021. Will announce it on my instagram and updating it on this blog post too. Hope you can grab this exclusive merchandise created by me. I will pay the postage / delivery expenses. Everything will be deliver to your doorstep before the end of Jan 2021.
*UPDATED GIVEAWAY WINNERS. Please dm me your full name, email add , receiver phone no and address to @chanwon92 instagram. Thank you so much!
I wanna win because I've always in love with minimalist thingy.. This is so me.. Hahahaha.. And for what attracts me the most for following chanwon of course is all the real heart recommendations and of course promo code!!! Hahaha
ReplyDeleteI wanna win the grateful book and desk calendar is because I love to write things down to feel it and remind my schedule plus its super therapeutic to see things I love and it will give me a lot of motivation. The thing that attracts me the most to continue following you is I love chanwon your personality. A person who share thing truly from bottom of your heart. Still remember back then I watched your double eyelid youtube video and blogs which you explained things super detailed until now you still write long blogs which really gives us soso much helpful tips and info !. I can feel you treat all of us sweeties as friendss ~~~ thank you chanwon for always bringing us good deals. Stay safe and healthy !
ReplyDeleteCant wait to see your little babiesss soon 🤣
IG : lwchong__
Delete这是一个 特别的 独一无二到纪念礼物 自己也默默的关注了你十多年 这是超乎想象的 我真的不敢相信 一转眼时间过得那么快 这一路走来不容易 但是你却靠自己不断努力 不停歇的脚步 收获到爱你的人和成绩 因为你值得 一句谢谢你不够 还有一句幸苦了 未来的路也有继续加油 再一起成长 ❤️ 我曾告诉你 你是我的榜样 现在依然没有变 你身上的发光点 自信 努力 善良 体贴 耐心 阳光 勇敢 都是我很吸引我的 你是一个照顾自己形象的人 但是却把我们当家人一样对待 可以让我们私底下生活的你 我们有很多相识的性格 或许是⚖️宝宝 但是我们认识彼此就是一种缘分 不管以后怎么样 我都陪着你 你要狠狠的幸福 永远的快乐 健健康康的 期待下一次再见面✨🤍
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHihi Chanwon 🍑 虽然 follow 你的时候才不 3 年,但是真的几乎你instagram po 的 post 都没有少 阅读过😆 我是个懒惰读文章的人😂 (尤其是小说类) 的更不用说。但是每次看你分享的 Travel 记录,生活大小事,还有美妆类的,我都每个都仔细读到完。还有就是看你最近po 的 Instagram filter "annoying chanwon" 笑到半死😂😂😂 最喜欢看你分享的是 日本旅行的帖子,认识到了日本市区外的景点真的超级无敌美 (等疫情过去后,想要跟着你的 Tracel 指南走一遍了)。再来就是 美妆类😂 买了 Cetaphil (救了我的铭感肌,用了快2年了), 认识了 Canmake 这个小资牌子😆 也买了你介绍的血色感腮红❤️
Delete想赢取这次的 Massive giveaways 是因为超喜欢这次的礼物。包装控和超喜欢 Minimalist 的产品。
最后的最后 恭喜 Chanwon 100k 和 婚礼在即 的你❤️❤️❤️
IG: lim_lynn
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deleteig: weileng10
DeleteI’m sorry Lynn, i have no idea why am I replying to your comments whenever I reply to my own comments. Now, I couldn’t reply on my own comment. Sorry for the inconvenience 😭
DeleteI actually was looking for planner lately, but couldn’t find any that match my aesthetic! Your grateful book catches my eyes! I wish I can get that hehe! Your charming inside-out and sincere towards every sweetie really attracted me to keep following you (yes, I unfollowed many too comercialized- KOL but never unfollow you). Wishing you #Happy100k 💖
ReplyDeleteig: crystalllll.x
Deletehi Chanwon, “Never Give Up”这个quote真的很适合你。
当然你每次用到好的、或好吃的,好用的,你不只会介绍给我们,还每次die die帮我们拿到好康。谢谢你Chanwon,辛苦你了😍
那我进入正题了,我想赢到这份giveaway是因为这是你很用心很用心, specially for Chanwon Sweetie的,身为sweetie的一份子,我当然想得到咯。
第二,我们本来就应该要support Malaysia creators, seller,因为大家生活都不容易。
I hope to win this because it would be a great start to a new year, especially because 2020 has personally been the worst year of my life. I need to remind myself to be grateful, even of the littlest thing. I’ve been following you since many many years ago, and you’ve changed over the years, with your fashion sense, your makeup, your hair, your blog style, etc. But you’ve always have kindness in you and hold on to the trust your sweeties have towards you and you’ve remained true to us and to yourself. These have never changed even as you’ve matured. Congratulations on your 101k followers and you deserve every single one of us❤️
ReplyDelete疫情的关系都呆在家, 到现在都还没买到日历, 希望可以获得这美美的日历。喜欢你对人事物所以正面的态度,所以就一直Follow你。参与很多年可是都没被抽中 希望这次80份幸运里有我的份😊
ReplyDeleteHave been following because I love how kind hearted and down to earth to every of your sweeties 🥰 you’re also very sincere and always do your best to share all the Ho kang and get us promo code 😍 thanks for always thinking for us and having this huge giveaway ❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteIg: Cheryl.bunny 😉
DeleteFirst of all, CONGRATULATIONS CHANWON for 100k!!!! It is such a lovely planner/ calendar/ gratitude journal!!!! I would love to win one, it is mainly as a keepsake and reminder for me in the future (when I re-read the entries of this gratitude journal) that life is beautiful even when it is hard. It is a good challenge for me to see the good thing every day and help me (and many others) to feel more peaceful in our lives.
ReplyDeleteI've been following you for years, I really love how down to earth you are. You also have great recommendations and you take great photos of things. All of these talents combined with your humour sense and preseverances, you are a really good person and also a great role model. Once again, congratulations Chanwon. Also gong xi for your ROM and hoping for all the happiness in life for you and your new little family! <333
hi Chanwon, “Never Give Up”这个quote真的很适合你。
当然你每次用到好的、或好吃的,好用的,你不只会介绍给我们,还每次die die帮我们拿到好康。谢谢你Chanwon,辛苦你了😍
那我进入正题了,我想赢到这份giveaway是因为这是你很用心很用心, specially for Chanwon Sweetie的,身为sweetie的一份子,我当然想得到咯。
第二,我们本来就应该要support Malaysia creators, seller,因为大家生活都不容易。
Congratulate again for the #Chanwon100k. For years i like ok this is Chanwon diediemustbuy, i must buy it. That one Chanwon tried before, i should try too. Chanwon become my 买买买指南 �� I love to follow you because you never cincai in promoting anything. Also love to read your stories and always laugh die because this girl really 没有形象包袱.
ReplyDeleteHopefully this year i can be one of your lucky sweetie to being back this Chanwon collection. #stayhappy #staysafe
I want to win the desk calendar and grateful book. Chanwon inspires me a lot in many ways especially how she handles all the challenges she met in her life. She will never give up and fight till the end to overcome it. Besides, chanwon die die must buy also make me buy lot of useful things, haha... I will not regret cause all the things are really worth. I also travel a lot with chanwon through her sharing. Many more ... Can talk for 1001 night like 一千零一夜故事
ReplyDeleteNo thing attract me the most but all are my favourite. Don't know how to choose 😆
Chanwon你好呀,其实我不知不觉就已经follow你5年了,还记得那时候上大学,我就特别喜欢你,身边朋友一个个都因为我去关注你看看有什么值得我那么喜欢。有一点就是觉得你分享的东西真的很实用也很值得。还有就是单纯喜欢看你story 说话哈哈哈。然后一直都觉得你是我的榜样吧,很努力把每一个事情做好,然后也会坚持reply 我们的pm.有时候心情不好,看你的story 可以短暂忘记烦恼哈哈哈。然后看你跟jenn 合作也是很搞笑咯。现在也什么原因。就是很单纯的喜欢你做事的态度也很motivate 我。
ReplyDeleteHi Chanwon 🌸 I wanted to win this because I’m a 手账爱好者 I always likes to written down what happened in my day so the memories will be kept forever. And of course its created by you , as a part of the sweeties fam, i really wish to win this !! I will keep following you since years back because you’re always 做人很真 每次都很用心的把每一件事情做到最好 and always share with us the hokangss! And and and I like Chantik too 😂 你真的是我最欣赏的influencer 💕
ReplyDeleteDear Chanwon, congratulations on your 100K milestone! I’m so proud to be in your sweetie fam, it has been such a long journey since you started blogging and I even bought the mini hair curler (the korea one) from you when you were still doing the 小帮手. I wondered how could you carry all them back, I applaud your perseverance and effort in doing everything with your best. I love the giveaway gifts but I love you even more. Thank you for the years of happiness, inspiration and love! May we celebrate more milestones that come. We will always be with you! ❤️
ReplyDeleteHi Chanwon, congratulations on your 100k achievement!! You very much deserve them all because of the amount of efforts you put into all your work 😭❤️ I continue to follow you after coming across your acc over a year ago because of your personality and the useful content that you share. You are not afraid to show the silly side of you, and it makes us feel closer to you. You're also not afraid to share your opinions on many things to us, and that makes us feel more relatable to you! You always try your best to reply to us too omg super sweet leh!! I really adore the work hard to get what you want mindset that you have, it's a really good reminder to us all. And the posts that you made.. they're all really helpful to me. From beauty to travels and home goods! I've bought a few items that you've promoted and I love them all. Thank you for always being true to what you share to us 💖
ReplyDeleteAs to why I want to win this giveaway, because who doesn't like free stuff!! HAHAHA jokes aside, I want to win them because it is special. I feel like if I win this, I will officially be included in the sweetie fam hahah. Besides, they look very elegant. The addition of the calendar will instantly make my room look more high class! The book, will be a great reminder for me to note down things I am grateful for besides being such a gorgeous book to keep.
Ig: @yileng13
DeleteHey hey Chan Won !Firstly Congratulations on your 100k woohoo #chanwondotcom #chanwon100k ! Finally after all that hard work eh ? I really find you one of the most influential and most importantly humble ! It’s so crazy she takes an effort to reply everyone’s DM .. like what influencer with thousands on followers does that ! That’s why I will want to forever remember her. For the why I want the gift LOL it’s minimalist and yet so pretty.. who wouldn’t like this hehehe...
ReplyDeleteChanwon let’s go for 200k !
❤️ From michhearts
Hello chanwon我是manchia93💗
ReplyDelete可以打華語嗎🙈 嘻嘻 我想贏取因為自己本身是個很喜歡用文字記錄一切的人✨ 怎麼說呢?就算現在科技發達 我還是喜歡手寫的溫度💖 長大後越來越忙碌的節奏 還是不會讓我停止每天花個十五分鐘這樣記錄一天下來的感受 很多時候 把當下的感受寫下來 過後回味自己走過的人生路 何嘗不是一種生活態度🤗 喜歡簡約 喜歡簡單 喜歡用心 喜歡真心 就像你對我們一樣 每次的好物分享 每次的#chanwondiediemust 都是妳真的很有感的推薦 妳每次散發出來的樂觀態度是我還在努力學習的💕 網路發達的時代 我們透過網上文字的交流 在現實生活中見面時毫不陌生 像認識很久般的親切 我想這是每個sweetie都有的感受💓 只要妳有來檳城不管怎樣我都會找機會去看看妳聊一下😛 很開心知道有那麼一個真實真心的人存在 喜歡妳分享的一切 看妳stories感覺很舒服因為很自然 疫情當前好好照顧自己🤗 期待下一次再見面 我會一直支持妳的♥️
#chanwondotcom #Chanwon100K
I hope to win this little gift from you. Although I only followed you last year but I found out that your blog and stories are really great. I love the way you take your photos , your tips on home cleaning stuff. (your home design really nice and I love it) and also thanks for always reply my DM. I actually don’t expect a influencer would reply me (I always think they really busy working). I do like your personality, always think the positive side and cheerful (this is what I always told myself everyday 😅). And this year, hope we can do better and stay strong for this. Stay safe 😀
ReplyDeleteNote: congrats on your #chanwon100k 😘😘
Hi Chanwon, it’s my first time putting comment on a blog post and it happened to be yours! 😂 I’ve been always liking everything recommended by #Chanwondiediemust no matter on cosmetic (canmake), bags (doughnut bag), haircare (nu nature), foods, (pocky, long kee), your japan trip recommended haul, household kits and etc. Also, I personally like to write on Journal and decorate my Journal nicely (taking ides from you and limzy’s flower design too). So how could I missed out this minimalist planner to plan my year 🥰 To be honest, I did follow and unfollow some of the KOL which initially i noticed them due to nice looking but ended unfollow due to not much information content but you are the only one i followed for like around 5 year now due to your always informative content where you always tried hard to recommend things you feel really useful and good, and even get many promo codes for us!😍 I’ve been also lazy to check on the person’s story when i saw the story was too much but had never miss your story because they are all informative/ funny. Thanks for always been there like a good friend to all of the sweeties for giving us informations and recommendations truly by you! 💕💕Hoping everything will be fine soon and you can proceed for your wedding with Smelly which had been delayed so long and we couldn’t wait to see more of your wedding photos (and waiting for you wedding-related recommendation? Haha) 👰🏻♀️🤵🏻
ReplyDeleteIg: wanxuan_96
DeleteCongrats Chanwan on your 100k milestone 🎉 这个minimalist desk calender真的太美了!😍 一直很喜欢你每次的买买买推荐🤣因为你每次都很真心的在分享你用过的东西💖 也很喜欢你每次的旅行游记💓虽然近几年可能都无法旅行😢 现在也很喜欢看@haptive.co的各种物品🤭 希望你新的一年事事顺意 平平安安💕
ReplyDeleteig: KooriDoll
DeleteBeen following you silently since the blogging era where everyone was doing blogs but slowly over the years I’ve watched how you adapted to the change of the blogging scene to social media and eventually to the content creator era we are now. I really admire your determination and will power you put into your career and the humbleness towards your followers. 👍🏻
ReplyDeleteAnd I would really like to win the gifts because 2020 has been a hard year and it has made me realize it’s even more important to be grateful about everything in life. ❤️
Dear Chanwon,
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, congratulations on your 101k 🎉 Can't imagine how much effort you and your team have put in to come this far, but all of us know that you always give your very very very best to every project/plan you have done or still on-going.🥰
I just picked up the habit of writing a planner 2 years ago. At first, I always forgot to write it and sometimes also lazy to write. But as I grown up, I became more self-aware and I started to love writing down my thoughts and plan in a planner. I belive a planner is a place where I can interact with my true self, reflecting myself and a place for me to grow internally. I really wish to win your exclusive grateful book! It's a limited edition from you and you worked on it from zero to make it happened, as a sweetie, definitely a thing that must get! 😍
Your personality, your style, your passion in work, your story, your lifestyle, your hokang and your pretty photos are the reasons that I will continue following you. I enjoy every single post and story from you and would love to see more. I'm a college student, this semester I need to answer few personal development questions for a subject. One of the question asked, who are the people that are important for me to reach my goal. I immediately put in your name as one of the answers. Your stories and your life basically influence me in many ways. They always give me an idea and a goal for what I want to do and how my future life want to be like. That's why you are my life role model. Really grateful that my friend told me about you few years back and I started to follow you.
谢谢你和你的team的付出让我们可以看到高品质的content ❤ All the best to your upcoming projects and stay safe throughout the whole pandemic.
Congratulations Chanwon on your new milestone and achievement, 100K! 🎉😚 More achievements are coming your way. 🤗 We are so happy and proud of you. We love who you are, the way you interact with us, sweeties. 😍 You always share us a lots of ho kang, we receive a lots of love from you. 💕 We have grown together, from teenagers to young adults, sharing these ho kang brands and using from make up items (Canmake), skincare (Dr.Wu, AHC, tryme, Belif), fashion (shoploooh, theclosetlover,doughnut), household items and food (wwmummygrab: curtisan, iris ohyama, pingo, blueair),cny gifts(bird nest, loong kee dried meats), supplement(bhbhealth) and many more ho liao things.🎁 We have seen a lot of effort you put into your job, especially we have Chantik & Changgih sometimes and IG story we have Changwon. 🍊😛😏 This is how real and sincere you are, you are more like a friend to us than an influencer, you share us thoughts and will reply every DM 😵 Chanwon, you deserve more than you achieve, and some day, your hard work will be paid off ❤️ we would like to have this massive giveaway item because you have created these with lots of efforts despite of the challenges during this period of time, this is something we would like to treasure together, by end of 2021, together we will reflect & review our goals and count on our memories that we have made. 😍 This is so meaningful, this is by far the proudest baby you created besides other collaboration projects also make us proud (kissalove, shoploooh & b.adore). lots of love from us 💖💖💖💖💖💖
ReplyDeleteSincerely best wishes from,
Chia Yee
IG: __chiayee
DeleteDear Chanwon, congrats on your 100k milestone and I’m so glad to be one of them! Lately I’ve been crazily researching for inspiration for my home and ROM planning to happen this year and your blogpost gave me the ultimate guide on how to do it! Congratulations to you and your husband and I’m so glad you write it up so I can use it as a guide! HEHE. Also thank you for the #Hokang and tips that you always get for us!
ReplyDeleteHope to win this pretty grateful book + desk calendar from you to record my memories for this special year. Just realise how MCO can cause the year 2020 to end in a blink of an eye, hoping 2021 will turn better and this time round, with your creation of grateful book, to remind myself to be more grateful in all the little things that are happening, and to have a year to remember <3
Stay safe! xoxo,
Congratulation on your 100k milestone achievement!🎉🎉🎉 I wish to win this minimalist desk calendar and grateful book because I do practice of writing down those daily happening around me no matter good or bad. But in the year of 2020, it’s kind of sad as many activities has been postponed or cancelled. Till now, I didn’t get a new planner for this year 2021 as having the thought of 2020 might be same as 2021☹️. But today, when I saw your post mentioned about this giveaway, I really hope I can win this to remind me myself and everyone be grateful and never give up. Chanwon really inspires me a lot with the ‘Never give up’ quotes that always in my mind. Chanwon always give the best to the follower as she will try it and sharing it out based on her experience. Thank you Chanwon for all those ‘die die must have’, promo code and everything. You’re the most humble and down to earth KOL that I ever seen. Congratulation to you again and we hope to see more in the coming year. Stay safe, stay healthy!
IG: karen_272
DeleteDear Chanwon,
ReplyDeleteCongrats on reaching a new milestone as an influencer 🎊🎊🎊 I hope to win the calendar and grateful book as the concept is really unique. I appreciate the effort you make in designing these and coming up with a gift that's not just aesthetic but also meaningful. This is also the reason why I have been following your IG and blogs during the past few years. As compared to merely marketing products you don't know for the sake of earning more, I can see that you did put in a lot of effort and time into understanding the product and sharing your actual thoughts. Apart from that I think watching you grow as a person and influencer give people hope that making dreams come true is not a dream. Keep up the great work and I wish you all the best in the upcoming years!
Best wishes,
DeleteCongrats Chanwon! I would like to win this giveaway is because i love minimalist style so much and I've recently tidy up and decorate my room to a more decent environment for work from home and staying at home for most of the time. The calender and book is a must-have for working and also well planning of our daily routine. I wish to have it so that I can place the desk calender at my fav corner like what you've said. The reason I have been following you is initially is your creativity and art senses as your IG profile is well decorated and maintained with nice photos,the aura is nice! Next was you are real, in a way that very transparent on your life by sharing alot with us even the details of it. Hahahah at least you are a real KOL! And also you reply every DMs even though you have alots of DMs coming in everyday but you reply my every DMs which really really surprised.Thank you Chanwon for making us feel life can be better and better!
DeleteFirst of all congratulation on ur 100k Achievement ❤️❤️❤️Really happy for you as u r the only one blogger tat I read through every post
ReplyDeleteSecondly congratulation on ur marriage.. ur prewedding photos are really outstanding.. imagine wearing so little in the snowing country 😝 really can see ur effort n ur rom photos are really nice too.
The thing u attract me the most is ur heart. Like u will only recommend things that I tried n really love. U will not accept any commercial if u feel it’s not suitable. And u r really a strong woman.. can see it when u were moving new house n studio. Lastly I know In Ur heart *if u can u will reply every single message from sweeties and u love all of us..not every influencer manage to do it. Hope u n ur families are doing good in this mco period 😘
哈咯 ChanWon , 我就好想要这份日历和grateful book 因为我是一个很喜欢用心和手写记录生活的一切 比起打字 因为我觉得有手写的东西更有意义✍🏻谢谢你的用意准备了很少女又温馨的礼物🎁 我前面开始追踪你的 一开始追踪你的理由是我喜欢你的真实和热情🌈 还有你认真回复所有sweetie的信息 其实收到你的回复是很开心的 你也很努力为我们争取优惠卷啊等等 你每个业配肯定用了很多心思去拍 每个旅行的blog 也写得很仔细 让我们读着读着就想去🤩每次看你的story 都让我笑的不行 因为太真实了😂 谢谢和团队设计出那么高品质的content ✨💋 最后恭喜你的100k ⭐️ 祝你步步高升🤪 希望可以抽中我啦 那么就可以像你一样拍美美的网照了和📝我的2021😬
ReplyDeleteig: lxxjolene
DeleteI hope to win this so that i can plan and jot down my schedule as I am a very forgetful person. I found out your reviews and recommendations very useful which makes me read your blog whenever i need them. Hooe to be the lucky winner out of 80ppls.
ReplyDeleteHi Chanwon! I want to win this because I am moving to a new house and I really want this year to be a good new start for me, and I think your minimalist calendar will fit in perfectly with my room decor 😊
ReplyDeleteI’m a new follower, the reason I decided to follow you is because you’re so pretty I love seeing your pics! But also cuz you are very real and down to earth and your stories are so funny 😂 also who can forget all the promo codes!!
My IG is amandajanellequah
DeleteCongratulations on your more than 100k followers achievements @chanwon92 💕💕 I wish to win this because you inspire me with your Never Give Up spirit and I hope I can keep a little thg of your creations ❤️❤️ Proud to be your sweetie fam❤️❤️ @henrycjt @ellalimmeichung @koaykl #chanwondotcom #chanwon100k
ReplyDeleteHi ChanWon, congrats on ur 100k followers in Instagram. Truly, I followed u since last year Jan when u did ur 2020 giveaway same way as now. That time, I didn't know so much about u. But as times go, I knew u little by little and I feel ur strong passion in life and how u develop self confidence as content creator,blogger and achieving what you have all the way until today. 2021 new year is beginning, I know I shouldn't just stop by like last year and I wish to start working on myself. And I love this giveaway so much. Not beauty products but can see the true heart u think for people who need it like me. Hope to get this and not forget happy marriage to u and ur Smelly��
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your more than 100k followers achievements @chanwon92 💕💕 I wish to win this because you inspire me with your Never Give Up spirit and I hope I can keep a little thg of your creations ❤️❤️ Proud to be your sweetie fam❤️❤️ @henrycjt @ellalimmeichung @koaykl #chanwondotcom #chanwon100k
ReplyDeleteHello Chanwon! I want to win this giveaway because I know how much time, work and efforts you've put into making it into reality! I love the minimalist aesthetic of the design and how they were all Malaysia made. The minimalist desk calendar and sweetie grateful book are perfect to us at times like this! It's easy to get carried away with troubled thoughts through problems arised due to the pandemic situation when staying at home all day. The grateful book will really help to remind me all the little things I should be grateful of having. And you know the joy you get every time you look at a cute corner of your room? Yeah that calendar on my table will make me feel like that 😂
ReplyDeleteWhat I appreciate and attract me most to continue supporting and following Chanwon is that she is so dedicated and down to earth. She faced challenges with a smile. She's honest when introducing products and services. I'm really happy when she responded to my dms even though she's busy and probably bombarded with dms daily! 🥺
Hey Chanwon, this is my first time joining this massive giveaway as I'm a new sweetie.💓 I got to know u last year during mco, when Jenn tagged u for the kitkat easy recipe challenge. You have a really positive and fun personality, you're definitely the most generous influencer I've ever seen. You're always willing to share you're beauty tips n those promo 好康 to us. You're the only one who replies my dm which I've never expected that from any 'influencer' 🥺 Ohh n most importantly, u love gudetama too!!!! 😌 Talking back about the giveaway, I really like the idea of the whole minimalist desk calendar with the sweetie grateful book. We're always complaining about how bad the current pandemic situation has affected our life and we tend to forget to appreciate the small small things in our daily life. I'll make use of this book n record down my daily happiness. Nice design for both the calender n book, they are simple yet exquisite✨ Really hope that I could win this giveaway! 🤩
ReplyDeleteCongrats Chanwon for hitting 100k ❤️ hoping to win this cause I really wanna get the merchandise that you've poured so much effort into 😄 thanks for giving so much to your followers all these years.. Very proud of your achievements and im very proud to be part of your sweetie fam.. 👏🏻 Stay strong, passionate and sincere like you've always been and continue sharing about your travels, your life with Smelly, your daily struggles, your beauty hacks, your product recommendations coz they always make my day ❤️ #chanwondotcom @chanwon92
ReplyDeleteCongrats Chanwon for hitting 100k ❤️ hoping to win this cause I really wanna get the merchandise that you've poured so much effort into 😄 thanks for giving so much to your followers all these years.. Very proud of your achievements and im very proud to be part of your sweetie fam.. 👏🏻 Stay strong, passionate and sincere like you've always been and continue sharing about your travels, your life with Smelly, your daily struggles, your beauty hacks, your product recommendations coz they always make my day ❤️ #chanwondotcom @chanwon92
ReplyDeleteHello Chanwon!
ReplyDeleteThank you for doing this giveaway to appreciate your sweeties! 😍 I'd love to win the Chanwon's Minimalist Desk Calendar as I already can imagine it sitting on the desk of my new place! It'd be so aesthetically pleasing to the eyes and sure to make our days count. ❤️ As for the Sweetie Grateful Book, I'd use it as a scrapbook to record all the 1st moments with my baby (arriving in approximately 2 months plus!) 😚.
The thing that attracted to me keep following you other than beauty and fashion,it is also because you share all the good stuffs with us and do not just keep it to yourself! #ChanwonDieDieMust is useful and practical! Thank you for always being so generous! 😘
My IG handle is shealiteh
DeleteHii Chanwon!! Although I just follow you since the 1st time MCO, that time you was having doodle live with @lovelimzy, I love the live session very much. Since then, I doodle more frequently. After following you for a period of time, I discover that you are super duper brave girl, you have your dream, you have your target to achieve, you are amazing. I hope I can be like you. This year is just about to start and I follow your HoKang, bought two products from mummygrab🙈🙈 Lastly congratulations for your 101k, this giveaway is lovely, I like books and calender very much. If I have it, I will bring it everywhere I go haha
ReplyDeleteIG: likeangggg_
DeleteHello Chanwon! This is my first time joining your massive giveaway although I had followed you for years. I always feel so mafan because need to write a lot, as I'm not a good writer. However, seeing that you have achieved the 101k followers so I'm just trying my luck to join the fun. 😆 Besides that, your limited edition calendar and book really catch my attention. I'm a calendar and planner collector. 😅 What attracted me to continuously following you is because I think you are a person that always stays true to yourself. All the brands and items that you shared are really good in terms of quality and affordable in terms of pricing. I believe these are the 2 main points that a normal medium to low earning person will look at. There’s also this one time that I felt that I'm so lucky to join your sharing about nu nature product. That was also the first time I met you in person. After that sharing, you make me feel you are just like my friend. We are almost at the same age, whatever you’ve gone through and those experiences you shared are also what I'm going thru too. Besides that, what made you stood out from the other KOLs is that you’re always humble, stay true to yourself and dedicated in what you do. Thanks for all the tips and #hokang that you always shared us! ❤️ #staysafe #stayhealthy #MassiveGiveaway x #Chanwon100K
ReplyDeleteIG username : jessica_may_jing
#chanwondotcom #Chanwon100k
IG Username: roxy.nyy
DeleteIG Username: roxy.nyy
DeleteHi Chanwon! I would like to win this because it would be great to have an aesthetically beautiful grateful book and calendar to jot down the little things in life throughout the year! Life may not be as smooth but we make will sail through it and make the best out of it! Congratulations on your 100k too! 🎉💯 enjoyed watching your stories and updates👍🏻
ReplyDeleteStay safe and remain ChanWon as usual! @chanwon92 ❤️ #chanwondotcom #Chanwon100K #MassiveGiveaway
DeleteHi Chanwon! I would like to win this because it would be great to have an aesthetically beautiful grateful book and calendar to jot down the little things in life throughout the year! Life may not be as smooth but we make will sail through it and make the best out of it! Congratulations on your 100k too! 🎉💯 enjoyed watching your stories and updates👍🏻
ReplyDeleteStay safe and remain ChanWon as usual! @chanwon92 ❤️ #chanwondotcom #Chanwon100K #MassiveGiveaway
Hi Chanwon! Congratulations on ur 100k finally! Have been followed u for many years from blogger until here IG. Really happy on ur achievement 🎉 Always love ur sharing on different perspective like travel, beauty, #diediemust , renovation tips and many more! Im so happy that u will always reply DMs of ur sweeties even though there are a lots. Its a very sweet & warm hearty to me. As I think nowadays many KOLs wont do that to their fans. I hope that I could become one of the lucky 80 sweeties to win the minimalist desk calendar & sweeties grareful book which is limited edition 🍀 I really love the concept of minimalist and I need a new 2021 calendar for my work desk. Lastly, will continue to support u as always ❤️ Pls do continue sharing with us & never stop trying!
ReplyDeleteIG: _yunchin
DeleteI would love to win this giveaway because the calendar and planner is sooo nicee!!! I can feel all the hardwork behind to produce this limited Chanwon sweetie 100k version of calendar and planner from scratch.. It must be so grateful if I'm able to get one😘😘😘.. I've been following you for quite some time, sincerely feel you are awesome. All your hardwork and effort are totally worth the supports from your chanwon sweetie fam😉😘😊😄.. I really like your personality as you are always so energetic, try your 100% effort to ensure things go well, optimistic and also "never stop trying".. 这一切都是我值得欣赏与学习的Role Model.. Lastly, Congratulations on your 100k. I believe Chanwon sweetie fam will be getting more and more 100k sooner.. Jiayou!!! Keep it up!!! 😘❤️💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻👍🏻 #Chanwon100k #chanwondotcom #MassiveGiveaway 2020 @tiwcheewei @chawhuiling @khai_siang99
ReplyDeleteCongratulations for reaching 100k!🎊🎉 The designs are so minimalist and it would be great to decorate my room with it. I became a followers few years back because of your love for Japan! 🎌 Japan is also my favourite country in the world, so seeing your stories about Japan is so near to my heart. Whenever you share about your #diediemust I will also get influenced as well! Your down to earth personality and always so nice will reply to all the Sweeties DM as well, and your photos are so aesthetic! 真的是很用心的在做!希望你的 YouTube channel 也大发!
ReplyDelete#chanwondotcom #Chanwon100k
IG: janicesn0w
DeleteIts always feel so nice to read your blog and Instagram post as well as your Instagram stories. What attracted me the most to continue following you is I love how true you are to show yourself from your daily life, work life, love life as well as recommending those products that are so so so detailed with the tips that you shared. Also, not to forget besides all the things you shared, I like to see how positive and motivated you are as well as productive in your life which it inspired me more how to be a better person. This is why I can never press the unfollow button 🙅♀️❤️
ReplyDeleteI wanna win this massive giveaway because its design is so pretty and useful throughout the year! Both Chanwon's Minimalist Desk Calendar and Sweetie Grateful Book allow me to jot down all the moments and reminding me what is going to happen as this year is a very challenging year due to the pandemic. Hence, with these both, I would like jot down my life of 2021 and to review and flashback during the end of the year. And those moment is so reminiscing 😌🥰
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIg username: jiannikam
DeleteDear Chan Won,
ReplyDeleteSeeing so many messages flooding in. I know my chance of winning is definitely hot night. Was contemplating if I should still join this massive giveaway but in the end, the eagerness in my heart won. I am not an old supporter. Only started to follow you somewhere towards the end of 2018 when I saw Aurelia Atelier reposting your IG Story. That time you had around 90k++ followers. Then I noticed you again when you attended #WeekendwithJenn I saw so many people posting about you. Indeed, you are a sweet girl. I am an avid reader. I don't act my age nor do I look my age. If I want to know about something, I would dig right deep in. Chan Won- the girl who makes me scroll down to her already 4000+ posts. The girl who made me read back at all her blogs.
I don't care if your English is good or not but I admire the fact that you dare to express your thoughts. I appreciate words therefore I do appreciate bloggers who would still write. 会写文章的女孩肯定是努力的女孩。 I could get all your messages and the things you were trying to say perfectly. In this World of today, nobody cares much about reading long passages anymore. However, the passion in you is amazing as you would work so hard to come up with great contents.
You are a person with your own level of perfections. Nothing could go green lights without your approval. I wonder what would if be if I have the chance to work with you one day. You are only two years younger than me but I feel like I have so much to learn from you. Especially when I saw that at this young age, you already have your own dream house and you achieve all these by yourself! To be frank, I am so ashamed that I couldn't even achieve half of your success.
"Never Stop Trying" Shoplooohxchanwon is one of your most successful event that I witnessed where even I am willing to dump in hundreds just to be in your shoe. I wonder how is it like to feel like Chan Won. Feeling proud and celebrating your success with you.
Again and again, I see your efforts to interact with your audience. No matter how busy you are, no matter how many days it has past, you never fail to give us a reply. You are a down to earth person Chan Won and I look to you like an inspiration.
Who says you can only look up to people who are older? It just proven that you have done it. Witnessing the whole of 2020 has messed up your plans, so many events being cancelled, limitation to your works and ideas, I feel like we are growing up with you. It is easy to just be a reader and receive all the good things/ho kang you shared to us. But, I want to applaud you for being that hardworking person who come up with all these. Today, I want to appreciate the girl who worked so hard behind. Be it all the sweats and tears, I want you to know that we are right here with you.
If I ever had the chance to win one of these, I'll make sure to put it to good use.
Once again, thank you so much for all the great contents. Best of lucks to the girl who never stop trying!
Hey Chanwon! Massive congratulations on the 100k!!! Started following you since a few years back and have been enjoying your content ever since! especially over the many MCO periods. Would love to win the giveaway to cheer myself up after a difficult year last year, and also what seems to be an equally difficult year this year. And maybe believe that good luck and fortune is still around despite the crazy times we're in. The planner and calendar looks amazing, absolutely love the mininalist design.
ReplyDeleteThanks for always staying true to yourself and continuing with the giveaway year after year! ✨✨ Have enjoyed all your content, and also the more recent ones regarding your renovation process and all the household tips!! Keep doing what you're doing, will support you always! 💖💕
Ig username: __jmacky
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete去年mco期间,在家一直观看你和limzy 的iglive。看到你把可爱的插画和当天发生的事物融合记录在你的planner让我觉得很有意义,所以我也开始写下想记录和收藏的回忆。我发现我蛮享受把当天的心情和事物透过文字抒发出来,有时候还会翻回去看看回味😆。很欣赏你对待每件事情的认真和动力,希望把每件事做的更好。你也会把温暖和开心带给身边的人,就像对我们这些sweetie都超级暖的❤我很喜欢看你和我们互动的stories, 有时候会给一些激励的话也分享很多自己周围的趣事和houkang。那句never stop trying 是我想向你学习的💪 And congrats chanwon 100k 🎉#chanwon100k
DeleteHi Chanwon, to be one of your sweetie fam years ago, I've been looking you working so hard from blog to insta and youtube, steps by steps to achieve your dream over these years. Congratulation on your 100k!! You've inspired me a lot throughout the years, with your positive thinking, willing to share out everything for us and your die die die must spirit. I learned a lot of things from you, especially Japanese culture. I wish i can be so well planned as you, to win the #hobonichitecho, a term where i learned from you, hahah!!! I will continue to support you from time to time in future💪🏻 I wish u, your teams and your loved ones health and safety. Lastly an early Happy CNY & Gong Xi Fa Cai😄 #chanwondotcom #chanwon100k
ReplyDeleteIG: anneliese16❤️
DeleteCongrats on your milestone and 100K ���� I love how minimalist the design is and how we can decorate this in our room. We can also use this planner to set goals and doodle what we have learnt from your IG Live! �� Been following you for all the ho kang you grab for us and down to earth person to reply each and every DM to your sweetie fam. Thanks for thinking of us and happy CNY!!
ReplyDeleteHi @chanwon,at first congratulations on your 100k😘 I hope I could win this minimalist desk calendar and sweetie grateful book is because I wish I could have this gift as my motivation every day. Since I follow you from 2017 I never skip every of your ig story, blogpost and of course YouTube channel, I really like the things that you sharing and one of my dream is to meet and become friend with you. I really accept and respect your attitude and perspective, NEVER STOP TRYING is became my motivation quote too😊 And I felt I’m lucky and never regret become one of the sweetie. And do you know you actually inspired me a lot with your positive perspective and ever since I follow you I start to writing planner every week to plan and record down every of my to do list and because of this habits, I myself change a lot and I would thanks to you. Those are the reason that attract me to follow you until now and never stop and unfollow. You are the only one person that I wish to learning from. And hope you well during this hard period of time, jia you 💪💪 stay safe
ReplyDeleteLast but not least Early happy Chinese New Year to you and your family,team. 👍🥰🥰
Hi @chanwon my ig name is @adelinechong328 ya thanks
My IG is chloeweiiii ;)
Delete我想要赢取Chanwon's Minimalist Desk Calendar + Sweetie Grateful Book因为这是你第一次那么用心制作的礼物给大家而且很多纪念价值。你每次的直播都散发着正能量而且喜欢你灿烂的笑容还有你说话不做作,都是很自然的带给粉丝很多欢乐。你IG拍的结婚照片也是很漂亮感觉你很幸福而且是个很努力的女生积极的追求梦想很用心的分享很多好康给粉丝还每次带很多福利给大家有你在的地方肯定有欢乐希望你继续保持你的正能量带给大家快乐也祝你新婚快乐和老公永远都那么恩爱白头偕老。
ReplyDeleteIG: jrainbowxx00
WHY WANNA? I really love your idea of having a Grateful book. It's a great idea to jot down the things we are grateful about everyday which make us more appreciative and happier. WHAT ATTRACTS MOST TO CONTINUE FOLLOWING YOU? You are genuine and have a very good sense of humour - really makes me laugh a lot whenever I browse through your IG stories.
ReplyDeleteIG: only_py
DeleteCongratulations on ur 100k Chanwon 😍 Always love to read us sharings...u r one of the influencer who r so kind n generous in sharing ur experience and hao kang tou.. U can write in so details what u know.. Just like ur recent Taobao furniture post and many more.. And most importantly u will replied to our DM even some small little questions! Happy for ur achievement.. Trying my luck to win this giveaway.. Hehe.. The notebook n calendar is really nice and minimalist.. Love it so much ❤️ I want to win this becoz I love journalling.. Hope I can write in all my dreams and new plan in it.. Can't imaging how beautiful it will be to hv one my the table in my new room which is pink.. Match the minimalist calendar so much 😍 Appreciate ur effort Chanwon #chanwondotcom #chanwon100k #massivegiveaway
ReplyDeleteIG: peggycpc
Hi Chanwon. Congratulations on your marriage and achievements. I actually bought some of the things which you recommended when I need it. This is because you actually try and only share good stuffs to your sweetie. It was good. Thank you for those reviews. :) I would like to have this because I actually started to write what happen on my life on a daily basis but I have yet to find a good journal for me to jot down. Generally, I just print out on a paper and write on it. Thank you in advance if you chose me as one of the winner ^.^
ReplyDeleteHi Chanwon, first of all your grateful book is an interesting way to record grateful things everyday and its so pretty <3. the calendar is also very instaworthy OMG. I'm still following you because you are the most honest sharing blogger and your recommendations are all very good. You also always interact with sweeties and give alot of HO KANG to us hehe. Love you gao gao <3 #MassiveGiveaway x #Chanwon100K
ReplyDeletemy ig username is michelle_loiyitin
Delete我好想要赢到这份礼物因为是我最喜欢的Chanwon精心设计的 很有ins风格 要买都买不到XD 会持续的follow你是因为觉得你是很可爱又努力的小姐姐 对待人事物都很真诚 还有还有就喜欢看你分享diediemust buy items 很赞 都是好料🤣💙
ReplyDeleteHi Chanwon, I wana win it cos I love how you and your team design this grateful book so that we can learn to appreciate and tell grateful with little things around us and I hope I can get it so that I can start practicing it everyday. Besides, I love how simple and nice are you that you’re willing to share unconditionally to us all the Ho kang and promos, and yet you’re such a kind and patient person to learn from. Thank you so love chanwon. Stay safe and take care ya.
ReplyDeleteIG Name: amilymay
Delete我真的非常需要一本可以记录生活大小的calendar Book! 因为疫情的关系,我第一年没有收到有得写写下来的calendar book ! 这个giveaway 根本非常符合喜欢文具系列&爱记录事物的你💕 很喜欢你的一直进步,突破自己,还有正能量满满的你❤️加油✨
ReplyDeleteDear Chanwon, I continue to follow you it is because I saw you're genuine and truthful. I believe who we follow can influence how we become. Your content are relatable as it is not super-high-end porch items nor low grade cheap items. You recommend what you feel is good no matter the price nor the brand. I always trust your recommendations because I bought what u recommend and I loved it. Meeting you in person really confirmed my perception about you because you're modest and friendly, even my mum loves to see your instagram content (sorry she doesn't know how to read blogs). She always tell me you're pretty, sweet, the things you have are aesthetically pleasing! Sometimes she even ask me to learning from you, especially your simple make up! She even ask me to get some ideas on your ChanwonHome because it's minimalist and comfortable. In addition, I am someone who is constantly thankful and blessed with what I have, 要知足,因为现在有的,不一定以后会有,就像和家人,朋友的时间。I do jot down my memories in a planner as well since 2016 but of course, not as beautiful as yours. I believe having the grateful book to jot down my memories in such minimalist and simple way, will in a way motivate me to be better and I can keep them book by book each year! Thank you Chanwon for having this massive giveaway every year and congratulations for your 100k followers! ❤️ #Chanwondotcom #Chanwon100k
ReplyDelete我呢是去年才开始关注你的,我是在limzy的doodle live看到你的哦,看到你很可爱,说话很有趣很有自己的想法,而且英文说的特别好,所以我就follow了你.我想说我可以透过你们的live和story练习我的英文的listening和speaking.但是在follow你过后发现你是个很努力很勇敢的女孩,也很开朗和乐观,看到你有属于自己的房子,而且装修阿,家具阿都是自己去找人,有什么事都自己解决,换成是我的话可能没那么敢,所以你就成为了我的力量,我也想有天能像你一样努力勇敢,尤其是开朗。因为我不是个很开朗的人,很多事我都会往坏的一面去想,所以我的朋友大部分都是很开朗很乐观的人,让他们能够感染我
WooHoo! Congratulations on hitting 100k, ChanWon, and I'm pretty sure with all the creative and inspirational contents that u created for us Sweetie Fans, the numbers will keep on increasing and increasing, until u also cannot believe it. This is the prove of how many readers and followers loves loves loves your content and sharing! and I'm one of it! hehe. So, BACK2theGIVEAWAY Q#1, I wanna WIN this Giveaway because this is your 用心准备 eh Present for your sweetieFAM. As a Sweetie Fans, definitely I wanna have it too! <3 <3
ReplyDeleteQ#2, I enjoys reading all ur blogs and posts (Stories or Instagram post), which is the ONE reason I CANNOT STOP Following you lor. hahaha! your HoKang, ChanWonDieDiemust, minimal concepts ideas and inspiration, and all the creative contents you created from ur blood n sweats, etc etc etc are all the reason I MUST MUST keep following you!
HOPE I can WINNNN this Giveaway from you this round! past few years boh win tiok. haha! but WIN or not, still Appreciate you spending ur time, sweats, efforts, and heart to do this for us Sweetie Fans. XOXO
Instagram: JessLooi
DeleteHi Chanwon! Wish you Happy New Year!
很想要得到你这一次送给你sweeties 们的giveway 礼物🎁,原因是我真的超喜欢,第一看上就爱上,当然看到你对这份小礼物的用心,准备和心思!看了真的有sweet sweet 的感觉 ,超适合sweeties 们的! (虽然你每次的giveaway 都很想得到😅)
会一直follow 和继续的follow 你,因为你很常分享很多的chanwon hokang 给sweeties 们,😂😂😂
也会一直给很多的正能量给sweeties 们!每次看了之后都满满满满的正能量!
也希望你一直把这份正能量保持下去!会一直follow 你到你当妈妈 当婆婆 当太婆😍😍!
最后想对你说加油chanwon!谢谢chanwon! 我也荣幸能成为你的sweeties之一 !爱你😘
Ig :ererlimhongli
DeleteHey Chanwon, congratulations on your 100K!! 💗 This is my first time commenting on a blog, it’s so nerve wracking!! Although I only followed you recently but I found that your blog, insta stories, and your youtube videos are REALLY REALLY GREAT!! 🥺❤️ I really like the contents your share, especially about beauty and fashion!! Through your youtube video, I actually discovered a local clothing brand, Shoploooh (and many other brands!)! Their clothes are so pretty! I wanted to get all their clothes so badly AHAHHA thanks for your sharing! Besides, I found that you’re a really sweet person! When I watched your videos, I found that you will actually reply to everyone’s comment which really surprised me! thank u so much for always sharing all the promos! I think what is the things that attracts me to follow you the most is that you continue to inspire me in many ways. From never stop trying to all your sharing and not to mention your blogs! Really love all the content! :D
ReplyDeleteAs for why i wanna win the calender/planner/journal is bcs its rlly pretty and minimalist! I really enjoyed journalling so i think that if I’m lucky enough to get the journal, I’ll be able to journal on it!! hehe Also, the design is so gorgeous! It’s so lovely 😭❤️
With love,
IG: lokkyii
ReplyDelete首先我想要恭喜你获得了100k的sweeties关注热度👏🏻我一开始是因为你的坦诚相待性格从而开始关注你的💐慢慢就是看chanwondiediemust推荐的接一连二▶️如dr.wu, sofy日本超熟睡系列, bioderma, canmake, hisamitsu酸痛贴, nunature等等⚠️从而连续入坑🥇真心觉得你的这些推荐都实惠且cp值超高👍🏻接下来就到了你与你丈夫smelly从以前大学在一起的经历到你们2020年尾声的注册仪式👫🏻说实在我有被感动到🥲感觉就像在观看一场人生温馨励志电影一样🎆最后我想说自己希望能够得到你这份细心耐心与耐力并用的这份礼物, 作为我人生中其中一个转折点的幸运物品🙏🏻希望我能够像你一样为自己的人生而努力奋斗, 用自己的能力让自己关爱的人们都能够幸福快乐生活((哪怕一点点也好🌻感恩🌷
I always shy to comment on your post or direct message to you. But this note book and calendar too attractive liao, cannot d, must confess my love to you 😅😂
ReplyDeleteI want to win this limited merchandise simply it’s just because it’s from you! It was your idea and you make it real. I’m amazed you always committed to your idea and work. Your effort is precious and priceless. The calendar simply put at one corner also make the environment nice ambience. I like every details you put on the notebook and calendar. I always amazed your hardworking and never give up power.
Nowadays, people tend to use online diary and record their life, but I feel like handwriting is different one, when you flip back what have happened in life, this feeling not the same for those online diary. 手写的温度. World changing everyday, some classic should be kept.
Have been following you quite some time until I can’t recall when I start follow you. I think I start follow you is because I saw you from Cheesie Instagram.
Once I followed for some time, I realize, you always move yourself further, keep improve and got a lot of idea on head. Little by little, you achieve what you want and this makes me feel like I followed a right person. Felt motivated by you.
For me, you really very 拼命, no matter how complicated is that thing, you will try your very best make it perfect. Like you do learn dancing, learn piano play for smelly, make sure the product you promote is really die die chanwon approved only introduced to sweetie. 严格把关.
You always be yourself, loyal to yourself, thanks for not losing yourself. Because you are real, you make me feel like influencer also can be very affability, approachable.
No matter how busy you are, you will at least put a love or reply our comment or dm. Then very patient reply. Really appreciate your time. And your reply won’t like cincai reply, you really take time and reply like friend like that.
You always smile and laugh even though life may be hard? Especially with this pandemic, must be not easy for you, as your job might be limited and you got a team to work with.
Congratulation on this milestone and thanks for always pampering your sweeties.
Hope there is 200k, 500k and more sweeties joining this big family❤️
Can’t wait small chanwon or smelly in future.
#chanwondotcom #Chanwon100K
IG: shifong
DeleteThe reason why I want to win the journal is because I love the minimalistic design and I'm huge fan of stationary and anything journal related. Would love to use it for journalling.
ReplyDeleteThe reason I follow you actually started when I saw you on one of cheesie post. Checked out yr account and the content was so pretty. I became a follower since then. I love how you always try to reply to fans questions/comments and recommend us tips, promos etc for items you feel is worth sharing. It's very heartwarming. I think of a recent ish post where you posted about gudetama and I went and got one cuz I'm a fan 😂. Appreciate all the things you do for us sweetie fans. Congratulations on 100k and thanks for hosting a massive giveaway every year.❤
#Chanwom100k #MassiveGiveaway #Chanwondotcom
IG: marixo7
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi Chanwon, congratulation on your success on hitting 100k on Instagram! Wish to get this cute and minimal giveaway book. It looks so high quality and the design looks very pretty from the cover. I have followed you for some times and I love how you always gives real and true comments. Especially when you gives comments in a very straightforward way and sometimes I found it's very funny and it really make my days. After looking at your post, fb live about Canmake, I really fall in love in their products. Everytime when they release new items, I will just let my money go to Canmake. xD Thanks for always share fun, inspiring, quality contents with full of information and tips about fashion, beauty and also lifestyle. They're so useful and I wish you can keep posting and always do the things you enjoy.
ReplyDeleteBy Sweeties.❤️ IG : @1024_qian
首先要恭喜你创造了自己的Haptive品牌,reach了100k follower,还有终于和smelly结为夫妻❤️ 虽然我没有journaling的习惯,可是我很想赢到你的grateful book因为想在新的一年里记录起全部好的事情,心情低落的时候翻回肯定会让自己更加感恩所有发生的事情。再加上里头的monthly planner很好用,我超喜欢一眼看完整个月需要做的事情。而且毕竟这个也是你辛辛苦苦策划的product,也用了本地的suppliers所以特别有意义!那当然日历和grateful book两个都超minimalist也超级优雅美丽!! 从我中学到现在大学毕业我都在follow你,我觉得你的真诚是我一直都在follow你的原因❤️ 而且想说你真的是唯一一个influencer可以influence到我买东西的因为我真的很相信你分享的东西!谢谢你每次都那么真心分享,所以我从来没有怀疑过你分享的东西或是觉得需要进一步research关于你分享的好康!也谢谢你每次帮sweeties争取promocode呵呵。很喜欢你的照片,你的用心,你无数的beauty/ fashion/ travel/ house tips,你很real地每天都分享你周边发生的事情。我也很欣赏你去旅行时也不忘把全部东西记录下来分享给大家,虽然现在疫情关系不能旅行可是之前我plan trip的时候都会去找你分享的地方等等。超级羡慕你和cheesie一起去日本旅行的!也谢谢你在mco和limzy的doodling iglive,真的太疗愈了。除了ig我也有一直在看你的youtube哦,而且也看到content和剪辑都在进步!我会一直follow你的 ❤️
ReplyDeleteIG: @wanqing_
Hi chanwon💞
ReplyDeleteFirst of all,
Congratulations on your 100k!! 😍Actually I didn't want to share out as it's make it sad to think about it but bohuat I die die must win this!! Year 2020 was the worst year for me, not even pandemic, I lost my loved one, that's my Dad. Suffering from cancer, he passed away. Why didn't he wait until I graduate on 2021??🥺 Everything just happened in sudden. Starting this year 2021, I plan everything, spend time and money wisely, just to not burden my family and graduate successfully for my last year. That's why I hope to write down my goals and everything in this book especially that's the unique and meaningful giveaway from you, Chanwon The idea of calender too perfect Your determination, effort and humble, attracts me so much!!! Every single part you shared motivates me a lot. Thanks for being a real role model in life Congratulations for your ROM too and I can't wait to see little Chanwon soon😝🥺
Stay safe there #Chanwon 100k #Massive Giveaway #chanwondotcom #chanwondiediemust #chanwonhome
Ig username: angelineooi98
Hi chanwon, thank you for having this giveaway for ur follower 😊 i wish to have the desk calendar and planner is because of the creative design with chanwon's effort in creating it and most important is limited edition 😊 有钱都买不到 😂..what attracts me to follow u is ur friendly personality..because u smile to me when i first saw u in uni corridor.. secondly is u always share quality products or services to us, thanks for ur recommendation to us on skin house..i've been loyal customer there for more than 3 yrs and my skin used to be in a very bad condition🥲..and i like you always share to us ur personal life and experience..thank you for everything ❤ my ig acc is @slwon
ReplyDeleteIG: theyuanting
ReplyDeleteHi Chanwon (my IG story supplier who let me have a good time to enjoy your sharing every day after working in the firm for whole day)! 🙈 你应该是唯一一位可以让你的Sweeties的男朋友记得的blogger🤩 Do you know that every time seeing you who have been working hard in order to achieve your goal gives me strong motivation to do better in my life? 挺欣赏你对待生活的样子✨ 认真去学你想学的东西,比如弹琴、跳舞,看着你一步一步从不太会到现在可以跳很棒的cover,和smelly很温馨地一起弹钢琴☺️ Never Stop Trying 💕
On a side note, I wish to win the exclusive merchandise because it’s too pretty and I really wanna have it🤩 其实我物色planner很久但是还没找到一个自己真正喜欢的,当我看到这个的时候直接眼睛亮亮🌟☺️
#chanwondotcom #Chanwon100K
IG: iamjustvola
ReplyDeleteDear Chan Won,
Seeing so many messages flooding in. I know my chance of winning is definitely hot night. Was contemplating if I should still join this massive giveaway but in the end, the eagerness in my heart won. I am not an old supporter. Only started to follow you somewhere towards the end of 2018 when I saw Aurelia Atelier reposting your IG Story. That time you had around 90k++ followers. Then I noticed you again when you attended #WeekendwithJenn I saw so many people posting about you. Indeed, you are a sweet girl. I am an avid reader. I don't act my age nor do I look my age. If I want to know about something, I would dig right deep in. Chan Won- the girl who makes me scroll down to her already 4000+ posts. The girl who made me read back at all her blogs.
I don't care if your English is good or not but I admire the fact that you dare to express your thoughts. I appreciate words therefore I do appreciate bloggers who would still write. 会写文章的女孩肯定是努力的女孩。 I could get all your messages and the things you were trying to say perfectly. In this World of today, nobody cares much about reading long passages anymore. However, the passion in you is amazing as you would work so hard to come up with great contents.
You are a person with your own level of perfections. Nothing could go green lights without your approval. I wonder what would if be if I have the chance to work with you one day. You are only two years younger than me but I feel like I have so much to learn from you. Especially when I saw that at this young age, you already have your own dream house and you achieve all these by yourself! To be frank, I am so ashamed that I couldn't even achieve half of your success.
"Never Stop Trying" Shoplooohxchanwon is one of your most successful event that I witnessed where even I am willing to dump in hundreds just to be in your shoe. I wonder how is it like to feel like Chan Won. Feeling proud and celebrating your success with you.
Again and again, I see your efforts to interact with your audience. No matter how busy you are, no matter how many days it has past, you never fail to give us a reply. You are a down to earth person Chan Won and I look to you like an inspiration.
Who says you can only look up to people who are older? It just proven that you have done it. Witnessing the whole of 2020 has messed up your plans, so many events being cancelled, limitation to your works and ideas, I feel like we are growing up with you. It is easy to just be a reader and receive all the good things/ho kang you shared to us. But, I want to applaud you for being that hardworking person who come up with all these. Today, I want to appreciate the girl who worked so hard behind. Be it all the sweats and tears, I want you to know that we are right here with you.
If I ever had the chance to win one of these, I'll make sure to put it to good use.
Once again, thank you so much for all the great contents. Best of lucks to the girl who never stop trying!
Congratulations once again for your well deserved 100K
#chanwondotcom #Chanwon100k
恭喜你的100k 追蹤你都9年了 看著你每一年都在成長進步真的很棒 😍 很喜歡你不做作很做自己 你分享的旅行護膚彩妝細節都寫得很細心很用心很有用 🙆🏻♀️ 還有很喜歡的 #chanwondiediemust #chanwonapproved 😍 祝你新婚快乐 期待你更多新作品新影片 🙆🏻♀️
ReplyDeleteIg: chantellecycy
Hi Chanwon I know the contest rule allows me to copy and paste my ig comment but I would love to leave you a different comment as a token of appreciation for your love towards us ❤️ thank you for holding this 100k giveaway. I love how you are always finding ways to give back and reward your readers and followers by sharing your life, tips, must buy items also yearly giveaway etc. I continue following you because I can see you genuinely love sharing good things in life with us. ❤️ And I find your post always relatable and sincere. I would love to win this giveaway because I would like to remember this milestone with you hahaha grown up with you all these years also I hope to improve myself in learning to be appreciative and grateful for simple things in life and make every day count! ❤️❤️❤️ #NeverStopTrying #chanwondotcom #chanwon100k IG:shienlin
ReplyDelete从MCO 1.0 18/3/20 到现在都一直都在 Work From Home. 以前在公司很依赖桌子上的日历,喜欢把大大小小的事务记录下来。虽然email 里有calendar 这个功能,但觉得用不同颜色的笔和自己的笔迹更能让我有动力完成订下来的目标。我想要拥有你精心为sweeties 们准备的 Desk Calendar 和 Grateful Book, 这样就算有MCO 3.0 4.0 我都可以把2021 过得充充实实 🥰
ReplyDelete会让我继续follow 你下去的原因是你的真实与态度。我不是一个会追星/追网红/追博主... 的人,但是在机缘巧合下一位朋友分享了你介绍的 #diediemust 我也从此就爱上你了。觉得你这个 blogger 很真实,很做自己。你不会改变你的原则和态度来迎合任何人 👍 还有你对 sweeties 们也太认真了!有时QnA sweetie 的一个问题你可以用几十个stories 去回,这个态度与认真我喜欢!因为你真的在分享你的看法,而不是敷衍了事有回就算。
希望真实的你在2021一切顺利!我会继续在后面做你的小小粉丝 🥰
IG: clary_0510
Hi Chanwon,
ReplyDeleteI know I am kinda late to do so, but I think you will remember me more? Hahha! Thanks for being you and thanks for replying msg on Instagram whenever I DM you, many influencers won’t do so but you will do it and I really appreciate that a lot! Why I like you and follow you until now is because of your genuine sharing, your love towards us! Still remember when I see you during meet & greet, you are so friendly and nice! Hope to have meet & greet to see you soon again after this pandemic! Your kindness gestures on this giveaway really really awesome, I mean you don’t have to do this for us but you still do it every year! Thank you once again ❤️❤️❤️
IG: sinnxian
Oops! I forgot to add on why I wanna win it, I wanna win it to jot down every moments in my life and it will remind me of you whenever I use it cause is from you 🥰
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ReplyDeleteDear Chanwon,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on ur 100k followers!!❤️ U definitely deserves all the love and support.
I want to win the desk calendar and planner is because of the minimalist design and also its limited edition with all ur endeavour and love in designing it so its really precious. Hmm let me think what attracts me to follow you? It's definitely your personality, watching your ig stories and post will really lighten my day. You're always so easy going and i really love your laugh!!hahaha and also you're constantly challenging yourself and improve yourself which really inspired me to be a better person even the others is judging on what you are trying to do. Not to mention you're always so genuine and to sweeties!! I've tried almost 90% of your #Chanwondiediemust and it never disappoints me!! All the best and thank you for all the great content. Keep going and i will support you ❤️❤️❤️
#chanwondotcom #chanwon100k
IG: esly.k__
Found out about your Instagram by chance when I was scrolling Ig back in 2018. Looking back at the times where you collaborated with KISSA to launch CNY clothes and I die die sit in front of laptop kiasu cant get the clothes I want. Then wah so lucky u come to skin house JB to have the insta picnic, I straight sign up for it cause chanwon 介绍的不会错, and i know you always want your sweetie 跟你一起美美哒❤️ Seeing you achieve so much stuff every year and now even come out with planner for the 100k giveaway!! You are indeed a great role model and proven if you think you can, you sure can! Cant wait to see little chanwon coming out soon. Stay sweet sweet! ❤️
ReplyDeleteI hope I will win the limited edition planner cause I have a tough time looking for a nice planner 😭❤️
Ig: pingmay
Hi Chanwon. Would love to win your grateful book & desk calendar because it’s from you 😂 It’s insta worthy too, super love the minimalist design. That is so you! For the grateful book, I wish to have it because sometimes I feel like giving up my life. It would be helpful if I can always remind myself by writing down every things that I am grateful of. I follow you because you are you. Always honest & genuine Chanwon. Been following you since 2016 I guess and always loving your #diediemusthavechanwon 😂 All the best Chanwon in your life! Keep sharing and doing what youre doing :) I will always be rooting for you.
ReplyDelete#chanwondotcom #chanwon100k
IG: @anisnashwa
Hi Chanwon,
ReplyDeleteFirst of all congratulations on your 100K! More to come as well as your upcoming great contents hehe! Time flies really fast than blink eyes that I am following you more than 5 years, seeing you getting more feminine and I start grown-up too, not sure when will have the chance but hopefully I could able to meet you for the second time or (maybe?) can work with you one day🤩 I am soooo happy when I saw the release of this Chanwon's Minimalist Desk Calendar + Sweetie Grateful Book giveaway, really hope that I could win away this amazed yet useful merchandise🥺 I think this is much more worthy than just giving beauty products as this could guide us to plan our future target and goals, so we will gain more money faster to buy beauty products hahahaha🤣 Also I never won any giveaway hosted by you since I have participated so many times🤣 Okay long story short, the most attractive that makes me continue to follow you is you always “never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished.” 13 years of blogging you still treat your sweeties and people around you sincerely even you have gone through lot’s of reality things. You put effort more than others because you know you are not born with perfection, just focus on your journey and here you are today, not the most successful women but you won’t regret on your hard work paid off, and this truly admired and inspired us! Keep it up and we will continue supporting you all the way.❤️
#chanwondotcom #chanwon100k
Insta: lynnnnlim
ReplyDeleteHi Chanwon,
First, congrats on the achievement! 4 years ago I came crossed your IG account and blog and is still a loyal reader and mini fan of you. I'm always awed by how you go all out to create content and not forgetting the honest reviews that you will always leave for your sweeties. I do look forward to browsing your IG stories and content to see what's up and never a dull moment.
I also remember planning my trip to Japan in 2020, I had limited time to browse through the internet to see what are the things I'll need to cover - and I immediately thought of your blog. Now you see how an amazing influencer you are leh hahaha! But at the end of the day, I would like to thank you for always being you and upmost honest in all your reviews so we know <3 Will always have you in my top list of go-to influencers :)
Also before I end, I would like to win this Chanwon's Minimalist Desk Calendar + Sweetie Grateful Book as a gift to kickstart my year 2021. Besides just being a stationary addict like you bahaha, I would like to take this opportunity to really put a planner and calendar into good use to plan the year ahead :D
Nevertheless, thank you for coming up with such a sweet gift and giveaway for all os us. Lotsa love to you!
#chanwondotcom #chanwon100k